Daughter of the Emperor
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    Emperor's Only Daughter The Emperor’s Daughter 황제의 외동딸
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Daughter of the Emperor


Ariadna Lereg Ilestri Pre Agrigent. And so my life begins with this ridiculously long name, born to royalty and the center of attention — all because of one dangerous man; the veritably insane tyrant king, ruthless conqueror of ten empires, nightmare of all continents… and my father?! Will I be able to survive this maniac?

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Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 499

    1 year atrás
  2. Chapter 498

    1 year atrás
  3. Chapter 497

    1 year atrás
  4. Chapter 496

    1 year atrás
  5. Chapter 495

    1 year atrás

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