Chapter 895 - A Mad Decision

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 895: A Mad Decision

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Yes, sir! Shenlong is now in position!” said the vice-commander.

“Very good,” Nie Shilong commented, eyes glinting with determination. He then stood up his seat and bellowed commandingly, “Attention, all man to battle stations! All aircraft is to take off immediately and commence seek-and-destroy on all enemy’s vessels!”

“Shenlong is heading into the frontlines. We are going to destroy all enemy vessels, both on and underwater!”

“Codename Poseidon is to launch all attacks on enemy sea vessels closest to us. Let them know who are they messing with!”

“Aye, sir!” every one that was in the bridge cheered on and proceeded to do their work.

The aircraft carrier’s engine whirled loudly before pushing the ship at maximum speed. The alien fighter jets that were onboard the aircraft carrier were quickly manned. Once the pilot was in, the landing strip lit with green light, signaling the go-sign. One by one, in an orderly manner, the fighter jets took off at breakneck speed and into the air.

Not long after the birds were released, the rain of missiles, sent by the European forces, were detected by radar. Before those missiles could strike any of the four Corvettes, the aircraft carrier that they were protecting, started to react. Cannons unfolded out from the flight deck and aimed up high in the air. Those were the alien Anti-Air Projectile Interceptors that were used purposely to destroy any incoming missile attack.


The missiles were exploded high in the air, shot down by Anti-Air Projetile Interceptors.

“General Nie, the enemy is sending out their fighters! They are heading towards us!’ cried the operators. The radar that came with the ship was so advanced that they literally had eyes on everything close to them! Nothing that the enemies do could escape their oversight!

“Heh, come one come a hundred, we will turn them all into junks!” said Nie Shilong, laughing sinisterly. As soon as the jets had taken off, a huge beam flashed past the sea and struck the landing strip, destroying it and part of the ship!

“Time to show them who’s boss!” said Nie Shilong.

“Destroy them all!”

The aircraft carrier, codename Poseidon, activated all its light cannons. From afar, the ship looked like a porcupine that was capable of firing deadly light beams. Its powerful beam weapons were so strong and powerful that it could target more than 20 ships at a time.

The enemy’s fight jets that were destroyed in the air, came down crashing on the ships, damaging many of the other fighter jets that had yet to take off.

“What’s going on?”

“How are we attacked?”

“My God, what the hell is happening?”

All the personnel on and in the ships panicked when it started to rain broken fighter parts.

“Can someone, for the love of God, please tell me what is going on?” Clark roared. All the fighter jets that had just gotten into the air were shot down by an unknown force. The worst part of all, they could not even detect where it was coming from.

“We don’t know, sir! Based on the fall trajectory and the direction of the strike, we calculated that the attack came from where the four Corvette class ships were!” said one of the operators.

“Damn! Did they already develop long-ranged weapons?” Clark muttered to himself. If the Chinese had already developed powerful energy-based weapons, America would be destroyed as they had not even developed their own!

“I want all ships to point their guns at those four bloody ships! Destroy them now!” Clark barked. Even though his fleet was under attack, the man was still calm. After all, the enemy only had four Corvette class ships. It’s 5 against 1. There was no reason for him to panic.

The only qualms he had in his mind right then was Halsey’s fleet. He knew that the Chinese’s main naval fleet was heading their way and if they did actually developed powerful energy-based weapons, Halsey and his fleet would be in trouble.

As soon as he had that thought, Clark ordered one of his men to contact Halsey.

“Captain! Commander Halsey is not responding!”

Concurrently, Halsey’s fleet was just attacked by the Z9 Special Assault Team. Halsey’s ship was attacked three times and because of that, the commander had to change ships multiple times. That was why Clark could not reach him directly.

“Continue trying! Inform me at once when he picks up the call!” Clark barked.

“Sir!” Not two minutes later, one of the operators came running towards him.

“What’s wrong? Did Halsey answered?”

“No, sir… It’s one of our aircraft carriers… Eagle 1 has been destroyed!” said the operators with a face of disbelief.

“Eagle 1? How is that possible? Eagle 1 is supposed to be at the edge of the blockade! Did their missiles hit them?” Clark asked, sharing the same expression of disbelief.

“No, sir… Intel indicates that the ship was destroyed by a long-ranged energy-based weapon. The ship was literally cut in half!”

“So it’s true then!” Clark snapped. However, before he could digest that information, another operator came with bad news.

“Sir! Eagle 1, Eagle 2… All Eagles have been destroyed!”

Clark rose from his seat mechanically. The Eagle fleet had several battlecruisers and aircraft carriers. He could not understand how the Chinese were capable of destroying more than ten ships at such a short amount of time.

“Commander! USS Warthon is hit!

“Commander! USS Warthon’s aircraft carrier is destroyed!”

“Sir! EUS Milan is down!”

One by one, operators shouted all the ships that were destroyed. Every time they shouted, Clark felt a jolt of electricity down his spine. It felt like someone was punishing him. He had no idea that the outcome of this naval war would turn out this way.

When Clark was stumped, the entire ship budged, knocking off everyone from their seats.

“Commander! We are under attack! Sensors indicate that we are currently being targeted!”

“Damage report!”

“We have sustained critical hull damage but our engine and armory are still intact. We are still safe but the ship is starting to sink! We need to start the evacuation procedure!” cried the chief operator that was sitting right next to him.

“The gig is up. We are being fooled into coming here! The damn Chinese! They had us fooled!” Clark roared.

The chief operator recognized that the commander was no longer fit to take command and immediately took over.

“Attention to men! Abandon ship! I repeat! Abandon ship!” cried the chief operator as he yelled into the main ship broadcast.

Without hesitation, the man literally dragged Clark, still stunned to his soul, out of the ship with a safety vest strapped to his body and onto another ship.

When Clark was safely moved to a new ship, the American Pacific Navy Force was skimmed by more than 30%. The Joint-European Navy Force had it worse. Besides a few heavily damaged Corvette ships, all of their battlecruisers and aircraft carriers were sunk to the bottom of the sea.

That was just the first wave of attack by a single Chinese aircraft carrier. They had singlehandedly taken down more than 10 ships, excluding other ships that were taken down by waves of cannons. By then, Clark understood one thing, they had no chance at defeating the Chinese.

When he finally came to, Clark rushed to the new ship’s command bridge and set up broadcast to all allied ships within the area.

“Retreat back! Get every available ship out of Chinese’s water!”

He then turned to his vice-commander and said, “Contact the pentagon and tell them to nuke China! We are looking at the fall of the entire United States of America!”

“Nu-nu-nu-nuke them, sir? If we launch a nuclear strike, we will be escalating this war to a national level!”

“If we don’t nuke them, the world will be ruled by the Chinese! Don’t you understand? If they can destroy us without taking a single scratch, who’s to say they would not attack Washington?! We cannot afford to let them do that!” Clark roared with determination.

“…Alright,” the vice-commander nodded his head.