Battle Frenzy
  • Autor
    Skeleton Wizard骷髅精灵
  • Nomes Alternativos
  • Origem
    Radiant Translations
  • Status

Battle Frenzy

Vida EscolarAçãoMistérioSobrenaturalFantasiaComédiaRomanceXianxiaArtes MarciaisFicção Científica

Amidst a disaster, an orphan contracts a sickness.

In his waking hours, he is tormented by his ailment, but when he slumbers, there is infinite darkness.

One day, when he was five years old, a strange Fate Trickster appeared in his dreams. Ten years later, he dreams of becoming a lord. To do so, he takes a chance to trade his fate!

That day, Wang Zhong once again stood at the gates of the Tianjing Heroic Soul Academy. He was about to start a brand new life.

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Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 1212 - My Most Beloved Friend

    1 year atrás
  2. Chapter 1211 - Dragon Emperor

    1 year atrás
  3. Chapter 1210 - Heaven

    1 year atrás
  4. Chapter 1209 - Gold Core

    1 year atrás
  5. Chapter 1208 - Made a Name for Himself in One Battle

    1 year atrás

Battle FrenzyLista de Capítulos


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