Tomb Raider King
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Tomb Raider King


The tombs of the gods have appeared in the world!

People who were able to collect the artifacts inside these tombs could use the abilities of heroes of lore, granting them wealth and power.

Then, an unknown Tomb Raider who started to loot those artifacts suddenly appeared.

He is known as the Tomb Raider King.

“Damn it, this is driving me nuts! That damn bastard looted everything here too!”

What’s yours is mine. What’s mine is obviously mine.

The Tomb Raid... 더 읽기 >>

최신 출시 장

  1. Chapter 415: Epilogue 6

    10개월, 1주 전
  2. Chapter 414: Epilogue 5

    10개월, 1주 전
  3. Chapter 413: Epilogue 4

    10개월, 1주 전
  4. Chapter 412: Epilogue 3

    10개월, 1주 전
  5. Chapter 411: Epilogue 2

    10개월, 1주 전

Tomb Raider King장 목록


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