Chapter 221 - Stunning the Crowd

I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 221: Stunning the Crowd

“My God, she’s beautiful. I can’t breathe.”

The hall was shocked, its silence was broken by a single exclamation.

Immediately, many recovered from their daze.

“That’s right, that’s like a goddess descending in our world.”

“This set of clothes from Vatti is really god-like.”

“Ahhh, take pictures, quick! We must upload this before the other media platforms!”

“At this rate, Chen Xiaoyan will surely hit trending on social media!”

“She’s going to be a hit, definitely a hit! It’s as though Vatti’s clothes were tailor-made just for her!”

For some time, there was only astonishment coming from below the stage.

Quite a number of the audience were reporters from media companies. They all raised their cameras and snapped photos in a frenzied state, all focusing on Chen Xiaoyan. They did not want to miss out on any angles at all.

They all knew that this piece of news would be a hit!

A comeback, a spectacular comeback! An unbelievable comeback!

That was just like the tale of the ugly duckling that turned into a beautiful swan.

On the stage, Chen Xiaoyan was still in a dream-like state.

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From the earlier moments of humiliation to her current situation, she felt as though nothing was real.

Previously, under the verbal abuse from Hong Na and the others, she had fallen into a pit of self-pity and shame. However, at that moment, she could feel the eyes locked onto her and heard the astonished gasps, causing her mind to go blank.

Following that, she composed herself, then put on a confident smile on her face as she walked along the stage.

Hong Na stood at the other corner of the stage, quietly waiting for Chen Xiaoyan.

The moment Chen Xiaoyan appeared, Hong Na’s expression froze.

She had previously thought that her gold-colored dress would allow her to take the limelight, grabbing the attention of all those present.

She never thought the moment Chen Xiaoyan appeared, the reporters’ gazes that were on her would completely shift away and fall onto Chen Xiaoyan.

Gold was originally a color of elegance.

The golden threads of her dress flickering under the lights.

What at first was a beautiful dress was suddenly put to shame by Chen Xiaoyan’s clothes.

Hong Na’s expression was no longer under control.

Hearing the voices from below and witnessing the attention Chen Xiaoyan was getting from all around, Hong Na’s exquisitely decorated face turned darker by the second.

She was deeply envious of Chen Xiaoyan.

Right from the start, she had tried to suppress her.

Chen Xiaoyan was young and popular, while Hong Na was already past 35 years old, long past her prime.

Knowing that she was no longer youthful, Hong Na would always apply a thick layer of makeup before any public appearance.

Bright red lipstick, matched with a golden dress.

At first, she was stunning like an empress, but when Chen Xiaoyan took the stage…

Everything changed.

Born of mud yet untainted, pure and innocent.

Chen Xiaoyan’s appearance was like a refreshing spring, flowing into their hearts, bringing joy to everyone.

Her beauty was refreshing, as though a fairy that accidentally fell into the mortal realm.

The moment she appeared, Hong Na’s radiance was instantly dimmed.

Everyone’s evaluation of Hong Na changed, as she somehow looked gaudy in their eyes…

Gaudy and loud.

Compared to Chen Xiaoyan’s pure and refreshing appearance, Hong Na’s makeup and dress made her look more and more like a tramp.

Furthermore, due to her envy, Hong Na’s face began to contort into an unsightly expression.

The atmosphere on the stage turned delicate.

The reporters below the stage had keen perception. Just looking at that scene, they had already planned a news report titled—Snow White and the Evil Stepmother.

After a change of clothes, it was like heaven and earth. Chen Xiaoyan had ascended to the focal point of the entire event.

Jia Di took a deep breath, staring at Chen Xiaoyan with a passionate look in his eyes.

At first, he helped Chen Xiaoyan because of Ye Lingchen. However, the result went beyond his expectations.

Beautiful, absolutely marvelous!

It would seem that Ye Lingchen was telling the truth. This set of clothes was tailor-made for Chen Xiaoyan specifically!

No matter the style, or color of the clothes, they were a perfect match for Chen Xiaoyan’s skin tone and body shape, complementing each other like a work of art.

At the same time, he was shocked to his core.

The level of Ye Lingchen’s design was far beyond his!

At first, he thought this set of clothes looked very nice. Never would he imagine that the clothes would go through a qualitative change when put on Chen Xiaoyan. Under the heavens, who else could achieve this level of designing?

Not only him, but those big shots in the fashion industry were similarly shaken.

To think that Vatti was able to produce such elegant and majestic clothing. Furthermore, the clothes had many aspects that piqued their attention, giving the obvious feeling that Vatti’s style is slowly changing. The metamorphosis was terrifying!

To an extent, they could feel that Vatti was growing at an alarming speed, aiming for the international stage!

Was that Jia Di’s designs? Or was there another expert behind Vatti?

The distance on the stage was not far, yet Hong Na felt as though a century had passed, drowning in her anxiety.

Walking next to Chen Xiaoyan, she felt a sense of shame growing within her as all the glory seemed to gather around Chen Xiaoyan.

“Miss Chen, I would like to invite you to be the spokesperson for Vatti. Would you agree to that?” Jia Di suddenly asked as he looked at Chen Xiaoyan, who was standing in the middle of the stage.

Nobody felt that it out of place for him to say that.

Chen Xiaoyan would definitely capture the hearts of a great number of people by being the spokesperson of Vatti in that dress.

In the backstage, countless celebrities were green with envy. Vatti was a big name luxury brand within the country. To be a spokesperson for Vatti was a form of confirmation of Chen Xiaoyan’s status. It also meant that Chen Xiaoyan was on her way to the international stage!

Vatti had a decent market overseas as well after all!

“Thank you Grandmaster Jia. I am willing to be Vatti’s spokesperson,” Chen Xiaoyan replied with a bow towards Jia Di. Her eyes were filled with a look of gratitude. If not for Jia Di’s intervention that day, she would definitely end up as the laughing stock. Although it was only a small turning point, it had brought her from hell to heaven!

However, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Ye Lingchen who was standing right next to Jia Di.

In an instant, her body trembled and eyes popped wide open. She immediately turned emotional.

‘Is that him? Y!?’

If not for him, why would Vatti’s Grandmaster Jia help her all of a sudden?

Her mind kept revisiting the memory of that night. She was drunk and only had vague memories. However, the moment she saw Ye Lingchen, the hazy memory suddenly gained clarity.

Only after Chen Xiaoyan walked off the stage did the crowd let out a long sigh of relief.

Fairy. Was that a fairy walking past them?

With Chen Xiaoyan as a precedence, the remainder of the fashion show after her became dreary. Those other celebrities were nowhere near Chen Xiaoyan’s level as Chen Xiaoyan’s beauty was deeply branded into the hearts of the crowd.

Even the emcee was distracted. Her stunning beauty was not something those worldly charms could compare…