Chapter 849 - A Replica!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 849: A Replica!

Gu Qing Shan suddenly realized.

He wasn’t in the Age of Old anymore, it was currently the present, over 10,000 years later!

Just like the Fire Tribulation, during the Earth Tribulation, I moved out from the phantom images and returned to my own timeline.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the surging flow of grey liquid and carefully asked: “Is there a problem with me facing my Tribulation here?”

「 It is fine, this is part of the ancient covenant I signed with you humans, the duration for its term was infinite 」the giant that was formed from grey liquid answered him.

“Covenant?” Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask.

「 Indeed, cultivators are miraculous existences within humanity, they need to take in every source of power in order to strengthen themselves 」the giant’s voice echoed, 「 That is why you formed this covenant with me to go through your training in this world and obtain the recognition of the Earth Saint Pillar from me 」

“The Earth Saint Pillar?”

As the giant noticed that Gu Qing Shan didn’t understand, it explained: 「 Simply put, living life forms cannot detach themselves from the worlds created from the four Saint Pillars – also known as the Pillar Elements 」

“I know about them, the four Saint Pillars are Earth, Water, Fire and Wind, representing the creation and formation of all things in this universe” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 That is exactly correct, for a lifeform specifically, the Earth Saint Pillar represents the body 」

The giant sighed, then slowly continued:

「 Sentients lifeform believe themselves to lord over all things, but in truth, they are always controlled by their own bodies, by time, by the limit of space, and by the inner workings of Law that determines their fate 」

“Controlled by their bodies, I’m not sure I can agree with that” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The giant chuckled and told him: 「 That is because you are a cultivator, the various desires that your body manifested cannot lord over your own will. That is also the reason why you came to me, for the trial of the Earthen Origin power 」

Gu Qing Shan understood.

So the Earth Saint Pillar represented the body, no wonder I couldn’t utilize any power but my own body.

In this Tribulation, I must act like a normal person and use other means to win against the shackles placed on myself by my own body and survive.

“Thank you for your wisdom, may I ask why your venerable one had come to see me?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

As a sword cultivator, the fact that he bothered to chat so long before going into the main topic showed just how much Gu Qing Shan respected the other party.

The giant’s expression turned stern:

「 In the last 100 years, a small problem had appeared on this world 」

“The undead?”

「 Indeed. Although their evolution is slow, from my glance into the future, they would surely destroy everything. It was because of this destruction that my powers would be greatly reduced, causing one of my future battles to end in an uncertain way 」

“These things should be nothing before you, why did you not deal with them yourselves?” Gu Qing Shan asked in confusion.

「 They do not use any supernatural power, only their own bodily mutation. As this complied fully to my rules, I cannot act 」

The giant sighed emotionally: 「 I have already bestowed the most severe restrictions and circumstances on this world and made it so that all supernatural powers cannot act on it. For that reason, I cannot forcibly include another rule, otherwise this world itself shall collapse 」

“What do you mean, sir?”

「 Cultivator, you will stay here for a few more days. Within that time, if you can help me resolve the problem of the undead, I shall grant you a gift 」

Gu Qing Shan seriously listened to him and smiled bitterly: “Your world is vast and boundless, while I have already lost all of my powers. I am currently nothing but a normal person, I do not have the means to help save your world”

The giant replied: 「 The powers inside your body certainly cannot be used, that is the rules 」

「 But you are a very smart cultivator. You have an acute sense of observation and ample knowledge to back yourself up. Furthermore, you have an unimaginable power reinforcing yourself. I truly believe you hold the hope of saving this world, that is why I came here to see you personally 」

Gu Qing Shan was a bit confused as he heard that: “I don’t know what power you are talking about”

Without waiting for him to finish his words, a finger reached out from the flowing grey liquid and tapped his forehead.

The giant’s voice resounded:

「 This is not a power that naturally belongs to your body, nor was it from the cruel [Order] that you carry 」

「 This is an unknown power, it does not belong to the Eternal Abyss, so I am not familiar with it, but it was a replication from another source. As its power is contained within itself, when you use this power, it would not violate my rules 」

Following its voice, an icon appeared in the void of space in front of Gu Qing Shan.

A golden saber was depicted on that icon.

Gu Qing Shan stared at this icon blankly.

He recalled the time at the Cold Jade forest, right after killing the God of Frost and Chill, in order to impersonate this Divinity, he had spent Soul Points to upgrade [War God Skills].

It was only after that that he managed to learn all of the God of Frost and Chill’s techniques from the Frostlie staff.

Even now, he can clearly remember the conversation at that time.

“I’ll pay 1 million Soul Points, upgrade [War God Skills]”

[1 million Soul Points received, War God Skills have been upgraded] the System replied.

“That quickly?”

[Naturally, the System has already made the preparations beforehand]

“But why didn’t I sense any changes in the System?” Gu Qing Shan doubtfully asked.

The System paused briefly.

The [War God Skills] icon on the War God UI suddenly jumped.

[See that? The icon can now jump] the System curtly replied.

So the War God UI had already been preparing for this ever since that time!

Gu Qing Shan recalled the conversation between himself and the War God UI within the Tie Wei fortress, just as they were activating [Human Regiment].

“Have you been collecting Soul Points for this moment?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[No, I only hope that all my preparations were excessive] the War God System replied.

Indeed, this icon was [War God Skills]

Several lines of blood-red text appeared on the [Origin] UI to describe this icon.

[Discovered suspicious power system]

[Origin: unknown]

[Conducting further evaluation… conclusion drawn:]

[Name: War God Skills (replication), comes with 300,000 Soul Points, can be used to help you learn skills]

[This power system is equivalent to a comprehension unique skill, harmless]

[Activation requirement: an unknown requirement]

[As the unknown power system was noticed by the World-class Entity, it had been officially activated]

Gu Qing Shan sighed deeply.

It turns out that the icon that can jump was actually left behind for me.

And it turns out the War God UI’s preparations actually has a use after all.

Gu Qing Shan had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The giant within the flowing grey liquid looked at Gu Qing Shan and asked with an echoing voice: 「 Are you willing to help me save this world? If you can, I will grant you a reward as my thanks 」

Gu Qing Shan calmed his emotions and replied: “Alright, I can try, but I only have a few days left in this world, there is a very limited amount of time. Since I’m helping you, can’t you provide me a bit of convenience to do so?”

The giant contemplated briefly before stating with a resolute tone: 「 I shall grant you my favor 」

“Favor? What use is such a vague thing?”

Gu Qing Shan said disappointedly.

The giant smiled and told him: 「 I wish you luck 」

Saying so, it turned back into the surging flow of grey liquid and vanished from Gu Qing Shan’s sight.

All the supernatural phenomena disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan discovered himself still standing guard on the roof of the mansion.

On his retina, the [Demon King Order] was there.

The [War God Skills] replica was standing outside of the [Demon King Order], giving off a superior aura.

Gu Qing Shan smiled and muttered: “Old friend, looks like we’ll be fighting alongside one another again”

A voice came from behind him.

“Fighting alongside one another?”

The black man had just woken up and spoke to him in a half-awake voice: “Then regardless of what danger comes later, I’ll call you first, scientist Gu Qing Shan”

“No problem” Gu Qing Shan smiled back.

Two more voices came from the top of the stairs.

The two young girls had prepared breakfast and brought it up to them.

“Please have breakfast, you’ve worked hard last night” one of the girls smiled sweetly.

The others also woke up at this time.

The group yawned as they sat around in a circle and ate while they chatted.

“So we know how to deal with those monsters, now what?”

Old Li took a big bite of bread and asked with a mouthful.

The blond man took a sip of wine and smiled: “I think we should hear our scientist’s opinion first”

Everyone looked towards Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan stuffed a piece of omelette in his mouth and replied: “I want to leave this place and take a look in the big city”

“The city is dangerous” the woman chimed in.

“But to change this situation, I have to go to places with relatively advanced technology and come into contact with the Mechs they have” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“We’ve already found the way to deal with the monsters, why not just stay here? It’s obviously a lot safer” old Li asked.

Gu Qing Shan paused briefly and muttered: “Because these monsters are always evolving. Eventually, there will be a day when they become so strong that we simply can’t win, we need to deal with the root of this problem before that happens”

Everyone fell into thought.

At a time like this, it certainly was very hard to make a choice.

“It’s ok, you guys can stay here, I’ll be fine moving on by myself” Gu Qing Shan smiled as he told them.

“I’m coming with you” the blond man volunteered first.

“If staying here is essentially long-term suicide, then I’m willing to come with you” old Li also said.

“I feel like staying here would be best, I won’t risk my life” the black man answered.

The woman hesitated briefly before sighing: “I will also not go, I want to stay and take care of the girls”

Gu Qing Shan consoled them: “Alright, it’s fine, we need someone to stay back here either way, in case something happens, we will at least have a place to go back to”

The woman glanced at him in disbelief.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t bother to look at her reaction.

He was already contemplating on his next move.

Since this place is quite deep in the desert, even going to the nearest city would take an entire day of driving.

It’s really convenient.

“If only we have a plane here” Gu Qing Shan muttered in a low voice.

The blond man shrugged: “My father already took our only plane to the city”

Old Li also said: “So we have no choice but to take the truck, but it’s not all bad, we can at least carry a lot of things with us”

A few seconds later.


The roaring sound of rotors could be heard coming from above.

Everyone turned in that direction.

A plane was coming towards them from the horizon with thick smoke coming from its tail.

Obviously, the plane had noticed this town as it turned in the air to make an emergency landing on the highway not too far away from here.

Everyone on the roof was stunned.

“Erm, Mr. Scientist, what did you say just now?”