Medical Master
  • Autor
    Walk The World步行天下
  • Nomes Alternativos
    The Medical Guru 医品宗师
  • Origem
  • Status

Medical Master

Vida EscolarAçãoCotidianoSobrenaturalArtes MarciaisWuxia

He was the youngest guru of martial arts as well as the perfect Mr. McDreamy of the most girls. He had mysterious absolute touch, clear-sighted observation ability and various outstanding talents.

But now, he was just an ordinary freshman in University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine, who wanted to learn Chinese Medicine, see patients, and get into a relationship with a girl in a low-key way. However, in a Mid-Autumn Festival party, he was forced to put on a performance, which shoc... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 1855 - 1855 All Women

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  2. Chapter 1854 - 1854 Female Warriors and the Divine Stone

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  3. Chapter 1853 - 1853 Paradise Island in Amazing

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  4. Chapter 1852 - 1852 Ready to Besiege John Doe

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  5. Chapter 1851 - 1851 Please Perform Your True Strength!

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás

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