Chapter 1302 - Divination by Astrology

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1302: Divination by Astrology

“Can’t think of one?” Crow grinned, “You don’t need to think about such a thing on your own, just go and ask someone else for help”

“But who? It’s probably not a good idea to ask the Guild Master again” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Names, codenames, and Titles all belong to Mysticism, tightly intertwined with one’s destiny. You’ll need to find an Astrologer, as they’re the foremost experts when it comes to these matters” Crow replied.

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes glowed.

“Crow, was your Title also given by an Astrologer?”

“That’s right”

“What’s your Title?”

“Curt Death Silver Crow”

“…That sounds nice”

Crow put his glass down and stood up: “Let’s go, I’ll take you to the most famous Astrologer in the city, I guarantee that they can resolve this issue”

“Alright” Gu Qing Shan happily obliged.

The two of them left the bar and strolled along the streets of the city, soon reaching the vicinity of the city center.

“Wait a moment, this looks like we’re heading towards the City Lord’s manor”

Gu Qing Shan pointed ahead.

Right in front of them was a towering magnificent grey structure, while it looked imposing, it also exuded solemnity.

The City Lord’s manor.

—–the City Lord of Void City was a very mysterious person, only the upper brass of the various organizations would know of his background.

Most people only knew that there existed a person called the City Lord, but had no way to collect any further information regarding the City Lord.

Because that was a forbidden act, one that would draw the hostility of Void City as a whole.

“The Astrologer we’re looking for resides in the City Lord’s manor” Crow replied.

“What!? Wouldn’t it be impossible to reach them then?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It might be so for other things, but no one would stop you from seeing the Astrologer” Crow replied full of confidence.

As they talked, the two of them had gotten closer to the City Lord’s manor.

A group of fully-armed knights in armor quickly arrived to block their way.

The leading knight asked: “Hitmen, what business do you have at the City Lord’s manor?”

Crow replied: “My friend here wants a codename, so we’re here for a divination”

The knight paused a bit, gestured behind his back, and relaxed his tone:

“Enter from the second side door from the left, there will be people there to guide you to the divination chamber”

Saying so, he led the group of knights away.

Crow then brought Gu Qing Shan towards the City Lord’s manor as instructed.

“The City Lord has an assistant that’s an expert at astrological divination, as long as you can afford the fees, they would happily help you come up with a suitable codename for you” Crow explained.

Gu Qing Shan recalled the money he received when he entered the city as well as the sum he earned from completing the various jobs so far, then sighed in relief: “So that’s how it was, how convenient”

Finally, I don’t have to come up with a codename for myself.

And also, a professional matter should certainly be left to a professional, me trying to fumble around by myself is nothing but bringing trouble to myself, isn’t it?

Having thought things through, Gu Qing Shan suddenly felt his mind clear once again.

As the two of them reached the side door, a maid was waiting right there for them.

“Esteemed guests, you cannot move randomly inside the manor by yourself, please follow me to the divination chamber” the maid bowed to greet them.

Gu Qing Shan and Crow both bowed in return, then said: “Please”

The maid led them along until they reached a peaceful silent room.

“Master Crow, are you the one asking for divination, or your friend here?” the maid asked.

“My friend” Crow answered.

“Does he know about the rules?” the maid asked.

“I didn’t tell him beforehand” Crow replied.

“Hm, that is correct. He cannot be informed of anything beforehand, this was milord’s rules” the maid said.

“Alright, I’ll just wait here for a while” Crow casually said.

Gu Qing Shan was then brought inside by the maid.

“Please wait a moment, I’ll report your presence here” the maid said.

“Hm, I’ll trouble you” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The maid bowed again as her figure slowly faded away.

Gu Qing Shan looked around.

This room seemed to be made specifically for the sake of performing divination, other than a single square table in the middle, there was nothing else here.

Gu Qing Shan stood waiting in front of the square table.

After a while, the maid reappeared.

She carried with her a stack of paper that she spread all over the table before turning to Gu Qing Shan.

“Milord said that you may begin” the maid told him.

“What should I do?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The maid signaled him to look at the table, then once again disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan looked back, only to see a line of text written in common human language:

[What fortune would you like to be told?]

Gu Qing Shan answered without much thought: “I want a suitable codename for myself, preferably the kind that can later evolve into a Title”

Another line of text appeared on the white paper:

[Your Title is more likely to be determined by your actions, but a good codename can certainly help you gain the favor of living beings, worlds, and the Laws]

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

——what the other party said made sense.

“I’m a Hitman, I hope that this can be taken into consideration while you come up with my codename, thank you” Gu Qing Shan said.

Another line of text appeared on the white paper:

[Then let us now begin]

[I will ask you three things; you must answer me in detail]

[First of all, is your foremost expertise and favorite thing to do the same thing? What is it?]

Gu Qing Shan answered without thinking: “I like to cook, and am quite an expert at it. My ideal future dream is to open a seaside diner”

The white paper was speechless.

You’re a hitman who kills people for a living right? Why was ‘cooking’ your answer?

After a while, a new line of text appeared on the white paper:

[Please take the pen and write a Title you’ve once obtained, if there isn’t one, please write ‘None’]

A pen manifested from thin air and flew in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan took the pen.

That’s quite simple——

After a bit of thought, he wrote down a Title:

[Shen Wei General]

This was a Title he obtained in the cultivation world.

Immediately, a new line of text appeared below this Title:

[I shall use the power of astrology to extract some of your previous Titles to consider your new Title, are you willing to do this?]

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit, then confirmed that there wouldn’t be any issues.

He nodded: “Please go ahead”

Waves of fluctuations emerged over the piece of paper, gradually forming several Titles of varying length on it.

[Cherub of Conviction]

[Big Tabby Cat]

[Orange Sovereign]

[Adept Dragon Slayer]

[Heir of the Thousand Dragons Ancestor]

The white paper turned speechless again.

This time, it was silent for a lot longer.


In another room of the same building, someone muttered in confusion: “[Adept Dragon Slayer] is easy to understand, but why is he also an heir of the dragon ancestor?”

She quickly continued:

“Titles are supposed to be objects of absolute solemnity, why would the Laws of reality allow him a Title like [Big Tabby Cat]? And I really don’t understand the [Cherub] Title at all”

Next to her, several maids had already covered their mouths, trying their best to not laugh out loud.

Gu Qing Shan also felt a bit awkward, not knowing that the other would happen to extract the few Titles of this nature that he had.

“Can you come up with a new codename for me this way?” he asked.

A few moments later.

A new line of text appeared on the white paper:

[One last question, what is your real name?]

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “My apologies, I’m a fiend. True name is the single thing that we evil creatures will always refuse to mention”

The text on the paper disappeared, soon replaced by new lines of text:

[It was my lack of consideration, then we shall pick another question, what is your strongest form of combat—— there’s no need to be specific, just a name is fine]

Gu Qing Shan answered without thinking again: “Dancing—– ah, I mean, a sword dance”

The white paper was completely speechless.

What ‘sword dance’, you totally meant to say ‘dancing’ just now.

Danc… ing…

A cook who knows how to dance, once had the Title [Big Tabby Cat] and is now asking me to come up with a new Title for him.

This is quite the big hurdle…

Across several walls, the person rubbed her temples and sighed helplessly.

The maids asked: “If you think it is too troublesome, should we chase the person out?”

“No” she replied, “This is the kind of challenge I’ve been looking for, let me think for a bit more”

On the other side.

Gu Qing Shan was waiting.

A few lines of text appeared on the white paper again:

[Originally, only three questions were required, but as there is too much uncertainty regarding you, I will need you to cooperate a little bit more, will that be fine?]

Gu Qing Shan thought about his three previous answers, feeling that it was truly very tough, so he readily agreed: “No problem”

[Please place your hand onto the paper]

Gu Qing Shan put his hand on it.

Across a number of walls, the person also placed her hand onto a piece of paper, silently sensing it.

“How strange, his body is clearly that of a fiend, but I can’t help but sense something off”

“How unimaginable, the Laws of Space and Time on his body are a bit off, almost like he arrived from a different era”

“He can utilize three forces, the origin power of the soul, world origin power, and prayers of living beings. The first is for swordsmanship, the second for World Techniques, but the prayers of living beings is used for——-”

That person abruptly pulled back her hand and swung.

Instantly, every maid in the room disappeared, transported to a different location.

Without anyone in her vicinity, the person abruptly spat up blood, a storm brewing in her mind.

So the dance he mentioned was such a dance…

How truly… inconceivable!

The person breathed heavily while writing a few words onto the paper.

“I’ll remember you, fiend”

She muttered.

On the other side.

Gu Qing Shan stared straight at the white paper, then saw a line of text slowly appearing on it:

[Your Hitman codename has been determined; it is: Dragon King of Atrocity Jail]

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

“Just like that?” he muttered.

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve received a Hitman codename containing the appropriate factors: Dragon King of Atrocity Jail]

[Without anything extraneous, you need only continue doing what you wish and this codename will ultimately become your Title]