Chapter 2020

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2020: Chapter 2016: General Attack Begins

Translator: 549690339

After subduing Malekki, Zhu Peter became even more insignificant to Jiang Fei. As long as Malekki left a copy of his program, there would not be any problems with the operation of the empire.

However, Jiang Fei did not kill Zhu Peter just because of that. Although the operation of the empire could be handled by Malekki, leaving Zhu Peter as a puppet could calm the people’s hearts, this would allow the big shots in the merchant alliance to not do anything drastic in their panic.

“Alright! My dear speaker, you can now go and prepare to ascend the throne,”Jiang Fei turned around and smiled at Zhu Peter.

“Plop!”Zhu Peter did not say anything and directly knelt in front of Jiang Fei. The fat on his face suddenly trembled and cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

Although Jiang Fei was smiling, Zhu Peter was extremely nervous. He knew that he was at a fork in the road. If he walked to the right place, he would be the emperor of the Universe Empire. Although he was a puppet, he would still be glorious, however, if he walked to the wrong place, he would definitely be doomed.

At that moment, because Jiang Fei had obtained Malachi, he no longer needed a capable puppet. What he needed now was an obedient puppet, therefore, Zhu Peter knew very well what he needed to show in front of Jiang Fei.

“General, from today onwards, I, Zhu Peter, will be your most loyal guard dog. When you are not around, I will help you guard your house and protect your business. When you come back, I will stand by and admire your heroism!”As Zhu Peter spoke, he even went to kiss the tip of Jiang Fei’s shoe.

“Urgh…”Jiang Fei almost vomited when he saw Zhu Peter’s shameless behavior. However, Jiang Fei was very satisfied that Zhu Peter was so tactful.

“Alright, let’s go out!”Jiang Fei smiled. Then, he grabbed Zhu Peter’s shoulder and teleported out of the underground base of the palace.

“General, what should we do next?”Zhu Peter asked carefully.

“Announce the death of Rivendell to the public. You will serve as the president of the country. I will support you on behalf of the military. In that case, I think no one will object. Meanwhile, the operation of the Empire will continue as usual. Let Malekki handle it. After some time, you will be able to ascend the throne!”Said Jiang Fei.

“I will listen to you!”Said Zhu Peter with a smile. Although he was a little eager to ascend the throne, now that Rivendell had passed away, he was in a hurry to ascend the throne. It would not be nice to say this out loud, moreover, he did not dare to go against Jiang Fei’s wishes. Therefore, he could only endure it for now.

After returning to Peter Zhu’s mansion, Jiang Fei directly recorded a video of the military supporting Peter Zhu. Then, he was ready to leave. At this time, Malekki had already split into a dungeon, this dungeon would replace Malekki to control the operation of the entire empire.

“Grand Marshal, where are you planning to go?”Zhu Peter followed behind Jiang Fei and asked.

“You don’t have to ask about that,”Jiang Fei said.

“I’m being too nosy,”Zhu Peter said tactfully.

“This is a video of me supporting you on behalf of the military. With this, you should be able to grasp the overall situation, right?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Don’t worry, Grand Marshal. I will do it well,”Zhu Peter nodded and said.

“Then, I will take my leave First!”Jiang Fei had already settled all the matters on planet Pisernes, so he did not plan to stay any longer.

“I will send you to the airport!”Zhu Peter personally sent Jiang Fei to the airport. After Jiang Fei took out the shuttle, he left Pisernes.

“Malekki, you will pilot the shuttle. We will go to the Dominican galaxy!”Jiang Fei said as he piloted the shuttle out of the airport.

“Yes, Master!”Malekki immediately took over the authority to drive the shuttle. He then adjusted the course and prepared to make a spatial jump.

“It’s still easier with the support system!”Jiang Fei stretched his back and lay down on the seat.

Planet Pisernes was once the core of the Merchant Alliance, and the Dominic Galaxy was the edge of the merchant alliance. Therefore, the journey this time was not close. After giving the authority to Malekki.., jiang Fei took the opportunity to enter a state of training. Although his improvement in strength was already very slow, he still needed time to understand the tenth dimension.


Just as Jiang Fei entered a state of meditation, the fleet led by Bella had already met up with Eamon’s main force.

“Welcome to the front line, General Tesla!”Eamon took the initiative to connect to the brilliant light on his flagship.

Even though Bella was the true decision maker of this fleet, as she didn’t have the military rank of the Universe Empire, as a ‘player’, Eamon didn’t recognize Bella. He only recognized Tesla as a lieutenant general.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, General Eamon. I’m here under the orders of the Grand Marshal to assist you!”Tesla laughed.

“This is great. With your help, we will definitely achieve a complete victory!”Eamon patiently chatted with the NPC in front of him. If it wasn’t for the mission.., he could not be bothered to waste his breath on an NPC.

“General Eamon, the grand marshal has ordered us to launch a general attack on the rebel army and break through Sargo Cloister in one fell swoop!”Tesla said.

“However, with our military strength, it is impossible for us to break through Sargo Cloister!”Eamon said with a frown. The current “Players”of the rebel army had gradually grown up, aEMON and the other old “Players”no longer had the advantage when they faced the new “Players”.

“That’s why the Grand Marshal sent me here!”Tesla’s words made Aemon’s face turn extremely ugly. These words were obviously referring to AEMON’s incompetence, which was why Tesla was sent here.

“Alright, General Tesla, how do you want to fight?”Aemon asked patiently.

“Your squadron will be the vanguard and attract the enemy’s main force. My main force will wipe them out!”Tesla said impolitely.

“Okay!”Eamon nodded. If it was an ordinary commander, he would not be willing to accept such a job. However, the players did not care about this. As long as they had battle merits and killed.., even if their ship exploded or their people died, it did not matter.

“Then it’s settled. In four hours, we will launch the General Attack!”Tesla said.

“Okay!”Emon nodded. In his heart, his squadron was going to fight the “Players”on the opposite side. The npcs behind him could play however they wanted. It was just a need for the plot.

After cutting off the communication with Eamon, Tesla said to bella behind him, “Miss Bella, everything is ready as you said.”

“En! When the time comes, you command the fleet to reduce our losses as much as possible. I will bring you out this time, and I will bring you back in one piece!”Bella said.

“I understand!”Tesla nodded. To have an officer who cared about the lives of his subordinates, this was indeed the luck of ordinary soldiers.