Chapter 2269: All Three Can Evolve


Chapter 2269: All Three Can Evolve

“Good, good, let us head over now!” Li Wen quickly nodded and turned, intending to accompany Huang Xiaolong to the testing hall with the other Eminent Elders.

When leaving, Li Wen gave an order to Jiang Yian as well as the present disciples to not leak out that day’s events with an unprecedented stern tone. Li Wen even said that if anyone leaked a word about that day’s events, then that person would get punished according to the crime of betrayal to the sect!

Of course, Huang Xiaolong did not forget to take Zheng Wenyue away from the Holy Alliance’s hand before leaving.

Jiang Tian could only hand over Zhang Wenyue obediently to Huang Xiaolong in front of Eminent Elder Li Wen.

However, before taking Zhang Wenyue away, Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at Jiang Tian and said, “You destroyed my cultivation peak, killed my guardian beasts, and subordinates. I told you that I would make you regret it. This is just the beginning!”

Killing Huang Zhouping was merely the first step!

Jiang Tian caught the underlying meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words, and his face darkened like a brewing thunderstorm.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong flew away, accompanied by Li Wen, Xu Jun, and the others.

After Huang Xiaolong’s and the group of Eminent Elders’ figures disappeared on the horizon, Jiang Tian crushed the pair of jade handballs, and a chilling murderous aura surged from his body as he growled, biting each word with hatred, “Huang-Xiao-Long!”

His killing intent surged violently, and it was almost uncontrollable!

Zheng Yongjia stepped forward, bellowing, “Senior Brother Jiang Tian, that Huang Xiaolong be damned! He’s too arrogant and mad! He really dared to kill Junior Brother Huang Zhouping in our face, disregarding Senior Brother Jiang Tian and the Holy Alliance! Even if I risked being punished by Li Wen and the Eminent Elders, I’m going to kill him. If I don’t, the fury in my heart can’t calm down!”

Jiang Tian’s eyes narrowed as he spoke, “Huang Xiaolong must be killed, not only to avenge my nephew, but also to avenge Junior Brother Huang Zhouping. Huang Xiaolong must be killed. However, we don’t need to dirty our hands to kill him!”

The Holy Alliance’s members’ eyes lit up.

“Senior Brother Jiang Tian is saying…?” Wu Shi asked, half-guessing what Jiang Tian planned to do.

“The Evolving Dragon Holy Ground!” Jiang Tian revealed slowly.

As he heard that, a radiant smile bloomed over Zheng Yongjia’s face, “Senior Brother Jiang Tian really thought of a wonderful trick!”

Wu Shi and other Holy Princes also agreed with enthusiasm.

Jiang Tian not only wanted to kill by borrowing other’s knife, but he wanted to borrow the ‘knife’ that was the Evolving Dragon Holy Ground!

Jiang Tian went on, “Soon, it will be my Jiang Family old man’s fifty billionth birthday, at that time. My friend, Tan Hongyi and several other Holy Princes from the Evolving Dragon Holy Ground would attend the celebration banquet!” He sneered at the end as a cruel gleam flickered across his eyes.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong and the others were aboard a flying ship, once again arriving at the testing hall.

Huang Xiaolong had Zheng Wenyue wait outside the hall, then entered with Li Wen, Guo Qirong, Yang Jingzhi, and the rest.

When Huang Xiaolong stood at the center of the large testing array once again, Huang Xiaolong felt inexplicably nervous.

“Your Highness Holy Prince Huang Xiaolong, can we begin now?” Li Wen was full of smiles as he asked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head.

Li Wen subsequently nodded at Yang Jingzhi, signalling that he could activate the array.

The steps were exactly the same as the first time Huang Xiaolong was tested here and Yang Jingzhi began forming seals with his hands to activate the array.

Similarly, Yang Jingzhi was nervous like Huang Xiaolong.

Before long, the ‘Holy’ word within the array rose, emitting resplendent sacred rays that soared to the sky.

Huang Xiaolong bathed in the comfortable light.

This time around, Huang Xiaolong’s saint physique emitted ripples of bright lights faster than the first time. On top of that, the light from his saint physique this time was far stronger than before.

Watching the scene before him, Yang Jingzhi was wide-eyed with shock, and his breathing quickened as his heart raced.

Although they still did not know the kind of saint physique Huang Xiaolong had, they were already certain of one thing—Huang Xiaolong’s current saint physique was definitely not the True Dragon Saint Physique ranked at 4,243rd place.

Forget saint physiques below the four thousand line. Even many saint physiques within the top four thousand do not have the intensity of the light coming from Huang Xiaolong’s body right now.

Looking at the intense light shining from Huang Xiaolong’s body, Li Wen, Chen Shiming, Xu Jun, Song Yi, and the rest were shaking with their nerves strung high as their eyes stared unblinkingly at Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, the light from Huang Xiaolong’s body doubled, rushing to the ninth heaven like a tsunami. At the head of the waves were ancient sky dragons with boundless dragon might.

Li Wen, Chen Shiming, Xu Jun, Song Yi, and the rest of the Eminent Elders were shocked, and blurted out in unison. “Sky Dragon Saint Physique!”

The Sky Dragon Saint Physique ranked 3,126th place! Huang Xiaolong’s saint ranking was still higher than Huang Zhouping’s by eight hundred places!

“It’s-it’s actually the Sky Dragon Saint Physique!” Li Wen’s heart quivered, and so did his voice.

On the way over, various guesses had crossed their minds. Though most of them were certain that Huang Xiaolong’s saint physique would rank higher than Huang Zhouping’s, they had thought that it would be three to four hundred places higher, at most. Yet, the fact was that it was eight hundred places!

It was one thousand and hundred places higher than Huang Xiaolong’s previous result!

Chen Shiming, Song Yi, Sun Shangyi, and Li Yuhui exchanged a furtive glance. Each could see the shock and mind-boggling expression in the other’s faces.

Soon, the result for Huang Xiaolong’s saint bloodline appeared.

“Golden Dragon Saint Bloodline!”

“Moreover, it is the Five Clawed Golden Dragon Saint Bloodline!” Li Wen, Chen Shiming, Guo Qirong, and the others were hit with a second wave of shock. Yang Jingzhi stood agape with disbelief written on their faces.

The Five Clawed Golden Dragon Saint Bloodline ranked at 3,268th place!

Even Huang Xiaolong’s saint bloodline was more than a thousand places higher than the previously tested 4,361st place Mad Dragon Saint Bloodline!

Lastly, when the result for Huang Xiaolong’s complete dao saint godhead also appeared, Li Wen, Yang Jingzhi, and the rest were truly agape with shock.

“This is the Infinite Brilliance Divine Dragon Saint Godhead?!” High in the sky was a group of colorful coiling divine dragons, painting an awe-inspiring picture.

The Infinite Brilliance Divine Dragon Saint Godhead ranked at 3,280th place!

Huang Xiaolong’s ranking had once again jumped over one thousand and one hundred places compared to the previous Mysterious Dragon Saint Godhead that ranked at 4,382nd place!

Li Wen and the others were shocked to the core, unable to find their voices for a long time.

“Really, for real, the saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godheads, these three aspects evolved simultaneously!” Some time later, Li Wen finally found his voice, albeit it was quivering, “Really, really!”

The saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godhead, all three evolved simultaneously, this had only been a legend in the Holy World!

A legend that could stir various holy grounds’ in an uproar!

In the entire Holy World, there was one legend that said for some Holy Princes, some unique adventure enabled their saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godhead to evolve and continue to evolve!

No one knew to what degree these Holy Princes’ saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godhead would evolve. But one thing was for sure that the people with such saint physiques, saint bloodlines, and saint godheads that could evolve, all had become peerless experts. Each of them had surpassed the True Saint Realm!

They had not only advanced to the mere True Saint Realm, but they had exceeded True Saint Realm!

To any holy ground, giving birth to a True Saint was supreme glory. However, giving birth to an expert who could exceed the True Saint Realm, was the entire Holy World’s supreme glory!

By only surpassing the True Saint Realm, one could become a true peerless expert!

In the many hundred billion years since the Holy World’s existence up until now, there were only eight people who possessed saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godhead that could evolve!

Eight people!

The Holy World was so vast, and even the previous Wan Zhuoyuan could not say for certain how big the entire Holy World was. Li Wen and the others only knew that there were several hundred thousand holy grounds in the entire Holy World, but they knew, from these several hundred thousand holy grounds and millions of Holy Princes, only eight people had saint physique, saint bloodline, and saint godhead that could all evolve.