Godly Stay-Home Dad
  • Autor
    Shan Wang Zhang单王张
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Godly Stay-Home Dad

AçãoCotidianoSobrenaturalFantasiaComédiaRomanceArtes MarciaisXuanhuanDrama

Godly Stay-Home Dad is a serial story written by Shan Wangzhang, whose content is concerned with a cultivated stay-home dad’s life in the city.
Hero Zhang Han was frustrated in life originally, but he stepped into the Cultivation World by a stroke of luck. Possessing divine natural gifts, he ascended into the disaster-crossing period step by step. He had imagined his life would not have any hardships anymore, but unfortunately incurred the god thunder since he violated the fate. Af... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 1735

    1 year, 1 month atrás
  2. Chapter 1734

    1 year, 1 month atrás
  3. Chapter 1733

    1 year, 1 month atrás
  4. Chapter 1732

    1 year, 1 month atrás
  5. Chapter 1731

    1 year, 1 month atrás

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