Chapter 1598 - Punch

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1598: Punch

[A punch that’s larger than an entire world?] the glowing cloaked skeleton coldly sneered.

Gu Qing Shan seemed a bit unfocused as he muttered to himself: “In the past, someone once helped me ascend in power, so I was actually somewhat inspired”

——how should I get rid of this skeleton?

How about…

While he was thinking, the glowing cloaked skeleton suddenly stopped talking.

The glowing cloaked skeleton’s gaze slowly lowered and became focused on Gu Qing Shan’s hands.

[This presence… belongs to the Secret Apocalypse]

It whispered and remained silent for a short moment.

A violent gust of wind erupted from its body, instantly manifesting into pale white flames that scattered into the surroundings.

The glowing cloaked skeleton’s tone had changed:

[So that was why. You returned in order to dig up a body part of the frozen corpse——]

Before Gu Qing Shan could say anything, the glowing cloaked skeleton abruptly vanished.

It had melded into the void of space and turned into a part of the pale flames that filled the atmosphere.

The world was dyed in white.

Pale flames had filled the entire Northwest region, completely erasing even the tiniest living being that somehow managed to survive here earlier.

Everywhere around them was now filled with pale flames without a single gap.

“As expected, you went crazy as soon as you noticed this… it seems you desperately need this kind of power”

Gu Qing Shan stood still and commented.

The pale flame that connected heaven and earth manifested into the visage of a skeleton that observed Gu Qing Shan from above.

[I want you to die!]

The skeleton roared furiously.


The white flames rushed downwards and fully enveloped Gu Qing Shan.

His figure could no longer be seen anywhere in this world.

The pale flames continued to burn and eradicate everything in this area.

Boom boom boom boom!

Within the sound of explosions, the world slowly turned silent.


A void muttered from inside the white flames:


The entire world became still.

Instantly, the white flames that were burning the world abruptly became still, then completely disappeared in a single second like they had never existed in the first place.

From the boundless void of space, the glowing cloaked skeleton silently stood there motionlessly.

[I’ve already said that your attacks are useless against me!]

A shadow of light abruptly split off from the glowing cloaked skeleton’s body and endured [Ethereal – Grand Mountain] instead of it.

It simply stepped away from the attack and hovered.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression was indifferent and replied: “I’d like to try again”

He abruptly vanished and switched places with the shadow of light behind the glowing cloaked skeleton.

Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]!

—–he had directly appeared behind the glowing cloaked skeleton!


The glowing cloaked skeleton abruptly grasped its flaming axe from the void of space and swung around.

Gu Qing Shan had taken the initiative, so he naturally threw another punch without defending.

[Ethereal – No Pardon]!

[No Pardon: This strike can break all magic, all tangible, incorporeal, illusory, real, all things, and all living beings. Everything shall shatter and return to Primal Chaos]

[Before activating ‘No Pardon’, you must first score a hit on your opponent]

[Attention: if your opponent is at least twice as strong as you are, the power of this strike will be gradually weakened, unable to completely destroy your enemy]

——-thanks to the frozen corpse’s immense power, the power of this punch wasn’t weakened in the slightest!

The punch flashed and easily destroyed the axe as it continued until it struck the glowing cloaked skeleton’s body.


With a resounding dull sound, the glowing cloaked skeleton was sent flying like a cannonball.

Its body shattered into countless tiny glowing insects that continuously shrieked with a sharp noise.

“Emerge!” Gu Qing Shan loudly grunted.

Instantly, a large golden waterfall descended from the void of space.

As soon as the golden waterfall manifested, it began to surround Gu Qing Shan with him as the center to form a magnificent ring-shaped waterfall.

Nothing would be able to pass through this ring-shaped waterfall..

As it was the Primal Chaos!

Primal Chaos was the origin of literally everything. Compared to all things, all living beings, and worlds, it is the deepest mystery within the Law that initially created everything.

It doesn’t exist in life, nor in death, it also isn’t emptiness, but rather the beginning of everything, and the foremost primitive state of everything.

Anything that entered the Primal Chaos would no longer exist and become fully assimilated by the Primal Chaos.

Borrowing the power of the frozen corpse, Gu Qing Shan’s punch was able to reveal the Primal Chaos and took advantage of its infinite power to consume and erase any enemy!

——-what a ridiculous fist technique!

As soon as the golden waterfall manifested, the countless white insects sensed it and uttered an unwilling shriek.

However, their bodies had already been completely destroyed by [Ethereal – No Pardon], so the residual power of this punch was able to envelop them and send them straight into Primal Chaos.

A few white insects struggled when they came into contact with the golden waterfall but still vanished after a few short moments.

Seeing that, the remaining white insects made their decision.

They twisted their bodies in the air to form several mystical runes.

These runes seemed to contain some sort of miraculous power that instantly divided all the remaining white insects into two.

A portion of the white insects began to speed up and rushed towards the golden waterfall, while the others were able to escape their current predicament and remain standing in the void of space.

The glowing cloaked skeleton manifested once again, but the white glow around its body had weakened significantly.

Hoh—- hoh—- hoh—

It was breathing heavily while still unable to regain its senses, trying to look around itself.

[Primal Chaos… whose fist technique is this… it is too ancient; I can’t remember anything…]

The glowing cloaked skeleton muttered to itself while rapidly forming irregular insignias with its hands.

At this point, the punch was officially over, so the golden waterfall of Primal Chaos vanished as well.

Everything in the sky had vanished, leaving only Gu Qing Shan and the glowing cloaked skeleton facing one another.

[Come to me!]

The glowing cloaked skeleton abruptly declared.

From the far North, numerous spheres of light rapidly flew in this direction and entered its body one after another.

The glowing cloaked skeleton’s power was gradually recovering.

[How regretful, these Apocalypses were supposed to be used to destroy billions of worlds, but now there’s no choice but to use them as replenishment for my power…]

It waved its hand and summoned a scepter from the void of space, pointing it at Gu Qing Shan.

[You borrowed the frozen corpse’s power, but I can sense that this is only temporary. Now it’s my turn] the glowing cloaked skeleton declared.

Gu Qing Shan smirked and shook his head: “How surprising, even with the frozen corpse’s power and my fist technique, you still managed to survive”

——-the overflowing power was focused entirely on the skull gauntlets, so after he unleashed [Grand Mountain] and [No Pardon], he had no choice but to spend a few breaths’ worth of time to regain control of it.

The glowing cloaked skeleton had used that short period of time to regain its power.

It seems that as long as it can use the Apocalypses to replenish its power, I wouldn’t be able to kill it.

…Is there really no way to specifically counter it?

I’ll have to give this a lot more thought from now on.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan sighed and shifted into another stance, slowly replying:

“You’re right, I can only borrow this power temporarily——- that’s why I asked you earlier if you’ve ever seen a punch that’s larger than an entire world”

The glowing cloaked skeleton appeared confused.

Gu Qing Shan chuckled, then abruptly threw another punch.

——–no, it wasn’t one punch, but hundreds of thousands of punches!

[Ethereal – Myriad Shadows]!

[Myriad Shadows: A barrage of unending punches, each strike only contains 1/10,000 of your power, but as long as you do not wish it to stop, ‘Myriad Shadows’ will persist endlessly. Your enemy will remain in a state of being continuously attacked without being able to alter it]

[Eternally Striking Punch]

In an instant, the world was enveloped in a barrage of punches.

After swinging its weapon a few times, the glowing cloaked skeleton was unable to keep up and became locked inside the unending strikes.

Don don don don don don don don don don——

Within the seamlessly continuous sound of striking, the barrage of punches grew even larger to fill every last gap.

Even though the glowing cloaked skeleton attempted to use its shadow of light several times, it still couldn’t escape.

It was useless.

Truly useless.

Even though the glowing cloaked skeleton had the power of countless Apocalypses to replenish its own powers and abilities, while being stuck within this wide-range fist technique, it could only take a few steps at most after releasing a huge number of shadows of light.

——but the entire world is currently filled with punches.


Gu Qing Shan grunted once again.

All the punches began to head upwards, carrying the glowing cloaked skeleton with it through the world barrier to enter the Space Vortex.

——-it was as if an entire world made of punches was gradually being created and moving through the Space Vortex.

An eternally striking fist technique.

Gu Qing Shan had fully exerted the power that the frozen corpse provided him

With such power supporting him, it wouldn’t be so simple for the glowing cloaked skeleton to escape from the world of punches.

He waited for a few moments.

And a bit more.

And more.

The glowing cloaked skeleton did not reappear again no matter how long he waited.

Gu Qing Shan slowly pulled his punches back.

——this way, he would have ample time to search for the next body part of the frozen corpse.

The broken world barrier in the sky slowly closed back up.

Gu Qing Shan stood in the air and looked around himself.

The entire Doomsday Necropolis was now empty with nothing remaining.

Over half of the Apocalypse in the North Pole had been absorbed by the glowing cloaked skeleton, and the rest of them had fallen back into slumber.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but shake his head.

He was still a bit regretful.

[Ethereal] had a total of four strikes, which were respectively [Grand Mountain], [No Pardon], [Myriad Shadows], and the last strike, [Null Tribulation].

[Null Tribulation] was the most powerful of these four strikes, beyond any doubts.

This final strike required the first three strikes to have hit the enemy first before he could unleash it.

Unfortunately, I’ve exhausted the power provided by the frozen corpse with just the first three strikes.

I really want to know whether or not [Null Tribulation] would be able to kill that monster manifestation of a true Apocalypse.

“…Next time”

He told himself.