Chapter 1567 - I have an advantage over Rhode!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1567: I have an advantage over Rhode!

The hoarse female voice slowly disappeared.

The entire world gradually became clearer in front of Reneedol.

She looked at the dark figure of light in front of her and spoke with an unusually gentle tone: “Thank you for giving me this chance, I will definitely find a way for both of us to escape this situation”

The dark figure of light appeared pleased to hear that.

「 Keep in mind, once your master decides to send you to the Strife Zones, everything that occurred afterwards would repeat themselves in order 」

「—— you must first avoid this from happening and take this time to initiate a different course of events, only then would you not be erased by the Law of Time 」

Reneedol nodded: “I understand, please send me in”

「 Very well! 」the dark figure of light said.


The darkness gathered to form a tidal wave that enveloped Reneedol.

Within the endless tidal wave of darkness, she once again travelled through time.

Travelling through time…

Suddenly, a giant maw appeared out of nowhere to swallow both her and the other inexplicable entities around her.

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

She opened her eyes.

She noticed that she was still standing in the tidal wave of darkness.

“Just now… was that a monster that resides within Space-Time?” she doubtfully asked.

「 Indeed, to be specific, a monster within the Fog of Time, which could also be considered to be a certain kind of God to you humans. It ate you 」the dark figure of light replied.

Reneedol remained speechless for a short moment and suddenly started laughing.

「 What are you laughing about? 」 the dark figure of light asked.

“Monsters who reside within the Fog of Time would only appear at a moment when they sense possible changes in Fate, where they show up to remove the source of the changes” Reneedol said.

「 That’s indeed true 」the dark figure of light admitted.

“In other words, I will surely change the course of history, I will triumph against Fate!” Reneedol declared.

「 I hope so 」the dark figure of light nodded, also feeling a bit delighted.

Reneedol refocused herself and said: “Send me over again!”


The dark tides once again enveloped her.

She once again travelled through the endless darkness towards the past.

Visions of the past appeared in front of her eyes one by one.

After a while, Reneedol noticed that she had returned to the critical moment from before.

She rushed into that vision with her entire strength.


The vision crashed into numerous pieces.


Light and sound slowly manifested.

Bai Hua Hall.

Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling was carefully persuading her.

“My disciple, I originally didn’t want to tell you about these matters…”

She began to explain the twin swords Heaven and Earth, then shifted her words and said: “Your master had prepared to send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength”

Reneedol had already prepared an excuse to refuse, but before she could say a word, her vision went dark again.

She reappeared inside the drifting sand sealed room.

「 795 chances left 」the dark figure of light told her.


Darkness filled her vision again.

Bai Hua Hall.

“Master, I wish to see my sect brothers”

“You can meet them later; we first need to talk about something serious——- Your master had prepared to send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength”

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

Bai Hua Hall.

“Master, I wish to head to other places to grow stronger”

“Any other places wouldn’t cut it; your master had prepared to send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength”

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

Bai Hua Hall.

“Master, I’ve been injured recently, so it’s not suitable for me to travel too much”

“There’s a place that’s perfect for recuperation while you fight—— in fact, your master had prepared to send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength”

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

Bai Hua Hall.

“Master, I truly want to head back to the Age of Old”

“Your strength is still lacking, do not put the cart before the horse, your master will send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength first”

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

Inside the drifting sand sealed room.

The dark figure of light silently looked at her and curtly asked: 「 I’ll be frank for a bit, isn’t your mind a bit lacking? 」

“I just haven’t been through something like this yet, again!” Reneedol clenched her teeth and insisted.

Bai Hua Hall.

Reneedol cut Xie Dao Ling off and loudly said: “Master, I will head into the Strife Zones to improve my strength, but before that, please tell me the method of entering the Primordial Heaven Realm. This way, I would be able to head directly into the Primordial Heaven realm once my strength is sufficient”

Bai Hua Fairy pondered briefly: “That’s true. After you head into the Strife Zones, you would remain there for a long while, so having you specifically make a trip back to the Shen Wu world would only be a waste of time”

She took something out.

It was a four-directional formation plate made of bronze.

Each of the four corners of the formation was engraved with a different Divine Beast: Kirin, Vermillion Bird, Spirit Tortoise, and Golden Dragon.

Bai Hua Fairy explained: “To enter the Primordial Heaven Realm, you will need two things. The first is the sect’s Primordial Heaven Realm warp formation plate, the second is the Heavenly Palace’s protection jade disk”

“The former will take you into that world, while the latter would protect your life”

“However, the Heavenly Palace’s protection jade disk had already expended the last of its power and had been completely destroyed”

“I only have the Primordial Heaven Realm’s warp formation plate with me now”

“And now, I will hand it over to you”

After saying that, Xie Dao Ling lightly waved her hand.

The Primordial Heaven Realm’s warp formation plate was sent towards Reneedol.

Reneedol received it.

The formation plate was quite heavy, which gave off an indescribable sense of vicissitudes.


Reneedol put the formation plate away and said: “Master, thank you for handing this over to me”

“There’s no need for such formalities between us master and disciples, is there?” Xie Dao Ling smiled and continued: “My disciple, I will be sending you into the Strife Zones. This way, you would be able to participate in the newcomer’s selection and obtain the support of the [Life Order]”

As Reneedol heard this, her vision became dark once again.

She once again opened her eyes.

And found herself still standing within the dark tides.

She turned to the dark figure of light.

「 750 tries remaining 」the dark figure of light reported.

“Enough! I’ve already obtained the formation plate, I’m only a little bit away from succeeding” Reneedol insisted.

「 Very well, then are we going to continue? 」the dark figure of light sighed and asked.

“Let’s continue!” Reneedol replied.

Bai Hua Hall.

“I only have the Primordial Heaven Realm’s warp formation plate with me now”

“And now, I will hand it over to you”

After saying that, Xie Dao Ling lightly moved her hand.

The Primordial Heaven Realm’s warp formation plate was sent towards Reneedol.

Catching it, Reneedol immediately chanted an incantation: “The power of radiance fills all things in existence, my body shall travel through the long distance between worlds like boundless radiance!”

Her figure twitched.

Spatial fluctuations radiated from her body like silent waves before they extended to the entirety of the Bai Hua Hall.


Under the immense spatial force, Reneedol, who had snuck back from the future, vanished without a trace.

A few moments later.

Reneedol reappeared in a desolate world without people.

—–finally, I can search for the Heaven sword now!

While sighing to herself, she also activated the formation plate.

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Intense wind was howling in her ears.

Other than the road made of clouds, there wasn’t anything else around her.

Reneedol was somewhat relaxed.

There isn’t even a shadow of a person here, this place should be safe.

Then, let’s go find the Heaven Sword!

She flew along the cloud road for a while until she eventually reached a giant stone the size of three people standing alone in the fog.

Reneedol stopped and looked at the stone.

Two large characters were written on the stone using the cultivation world’s language.

[Feeding Ground]

Feeding Ground?

In Cultivation-type worlds, a ‘feeding ground’ is usually the place reserved for breeding and nurturing spirit beasts.

Reneedol looked around, only to see that the entire layer of clouds was completely empty without any structures or objects.

Only two characters were written on such a huge rock just to signify that this was a place to raise spirit beasts?

What does that mean?

A second later, the rock seemed to have sensed her and suddenly gave off a ray of light.

Reneedol took a step back and released starlight from around her body, fully prepared to fight.

—–this place has nothing but a thick blanket of cloud and fog, it’s truly inexplicable.

A few moments later.

Nothing happened at all.

Reneedol sighed and prepared to head on her way again.

Being so paranoid because of a single rock, what a waste of time.

It would be much better if I used this time to search for the Heaven sword.

With that in mind, she set out again.

——however, after moving for a short distance, she abruptly stopped and looked far into the distance.

“What is that?” she muttered to herself.

At the far end of the sky, a glowing source of light could be seen.

The source of light was giving off a flickering yellow glow while being surrounded by clouds, so she couldn’t discern what it was.

As time passed, the source of light got closer.

The closer it approached; the darker the sky visibly became.

Night had descended.

In that instant, supernatural phenomena manifested out of nowhere.


A crack of thunder.

Heavy rain began to pour.

The wind howled violently.

Reneedol stood within the rain and stared closely at the glow.

The source of light was still hidden between the black clouds and was extremely far away.

But thanks to her telepathy and sight, Reneedol had recognized what that entity was.

That’s no source of light.

That’s a dragon!

The Golden Dragon!

From a distance, the Golden Dragon had also sensed Reneedol’s existence.

It lowered its head and gazed upon Reneedol.

In the middle of the heavy rain, a dragon silently locked eyes with a person.

A Cultivation-type dragon should have a lot of strange and unusual powers, should I think of a way to make it serve me?

While Reneedol was thinking that, her vision abruptly went dark.

She opened her eyes.

Only to find herself returned to the dark tides.

“Did I die?” she asked in disbelief.

「 Indeed 」the dark figure of light slowly explained:

「 The dragon briefly glanced at you, so you died 」

After a long while of silence, Reneedol said: “I was being too careless that time, it definitely won’t happen again”

「 Let’s hope so 」

The dark tides enveloped her and brought her back in time again.

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Reneedol tried heading in another direction.

After a long and uneventful journey, she finally reached the foot of a mountain.

There was a pavilion at the foot of the mountain.

The Mountain Protector Pavilion.

A Kirin was loudly snoring while lying inside the Mountain Protector Pavilion.

As it discovered someone approaching, the Kirin lazily opened its eyes and looked at Reneedol.

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Reneedol gave up on moving forward.

She tried to fly up straight towards the top of the mountain.

Moving through the [Feeding Ground] and Mountain Protector Pavilion, Reneedol headed up the mountain.

She suddenly noticed that there was a gigantic parasol tree that grew in between all the mountains.

A large bird with crimson feathers was perched on top of the parasol tree.

As Reneedol approached from the air, the bird turned to look at her.

Reneedol’s vision went dark.

The drifting sand sealed room.

Reneedol was flabbergasted.


Why is it so difficult?

Is there truly someone in the world who could survive such circumstances?

Once again, Reneedol’s heart was gradually being overwhelmed with fear.

「 Hey, this ability of mine can only be used once during my entire life, can’t you value it a bit more? 」the dark figure of light complained.

“Don’t worry, I value this ability of yours more than anyone else” Reneedol clenched her teeth.

Regardless, I still have over 700 lives!

Rhode only has one life!

He’s male, so he couldn’t possibly have made Shroud feel the same way I did in the past.

Shroud had fully committed himself to help me in the past.

But Shroud would definitely not help Rhode the same way!

In that case, I have an advantage over Rhode.

…It’s very difficult to have over 700 lives like this, I need to seize it well!

Reneedol clenched her fists tightly and silently thought to herself.

「 …Hm, I can feel that you’re truly valuing my ability, that’s reassuring to know 」the dark figure of light said with a relaxed tone.

Once again——

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Reneedol finally discovered the Spirit Tortoise.

She bowed to the Spirit Tortoise and sincerely begged: “The Heaven Palace’s jade disk had already been broken, please let me pass”

The Spirit Tortoise immediately rejected: 「 You don’t have the jade disk? Then you can’t enter the Heavenly Palace 」

Reneedol froze.

The Spirit Tortoise looked closely at her with a sympathetic gaze and continued: 「 Alright, if you can’t enter the Heavenly Palace then you will die anyway, let me send you off 」

Reneedol’s vision went dark.