Chapter 637 - A shadow

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 637: A shadow

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader: Arya

The original world.

A barren mountain range.

This was a place situated near a desert, due to its proximity, the climate year round was dry and intense sand storms would ravage the area yearly for six months. .

On this barren mountain range, besides the jagged rocks that were constantly under the heat, there were only sparse heat-resistant wild plants.

Under the intense burning sunlight, no animals could be seen.

In the sky.

Barry, Kitty and Gu Qing Shan appeared.

“The Samsara’s world tomb is hidden inside this mountain?” Barry asked.

Kitty replied: “According to God Institute’s locator, it should be”

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan’s mind moved.

He silently activated the Skill: [Miracle Search].

The Soul Points value displayed on the War God UI dropped by a few hundred points.

——-it was only a few hundred, Gu Qing Shan only glanced at it briefly before ignoring it.

He then felt a strange connection being formed.

He was now able to sense a particular type of energy wave from the void of space.

Following this connection in his mind, Gu Qing Shan quickly understood.

Indeed, one of the Old God’s creations is here, I don’t know what it is, but it must be right here.

As for where exactly—–

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell downwards.

That item should be hidden right under this mountain.

Sure enough, Kitty pointed at the rocky mountain beneath them and said: “The place should be underneath this mountain”

Gu Qing Shan silently praised and stopped the skill.

[Miracle Search] isn’t a combat skill.

But with it, from now on whenever I want to find something left behind by the Old Gods in the 900 million World Layers, it’ll be much easier.

“Seems like it’s a bit deep”

Kitty roughly judged the distance and told them.

“My turn” Barry spoke.

He raised his hands and then chopped down.


The earth rumbled.

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Sand and mud scattered.

The entire mountain itself was split in half.

Unable to handle such overwhelming power, not only did the mountain split in half, it even fell apart in opposite directions.

Something hidden deep underground showed itself to the three of them.

It was a huge face.

As the sunlight shined upon it, the giant face appeared to be very animated.

The three of them were shocked at first before slowly taking a closer look.

Kitty sighed: “So it was a statue of the Old Gods made from bronze, almost scared me to death”

Barry scowled: “It’s very rare for the Old Gods to leave images of themselves behind, who would’ve thought there would be such a rare Old God statue here”

“I heard that the Old Gods created humans with the likeness of their image, but rarely showed their true selves in front of mortals, how do you know this bronze statue is depicting an Old God?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Because of his expression”


“Indeed, according to the ancient records of the Spire Keeper Association, whenever an object is left by the Old Gods and depicts them, it would always show an expression of grief”


Gu Qing Shan looked back at the bronze face.

The face itself was so animated it could be mistaken to be alive, displaying a deep expression of grief as it silently looked at the three of them.

Being looked at by the face, Gu Qing Shan suddenly got influenced by an irresistible emotion.

“Among all ancient objects found so far, the Old Gods have always had this facial expression” Barry continued.

“A lot of people say that this showed the deepest level of grief, proving the mercy of the Old Gods towards the life of mortals, but I’ve always felt something wasn’t quite correct” Kitty commented.

“Why so?” Barry was a bit surprised.

He had never heard his sister talk about this ever before.

Kitty explained: “I’m not sure. Personally, I feel that a grieving work of art should hold a lot of meaning and allure, but whenever I looked at pictures of those ancient artifacts or the real thing, the expressions of Old Gods on those statues have never influenced me before”

Gu Qing Shan suddenly chimed in: “Looking at these statues, you couldn’t help but never want to look at it again”

“That’s true” Kitty thought briefly before confirming that.

“I think these expressions are actually a type of negative expression——- something like despair, suffering and fear, that’s why you’re subconsciously blocking them out, not wanting to be influenced by them” Gu Qing Shan said.

“People once suggested that to be the case, but it was quickly debunked” Kitty told him.

“How was it debunked?”

“Because the Old Gods created the infinite worlds, they created the living beings of those worlds. The Old Gods should be omnipotent; against mortals, any miracle they perform can easily change a mortal’s common sense itself, so they wouldn’t have any such negative feelings” Kitty explained.

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

That’s true.

He stopped thinking about this and continued to look down.

He was observing the statue once again.

——this huge statue of an Old God was carved from a solid chunk of bronze.


Wait a minute, didn’t I already see this material somewhere before?

He recalled the 100,000-year-old giant corpse.

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And then for some reason, Gu Qing Shan instantly thought of something else.

I found out a certain secret from the [War God Quest].

The Samsara world contains the most world tombs, they were the method of self-salvation left behind by the Old Gods for mortals.


The method of self-salvation…

Gu Qing Shan had a certain realization, but no matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn’t quite grasp it.

“Let’s slowly fly down, keep your eyes out for anything while we do” Barry told them.

“Alright” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Since Barry had already explored several world tombs already, his experience and opinion was invaluable, listening to him would be correct.

The three of them slowly descended towards the huge bronze face.

The closer they got to the face, the smaller the three of them were in comparison.

It was almost as if they were three leaves floating on a wide lake.

As they got closer, Gu Qing Shan noticed something incredible.

As they went down, the bronze face’s eyes were also moving.

The face itself was also changing directions as if to observe the three of them easier.

“It’s moving” Gu Qing Shan said.

“It is, an Old God’s statue has a certain amount of sentience, they can even tell you about the details of the world tomb” Barry explained.

Kitty also told him: “Relax, the Old Gods have already left the 900 million World Layers a long time ago, this statue is nothing but a statue now”

Gu Qing Shan calmed down and carefully observed the bronze face.

All of a sudden, he noticed a shadow being reflected in the left eye of the bronze face.

“Barry, Kitty, look” Gu Qing Shan immediately told them.

The two of them looked towards the direction he pointed in.

“What do you see?” Barry asked doubtfully.

Gu Qing Shan answered: “Quickly take a look at its left eye”

In his vision, the shadow inside the statue’s left eye seems to have noticed the three of them approaching.

It was banging on the bronze eye.

Almost as if it wanted to escape from the left eye of the statue!

Kitty stared at the statue’s left eye and shook her head: “I don’t see anything”

Barry also commented: “This pair of eyes is actually quite animated, in fact, it’s the most life-like among all the statues I’ve seen of the Old Gods”

Gu Qing Shan glanced at them.

Barry and Kitty had normal expressions on their faces, not at all like they were lying.

The two of them were both Lord-class Combatants, so there’s no need for them to joke with him about such a small thing.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly had a thought.

Could it be…

Only I can see that shadow?

He looked back at the bronze statue’s left eye.

The shadow inside the eye had already calmed down.

It just silently stood there, unmoving.

For some reason, Gu Qing Shan felt that the shadow was actually looking through the bronze left eye, silently looking straight at him.