Chapter 984 - Advent of The Era of [Chaos]!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 984: Advent of The Era of [Chaos]!

As the bandits surrounded [The Empress] ship, Boss was lying on the deck, resting.

It was only when his name was called that he opened his eyes.

“Strange, I’ve just changed my name and there are already people who know me?”

Boss muttered in a low voice.

He stood up and judged the other party: “I’m Boss, what do you want?”

The leader acted impatiently and made the gesture to shoo him away: “Piece of garbage, bring your men and scram from this ship or I’m taking your life right now!”

Boss was shocked.


That’s a bit…

Boss was speechless.

“How interesting, no one had ever dared to talk to me this way before. Even the heir of [Chaos] only referred to me through my titles and did not disrespect my status” he muttered.

The leader heard that and chuckled: “I’ve been on this current for countless years and have seen too many greenhorns like you who don’t understand a single thing, all you’re ever good for is running your mouth”

Boss smirked.

“Then you should have already seen this too”

He put his hand up and opened his palm.

Without being able to react at all, the leader vanished from where he was.

A split second later, he reappeared in front of Boss, his neck inside Boss’ tight grip.

“Don’t struggle, or I’m going to break your neck”

Boss lightly declared.

The leader finally understood that he’d run into a tough one.

“Brother, I was wrong today, let me go and we’ll leave immediately” he tried smoothing things over.



Boss thought briefly and let go of his grip.

The leader hurriedly flew back into the air, activated every defense mechanism he had, and hid behind his crew.

After confirming his safety, he angrily shouted: “All of you, charge and kill them all!”

As he said the word ‘them’, he vanished again.

—–once again, he appeared in front of Boss, his neck gripped tightly.

None of his defensive measures did anything, the subordinates in front of him couldn’t even react.

“My mistake” Boss said very sincerely, “I forgot, humans are a race that like lying”

At the border of the Strife Zones and Mystic Zones.

Having lost its steed, the Soul Shrieker was stuck in a barrage of endless powerful attacks.

These were all attacks that far surpassed the normal possible output limit, nothing would be able to shield it so it could only stand and endure.

Normally, these kinds of attacks could only be unleashed through exerting all of a treasure’s power at once, only used when the situation had gotten so bad that it was their last resort.

Under such a situation, the owner of the treasure would no longer care about the treasure and detonate it in order to buy themselves a chance to escape with their lives.

Because of how powerful such an attack was, it would also be swift.

———-however, the barrage of attacks never stopped.

Ever since the wave of attacks began, countless treasures have been continuously thrown away to unleash this devastation!

Fortunately, the Soul Shrieker had been through a lot of situations and was capable of toughing it out against this… unprecedented style of fighting in the 900 million World Layers.

Over tens of thousands of years of preparation and layers upon layers of planning, it had basically killed every carrier of an [Order] there was.

Only one remained.

This would be the final one.

The Soul Shrieker believed in its own clarity.

And during a hunt, it had never lacked patience.

For the sake of today’s plan, it had lived with a single word in mind.


Wait until after all these attacks stopped, I would be able to continue forward and capture the final carrier of [Order].

As for these stalling minions, I’d be able to deal with them eventually.

The Soul Shrieker silently waited for the assault to end.

One hour later.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The Soul Shrieker endured the barrage of attacks and silently waited for it to end.

Two hours later.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The Soul Shrieker endured the barrage of attacks and silently waited for it to end.

Three hours later.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

——-It’s been three hours already, so why have the attacks only gotten more intense?

What’s going on?

The Soul Shrieker believed itself to be a true hunter, calm, collected, and patient.

—–but it wasn’t a fool.

After some thought, it started to back down.

Using its power and the recoils of the impacts, it swiftly left the scene of the battle and returned to the Strife Zones.

In the end, it fled the battle and gave up on capturing that person.

「『 Such power… I’ve never seen such an enemy before… and will most likely not be able to catch up 」』

The Soul Shrieker muttered.

It could sense that the carrier of [Order] was getting further and further away.

The Soul Shrieker stood still and silently pondered.

「『 No, the advent of the Era of [Chaos] mustn’t be delayed any longer 」』

It told itself: 「『 All the carriers of [Order] have already been eliminated, with only one of them remaining, they wouldn’t be able to overturn this situation. It would be better to first bring about the era before chasing after him again 」』

「『 Although… a considerable price will be paid for this 」』

「『 But everything in this world has its price, doesn’t it? 」』

The Soul Shrieker quickly made its decision.

Standing in the void, it stretched its arms and grandly declared:

「『 Show yourselves and come to my side, carriers of [Chaos], today you shall receive a divine baptism! 」』

A gray fog began to manifest, drifting around the Soul Shrieker and expanding all over.

The fog filled the void.

Figures showed up one after another in the fog.

They were all life forms that had taken on [Chaos], each of them bestowed with a completely different power belonging to [Chaos].

While maintaining distance from one another, they looked towards the Soul Shrieker with a look full of desires.

“My liege, we’ve arrived at your summon”

“Envoy, I am yours to command”

“I have arrived, your excellency”

These people all declared.

The Soul Shrieker didn’t even react to them, it only lowered its head and began to chant in a low voice.

「『 Come, for the advent of the new Era, you shall contribute your power 」』

The figures of [Chaos] hidden inside the fog listened to its chant and swiftly began to move.

——although to be more accurate, their bodies were moving by themselves without their will.

“What’s going on”

“My liege, what are you doing?”

“Why can’t I control myself?”

“No, why are you doing this!?”

The carriers of [Chaos] all shouted in horror and shocked.

The Soul Shrieker looked up and explained to those around: 「『 I spent untold amount of effort preparing everything in the shadow of the 900 million World Layers, teaching you how to fight, aiding you to grow, nurturing your [Chaos] abilities, originally hoping that you would become the first group of Combatants for the Era of [Chaos] 」』

「『 However—– 」』

「『 [Order] had yet to be completely destroyed, greatly increasing the difficulty of bringing about the Era of [Chaos]. I need more power in order to achieve this feat, and thus you have received a special honor 」』

The Soul Shrieker grinned: 「『 That is to become a part of myself 」』

It opened its mouth wide, chanting in both its male and female voices: 『「 You all shall become one with me. Come! Enjoy this special honor! 』」

「『 Souls with the characteristic of [Chaos], come to me, become my power and usher in the new Era of [Chaos]! 」』

The Soul Shrieker’s voice abruptly rose to a peak:

「『 Aaaaaaaaeeeeeee—- 」』

From the fog, each carrier of [Chaos] sped up, all throwing themselves straight at the Soul Shrieker.

This was a magnificent, but a bizarre sight to behold.

Hundreds, thousands of different powers belonging to [Chaos] gathered from every direction, all throwing themselves into the Soul Shrieker’s body, then sunk in like objects in a murky swamp or a bottomless pit of quicksand, disappearing.

But the Soul Shrieker’s body didn’t show any visible change.

It maintained the high-pitched shriek, all the way until all the carriers of [Chaos] had entered its body and there were no longer any living beings in the void.

Complicated twisting runes manifested around its body for a brief moment, then vanished.

「『 Finally, it has come 」』

The Soul Shrieker was breathing heavily.

Countless faces of despair and horror appeared all over the surface of its body, then disappeared as if they had sunken to the bottom of a deep ocean.

The Soul Shrieker stood still in the void.

It opened its mouth and spoke in a multitude of overlapping voices; as if everyone in a giant choir was singing a gospel at the exact same time:

〖 We who came from a time long lost ago. We were born at the collapse of all things. We took on the suffering of all living beings, not even the Apocalypse could do anything to us 〗

〖 Era of [Chaos]! 〗

〖 We sow your seeds of growth within the endless void, where you shall mature and grow, thus becoming an existence that lord over all things 〗

The countless voices abruptly raised, as if roaring:

〖 And we! Are your bodies! 〗

〖 We shall bring [Chaos] and spread it into the 900 million World Layers! 〗

Figures made completely out of light emerged from the Soul Shrieker’s body one by one, shattered into sprites of light, and scattered into the void of space like a rushing current, swiftly going out of sight.

This was an indescribably magnificent sight, as if a deity was spreading its dignity and awe to the infinite worlds.

The Soul Shrieker silently waited until all the figures of light from its body had shattered and scattered away only then did it regain its senses.

「『 The Era of [Chaos] has arrived, and the final [Order] will soon fall 」』

『「 This time… I will move the long way around, no one will be able to discover me again…』」

It changed its direction and slowly went out of sight.