A Wizard’s Secret
  • Autor
    Shadow On The Moon
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A Wizard’s Secret

AçãoMistérioSobrenaturalHarémFantasiaSeinenArtes MarciaisFicção CientíficaAventura

Anyone who could construct a stable Spell Model could become a Wizard — that was the Wizards’ ultimate secret! Having been given a new life as the son of an aristocrat and armed with a super quantum computer from his past life, Spell Models came as easily as breathing to Merlin. With this overwhelmingly huge advantage, would Merlin become the greatest Grand Wizard of all time?

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Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 1063-END - A Perfect World (Finale)

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  2. Chapter 1062 - Life and Death Battle! 

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  3. Chapter 1061 - Balance!

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  4. Chapter 1060 - An Intense Calling!

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  5. Chapter 1059 - Light Source

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás

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