The Avalon Of Five Elements
  • Autor
    Fang Xiang方想
  • Nomes Alternativos
    Day of the Five Elements Five Way Heaven Wuxingtian 五行天
  • Origem
    Qidian International
  • Status

The Avalon Of Five Elements


The tens of thousands of universes have merged. The disintegration of spiritual force led to the momentous collapse of the great Cultivation World, a mighty era that had endured through millions of years of history. In the wake of the large-scale invasion of the Wilderness, the Avalon of Five Elements has become the practitioners’ last stand.

After a thousand years, a lowly youth, who hailed from the Old Territory, toiled as a laborer for three years in the depths of the Wilderness. He ... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 715: The End

    1 year atrás
  2. Chapter 714: Human-head Tree

    1 year atrás
  3. Chapter 713: Village of Rest

    1 year atrás
  4. Chapter 712: Monster

    1 year atrás
  5. Chapter 711: Snowfall

    1 year atrás

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