Doomed to be Cannon Fodder
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    Whistling Night Rain潇潇夜雨
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Doomed to be Cannon Fodder


She’s somehow ended up transmigrating into the book as the supporting female lead, who was beaten to death! Deeply in love with the male lead, she’s fated to be beaten to a bloody pulp before even holding hands with him?!

First things first, she needs to survive and latch onto the big thigh of a patron. But the supporting male lead is a true gentleman and feels nothing for her stunning, alluring body. That’s alright! She’ll latch onto the old madame or the male lead then!

But why ... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 295: Yu Kuang’s Cute Little Wife

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  2. Chapter 294: Yu Kuang’s Surprise Encounter

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  3. Chapter 293: Xiaoshi’s Pure Husband (II)

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  4. Chapter 292: Xiaoshi’s Pure Husband

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  5. Chapter 291: The Emperor And Empress’ Legacy

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás

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