Our Glamorous Time
  • Autor
    Ding Mo丁墨
  • Nomes Alternativos
    Thời Gian Tươi Đẹp Của Anh Và Em 你和我的倾城时光 你和我的傾城時光
  • Origem
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Our Glamorous Time


Lin Qian once thought the man she wanted would be handsome and formidable, able to “create clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another turn” in the business world, causing her to look up to him in admiration. There would be nothing he could not accomplish.

But when she finally met the one that fit this, she realized how much she liked his impassiveness, his quietness, his persistence, and his loyalty. She liked him to the point that she was willing to be with him, to s... Leia mais >>


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