Chapter 1178 - A betting battle!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1178: A betting battle!

The moment Gu Qing Shan made his declaration, the entire world went silent.

The slowly drifting grey fog suddenly stopped completely.

He felt his hand becoming light.

The [Demon King Order] was completely gone.

The Era of [Chaos] had taken the price he offered up to them with such a casual attitude.

Right after that.

Lines of glowing text appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes on the War God UI.


[You have offered up an Order]

[Due to your actions, you have been recognized by Chaos]

[You have once again become a carrier of Chaos]

Immediately, right next to the glowing text, a line of grey text started to appear.

——-before he even knew it, [Chaos] had attached itself to him!

Two lines of text were being displayed at the same time:

[In accordance with your many accomplishments, Chaos is conducting a preliminary assessment of you]

[From the Chaos faction, you’ve obtained the following Titles:]

[Dragon Slayer, Keeper of secret, Holder of the Parallel Worlds Key, Wielder of Samsara’s Weapon, He Who Mocks Order, Disciple of Chaos’ Aid, Guide to the Occultism World, Soul Devouring Devil]

[You have performed too many deeds, single-handedly brought either the destruction or salvation of numerous worlds and offered up an Order to help the Era of Chaos become more powerful]

[Because you destroyed quadrillions of souls, your cruelty had earned you the unique favor of Chaos]

[As such, the Era of Chaos will grant you the qualifications to spread Chaos, becoming a pivotal force in the destruction of the worlds]

[You have earned the world-destroyer title:]

[Commander of Chaos Dragons]

[You’ve obtained the scepter of the Chaos Dragon King]

[With this title and scepter, you may summon the dragons who had pledged allegiance to Chaos to fight for you]

[Attention: This is a considerably powerful Chaos Authority]

[You may now trigger the Apotheotic Combat]

[If you wish to compete against the Soul Shrieker for their Chaos Deific Authority, you must bet your Commander of Chaos Dragons title]

[From the moment that you bet this title, the Soul Shrieker will have to bet their own title, thus officially beginning the Apotheotic Combat between them and yourself]

Gu Qing Shan turned to the grey wall of fog that connected heaven and earth, then loudly declared: “I wish to bet my title and challenge the Soul Shrieker’s Deific Authority!”

As soon as Gu Qing Shan made his declaration.

The grey wall began to rumble intensely, emanating a deafening loud noise.

The [Chaos] monsters who had charged out of the grey wall of mist like a tsunami of death towards Anna began to slow down.

They slowly turned back and returned into the fog.

At this moment, on the battlefield, everyone was surrounding Anna, protecting her while doing everything in their power to fight against the monsters.

The monsters and carriers of [Chaos] slowly steadied their hands, cautiously retreating into the fog while being wary of their enemies.

The monsters all uttered a short grumbling as they disappeared into the fog.

Everyone was unclear about what was going on, so they stopped themselves from pursuing them.

“Fortify our defenses, everyone, do not act on your own accord!” Boss loudly shouted.

At this point, he was donning a golden glowing set of armor, his presence emanated a sense of dignity. Even the saber on his back had turned into a terrifying-looking long and thick metal bar that exuded a faint crimson flame.

His military rank was embedded on his armor.

——–in just half an incense stick’s worth of time, he had been promoted from a mere footsoldier to the level of a Sergeant Major.

Everyone turned to him.

As they all carried [Human Regiment], everyone understood what terrifying level of strength was required to be promoted to that rank in such a short time, especially in such a battle.

Almost no one tried to do anything unnecessary.

Barry flew up and asked in a low voice: “What’s going on?”

Boss answered him solemnly: “The [Chaos] Apotheotic Combat is about to begin. At this time, the Era of [Chaos] as a whole has thoroughly awoken, and we definitely should not provoke it”

Kitty flew down to where they were and asked: “What would happen if we provoked [Chaos]?”

Boss seemed to have thought of something, then suddenly put both hands on the Book of Prophesized Destiny and shouted: “By my divine prestige, [Protection]!”

A circle of blinding light appeared from the Book of Prophesized Destiny, forming a transparent spherical protective barrier that encircled everyone.

“Do not leave the barrier, do not attempt any hostile actions, stay your ground and prepare yourselves!” Boss shouted to everyone.

Lady Darksea’s voice also resounded in the ear of every carrier of [Order]:

[Please enter the highest state of emergency]

[For the sake of your own lives, please remain still and wait, do not attack]

Even if some people didn’t know Boss, thankfully due to his full-army barrier just now and Lady Darksea’s warning, ultimately no one attempted any further attacks.

Boss sighed tiredly, then explained to Kitty:

“The Era of [Chaos] has been descended for a long while and had enough time to accumulate power, not only could it officially declare an Apotheotic Combat, but it could also attempt everything else. So at this very moment, we should definitely not try to provoke it”

Anna walked up and asked: “What exactly do you mean by ‘everything else’?”

Boss closed his Book of Prophesized Destiny and answered: “——-don’t ask any further, the Book of Prophesized Destiny could only reveal so much, which meant that I also can’t say anything else about this matter, otherwise Fate will curse us”

Saying so, he looked up at the sky.

Everyone followed his gaze and focused on the person in the sky.

Gu Qing Shan.

He stood still in the air, having bet his title, silently waiting.

All of a sudden.

In front of him, the grey wall of fog slowly parted ways.

The Soul Shrieker’s voice could be heard.

『「 It was I, who had followed the will of [Chaos] to take down the [Orders] of the 900 million World Layers 』」

「『 It was I, who had spread [Chaos] throughout the infinite worlds, to cause all living beings to become apostles of [Chaos] 」』

It slowly walked forward with clear and resounding anger in its voice.

『「 I am the envoy of [Chaos], the one who had supported the Era of [Chaos]’s return to the space vortex and all worlds within it 』」

The Soul Shrieker pointed at Gu Qing Shan and questioned: 「『 You, Gu Qing Shan, you are a servant of [Order], an enemy of [Chaos], what qualified you to challenge me to an Apotheotic Combat!? 」』

Gu Qing Shan laughed, then replied: “You’ve done so much… but still failed to offer [Order] to [Chaos], and I succeeded”

“Furthermore, I’ve already bet my title, [Commander of Chaos Dragons]”

A mass of grey fog suddenly appeared between them.

Above the fog, a grey dragon-shaped scepter silently floated.

——-the Scepter of the Chaos Dragon King.

『「 The Dragon King scepter…』」

Staring at this scepter, the Soul Shrieker suddenly grinned.

「『 Gu Qing Shan, hah, Gu Qing Shan, you do not understand anything about [Chaos], you’re already done for 」』

It casually tossed something out.

The item slowly hovered above the grey fog and revealed itself.

——-a ring.

Lines of grey text appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes:

[The Chaos True Deity ring]

[He who holds this item is the True Deity of Chaos, shoulders the responsibility of destroying all Orders, as well as enjoys the privilege of immortality]

[The power of Chaos will manifest as Divine Retribution for you to use!]

[Attention: You must obtain ownership of this ring for the will of Chaos to inform you how to use it]

The Soul Shrieker suddenly turned around to the grey wall of fog: 『「 Following the rules, I require two servants. I am willing to grant them similar qualifications to obtain the Deific Authority, in exchange for their aid! 』」

『「 Come, slumbering Raging Flame Traveler from the distant Age of Immemorial, and the God of Life from the Inner Plane; traverse through the endless Space-Time, come and fight alongside me! 』」

The grey mist started to boil.

A flaming corpse wrapped in numerous chains then appeared next to the Soul Shrieker.

Followed by the God of Life.

She looked around in disbelief, muttering: 『 I was clearly fighting against the Eternal Abyss, and yet you summoned me here, bypassing Time and Space…』

The Soul Shrieker didn’t care to talk to her, it simply raised its face to the sky and laughed hysterically.

「『 Only carriers of [Chaos] may participate in the war for the [Chaos] Deific Authority! 」』

It continued to laugh:

『「 Gu Qing Shan, all of your allies now carry [Order], thus had been recognized as enemies of the Era of [Chaos]. You do not have even a single helper! 』」

「『 You’ve already lost! 」』

Gu Qing Shan muttered; “So, I can bring helpers with me…”

He looked down and waved towards the people below.

“Zhang Ying Hao”

“Ye Fei Li”

Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li exchanged glances.

Ye Fei Li flew straight up, landing behind Gu Qing Shan.

Zhang Ying Hao first received the 7-colored spear from Anna’s hand before flying up.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t turn around and said: “My apologies, I’ll be needing your help this time around. Consider our next feast my treat”

Ye Fei Li looked at the three monsters in front of him and started trembling.

“Are you scared?” Zhang Ying Hao asked in surprise.

Ye Fei Li shouldn’t be this scared at all.

“You don’t get it” Ye Fei Li excitedly licked his lips and explained: “This is essentially fighting mobs above my level, it is relatively challenging, and also——-”

“3 vs 3 is always the most interesting, it’s my favorite type of battle—— and I’ve never lost even once!”

Zhang Ying Hao shook his head, then pondered a bit.

He tossed the 7-colored spear to Gu Qing Shan, then hung a light assault rifle on his back, muttering: “That’s true, it’s been a long time since I’ve hunted a beast several dozen more times stronger than I am…”

The grey fog in the sky surged forward, enveloping everyone in the sky.

A few moments later.

The fog scattered.

They vanished from the world of the Spire Association.