Advent of the Archmage
  • Autor
    Mo Xiang墨乡墨鄉
  • Nomes Alternativos
    Descent of the God of Magic DGM 法神降临
  • Origem
    Qidian International
  • Status

Advent of the Archmage


Link was the top Archmage in the entire server. He had just defeated the strongest boss, the Lord of The Deep, Nozama with his party. However, instead of going back to town, he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG.

It sort of felt like a vacuum, and within it came a glorious and commanding voice that calls himself the God of Light.

“Link, would you be willing to be the saviour who will pull the World of Firuman out from the churning abyss?”

What a huge miss... Leia mais >>


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