Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
  • 저자
    Azumi Keiあずみ圭
  • 대체 이름
    Moon-led Journey Across Another World Tsukiga Michibiku Isekai Dochu 月が導く異世界道中
  • 출처
    Reigokai: Isekai...
  • 상태

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

학교 생활액션일상초자연적인판타지코미디로맨스드라마모험

High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, powerful others in this world aren’t as thrilled to have him there, and kick him to the edge of the world. Tsukuyomi declares that Makoto is free to find his own way after Makoto is abandoned by the other Goddess.

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