Chapter 1989 - Such A Waste

Martial Peak

Chapter 1989, Such A Waste

“This is a beast egg?” Yang Kai was shocked, “How do you know it’s a beast egg?”

“I just know,” Mo Xiao Qi replied with a triumphant face, “In any case, I’m certain about this, I just don’t know what kind of Monster Beast egg it is, but I can feel it is very powerful.”

“Do you have some kind of Secret Technique that allows you to perceive that?” Yang Kai looked at her thoughtfully.

“En, that’s why I was fighting with that Flying Saint Palace guy just now. Perhaps he also saw it was extraordinary and wanted it.”

“Since you’re sure it is a beast egg, then take care of it carefully,” Yang Kai did not know much about caring for Monster Beasts, but since Mo Xiao Qi had some kind of Secret Technique that she could use to perceive such things, obviously she wasn’t mistaken.

This was probably the only thing she gained from her visit to the black market.

“By the way, Xiao Qi, do you know anything about the Heaven Devouring Battle Law?” Yang Kai suddenly remembered something and asked.

“Heaven Devouring Battle Law… En, it’s the Secret Art of Heaven Devouring Great Emperor, of course I know about it,” Mo Xiao Qi nodded, “Heaven Devouring Great Emperor relied on this supreme Secret Art to reach the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm. In his time, Heaven Devouring Great Emperor was extremely powerful, even among the Ten Great Emperors, he could rank amongst the top three.”

“Oh? Then Heaven Devouring Great Emperor is now…”

“Heaven Devouring Great Emperor has already fallen,” Mo Xiao Qi smiled slightly, “It is rumoured that the Heaven Devouring Battle Law was an affront to the laws of Heaven and Earth, so Heaven Devouring Great Emperor was ultimately rejected by the Star Boundary’s World Principles, causing a fatal dissonance in his cultivation, but I know…” At this point, she suddenly smiled mysteriously and whispered. “That story is fake.”

“Then what is the truth?”

“Heaven Devouring Great Emperor was besieged and fell in the Shattered Star Sea,” When Mo Xiao Qi said this, her expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

Yang Kai narrowed his eyes and said in a serious tone, “The strength of the Heaven Devouring Great Emperor could be ranked amongst the top three of the Ten Great Emperors, so the only ones who would dare to attack him are…”

“Shhh…” Mo Xiao Qi raised her finger to her mouth and motioned, “This is a really big secret. I also only heard a few words about it when Uncle Li and Aunty Feng were chatting. Big Brother Yang, make sure you don’t talk about this outside, otherwise, it will very likely lead to deadly consequences. There are definitely not many people in this world who know this secret.”

“I understand this naturally, it’s just… Those Seniors, why would they suddenly besiege Heaven Devouring Great Emperor?”

“I don’t know this,” Mo Xiao Qi shook her head.

With Mo Xiao Qi’s character, if she really knew something, she would not conceal it, so since she said she didn’t know, it meant she really didn’t know. As such, Yang Kai did not ask her anymore.

However, Yang Kai instinctively felt that the reason Heaven Devouring Great Emperor was besieged might have something to do with the Heaven Devouring Battle Law.

It looked like he would need to spend some time studying this Heaven Devouring Battle Law! Even though Yang Kai knew that Wu Meng Chuan had taught him the Heaven Devouring Battle Law with malicious intent, it was still the Secret Art of one of the Ten Great Emperors, so it would be a shame to just toss it aside.

The two chatted for a while before Mo Xiao Qi left.

Before leaving, Mo Xiao Qi gave Yang Kai a Communication Bead and told Yang Kai that he only had to pour his Divine Sense into it if he wanted to find her.

Yang Kai nodded and accepted.

Although Mo Xiao Qi was naïve and innocent, she clearly possessed an extraordinary background and had knowledge and experience in some respects that were far beyond Yang Kai’s, so perhaps there would come a day when he needed to draw on her strengths.

Yang Kai naturally did not refuse her kindness.

What’s more, both of them were currently staying in Maplewood City, so having a way to contact one another made it convenient to cooperate in case there was an accident.

The function of Communication Bead was similar to ordinary communication artifacts, but Mo Xiao Qi’s Communication Bead was specially crafted and far superior to ordinary messaging tools. Just from the subtle energy fluctuations it gave off, Yang Kai judged that it was an Origin King Grade High-Rank artifact.

After seeing Mo Xiao Qi off, Yang Kai took out a large number of Source Crystals inside his secluded home and used them to open all the various protective barriers at his disposal, ignoring the cost.

Right now, he had a lot of Source Crystals on hand, so he was not going to be stingy.

After ensuring safety and privacy, he summoned the Sealed World Bead and entered.

Inside the Small Sealed World, there was complete tranquillity. Yang Kai quickly released his Divine Sense, allowing him to see the situation inside at a glance.

In the medicine garden, the herbs he had previously obtained from the Severed World were thriving. These herbs were all Origin King Grade, and if they were refined into Spirit Pills, they would be a great benefit to the growth of any Origin King.

Yang Kai was reluctant to use them before because each of these herbs was extremely rare and precious in his native Star Field, but now that he had come to the Star Boundary, where resources were far more abundant, these herbs were not anything special.

As such, he decided to refine these herbs into Spirit Pills so he could quickly enhance his cultivation.

It just so happened that he could also use these herbs to refine Spirit Pills to enhance his Alchemy techniques and see if he could impact the bottleneck of the Dao Source Grade. If he was successful, he could become a Dao Source Grade Alchemist.

In the Star Boundary, Origin King Grade Alchemists were not anything special, but Dao Source Grade Alchemists were quite valuable.

Yang Kai was not very strong right now, so if he had the identity of Dao Source Grade Alchemist as a shield, it might be able to save his life in a crisis.

A short time later, Yang Kai had collected all the Origin King Grade herbs in his possession and began sorting them into various categories, preparing them for pill refinement.

Inside the Small Sealed World, in addition to the herbs in the medicine garden, there was also the Monster Insect Queen that he had collected earlier, as well as the Ice Flower he obtained at the bottom of the Ice Cliff.

In the region where the Ice Flower and Ice Fruits were located, the cold was almost unbearable, but the Monster Insect Queen actually chose to sleep there, seemingly absorbing the Ice Attribute Energy which was emitted by the Ice Flower and Fruits to strengthen itself.

After this period of recuperation and fusion, the Monster Insect Queen, which had been transformed into a Blood Beast, had recovered quite a bit, with all the big and small wounds which had originally marred its body showing obvious signs of healing.

The Monster Insect Queen’s body was indeed dead, but Yang Kai’s pure Golden Blood had an incredible restorative ability.

What surprised Yang Kai the most was that the blue and purple dual swords Mo Xiao Qi gave him before have actually merged together with the Monster Insect Queen’s body.

The dual swords were each individually Origin King Grade High-Rank artifacts, so when combined, they were comparable to an ordinary Dao Source Grade artifact. What’s more, these dual swords were Ice Attribute artifacts, making them perfectly suited to the Monster Insect Queen. On that day, after obtaining these dual swords on Clear Jade Mountain, Yang Kai had simply tossed them into the Small Sealed World and forgotten about them.

Looking at them now, though, the two swords had actually merged together with the forelimbs of the Monster Insect Queen, becoming a part of its body.

This was quite a strange sight, to be honest. Yang Kai had only wanted to find a suitable weapon for the Monster Insect Queen, so he had given it these dual swords without hesitation.

Thinking about it carefully, even though the Monster Insect Queen was now one of his Blood Beasts, its true form was that of a Sentient Sword Intent, so it had an affinity for sword-shaped artifacts.

A Blood Beast, Sentient Sword Intent, and dual sword artifacts had all been completely kneaded together, making Yang Kai unsure of how to describe this Monster Insect Queen exactly.

Unfortunately, the Monster Insect Queen didn’t have a true consciousness and wasn’t a living creature, otherwise, Yang Kai would be looking forward to just how much it could grow.

After observing the Monster Insect Queen for a while and confirming that it was well, Yang Kai found a comfortable spot, sat down cross-legged, and took out a Source Condensing Pill to refine before sinking into contemplation.

He wanted to comprehend the Heaven Devouring Battle Law taught to him by Wu Meng Chuan!

Back in the Bone Prison, although he had slightly perused this Secret Art and felt that it was extremely powerful and profound, Yang Kai had not had much time to study it carefully.

Moreover, after Yang Kai learned the origins of this Secret Art, he deeply felt that Wu Meng Chuan had given it to him for some nefarious reason, so he was not willing to cultivate it.

However, not cultivating it did not mean it was useless to him. A stone from a foreign mountain could still be used to polish one’s own jade. Perhaps Yang Kai could gain some insights by studying this Secret Art.

Yang Kai quickly entered a meditative state.

Since he first began cultivating, Yang Kai had come into contact with a lot of Secret Arts and Secret Techniques, so he had a wide breadth of insight and experience.

After comprehending it for some time though, Yang Kai found that this Heaven Devouring Battle Law was far more mysterious and powerful than any Secret Art or Secret Technique he had ever encountered.

One could use this Secret Art to swallow and refine anything that had energy within it and turn it into their own strength. When one reached the peak, they could even use it to swallow the sun, moon, and stars!

Yang Kai was shocked.

The Heaven Devouring Great Emperor who created this Secret Art was definitely an unparalleled madman!

He even wanted to devour the stars themselves!

However, at the same time, Yang Kai deeply admired this Heaven Devouring Great Emperor as, no matter how crazed he might have been, he was without a doubt equally talented. Otherwise, he would not have been able to create such a Secret Art.

Rumour had it that the Heaven Devouring Battle Law was not tolerated by the Heavens and Earth, and this was not exactly untrue.

Such a Secret Art really could not be tolerated by the World, nor by other Great Emperors. As such, Heaven Devouring Great Emperor was finally besieged by the other Great Emperors and died in the Shattered Star Sea.


Yang Kai was keenly aware of the drawbacks of this Secret Art.

While it sounded tempting to be able to devour and refine all creation and use it to strengthen oneself, and doing so really could rapidly enhance one’s strength, this kind of unrestrained swallowing was bound to be accompanied by massive hidden dangers.

The different and even conflicting energies one swallowed into their body would only cause Cultivation Dissonance if one’s body wasn’t strong enough to contain and refine them.

The most obvious example of this was Wu Meng Chuan.

That old man’s disposition was nothing less than cruel and violent. Even his loyal followers were killed and refined by him without so much as a second thought. Obviously, this evil temperament had something to do with him cultivating this Secret Art.

Moreover, if this Secret Art was really so profound, Wu Meng Chuan would not still be a Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator.

He would have long ago broken through to the Emperor Realm.

“Such a waste!” Yang Kai sighed.

This peak level Secret Art had just fallen into his hands, but it seemed he had no choice but to throw it away, making Yang Kai feel like it was a great pity.

Regardless of how tempting it might be, he could not take such massive risks with his future by cultivating this Heaven Devouring Battle Law.

In the end, there was not just one road to becoming an Emperor.