Chapter 10 - Chu Xun Was Worshipped as A God!

The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 10 Chu Xun Was Worshipped as A God!

Early in the morning, a Rolls-Royce drove into the Qianlong Mount Villa and stopped before the villa that now belonged to Chu Xun.

Chen Hanlong got off the car, tidied his clothes, and walked toward the villa.

Only after Chen Hanlong took a few steps, a puzzled look emerged on his face, but he continued walking forward. However, shortly afterward, he looked stunned. The villa was right in front of him, but he could not get closer.

Chen Hanlong did not dare to make further move rashly because he knew Chu Xun must have used magic.

When the driver saw Chen Hanlong stand still and kept wiping his sweat, he wondered if Chen Hanlong was sick. So the driver hurriedly got out of the car and ran to him.

“Stay back...”

When Chen Hanlong saw his driver coming, he hurried to warn him. However, before he could finish, he froze because the driver running toward him suddenly disappeared.

“Chairman Chen... Chairman Chen...”

The driver, young Li, encountered the same thing. Chen Hanlong vanished right in front of him. “Is there a ghost doing all of this?” Immediately, young Li’s forehead broke out in a cold sweat.

Chu Xun, who was still cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes. He frowned slightly, but soon his brows became smooth again.

Chen Hanlong did not dare to move a muscle. For the first time in his life, he encountered such a weird thing. Now, he did not even dare to breathe heavily.

Just then, a figure popped up before him.

Chen Hanlong’s face suddenly lit up with delight. He hurriedly bowed and said respectfully, “Sir!”

“Follow me.”

Chu Xun turned around, and Chen Hanlong hurried to follow him.

After a few steps, Chu Xun suddenly led him into an open space. Everything was still there, the villa, his car, and young Li, who sat beside the car, gasping.

Chen Hanlong was more respectful to Chu Xun. This time, he was sure that Chu Xun played this trick to keep out others.

“What’s the matter?” asked Chu Xun.

In haste, Chen Hanlong lowered his head and said, “Sir, I found a clue about the car number that you have asked me to investigate.”

Chu Xun held his breath. Only the matters about his parents could cause his violent mood swings.

“I have found this person...”

Before Chen Hanlong could finish his words, Chu Xun interrupted him. “Take me to see him.”

Chen Hanlong hurriedly went to open the car door for Chu Xun and let him get in first.

Young Li, the driver, stared at Chen Hanlong in mute amazement because he had never seen his boss waited upon anyone.

“Go back by yourself. Also, keep your version of the event today to yourself. Are you clear?”

In a hurry, young Li nodded. He knew some of Chen Hanlong’s unknown background and the weird thing that had happened on him, plus Chen Hanlong’s respectful attitude toward Chu Xun. More or less, young Li knew what was going on.

Chen Hanlong drove Chu Xun in person.

An hour later, the car stopped in front of a bar named Hou Hai.

A muscular man had been waiting at the door early on. Seeing Chen Hanlong get off the car, he greeted him with a smile. “Big Brother.”

But Chen Hanlong ignored him and directly went a few steps to open the rear door. Then Chu Xun stepped out of the car.

The burly man was stunned a little. His name was Sun Ying, Chen Hanlong’s sworn brother. In the beginning, they opened up a career together and created the Dragon Eagle Gang, which then controlled half the underworld in Gujiang City.

After Chen Hanlong gave up the old business, he passed the baton of Dragon Eagle Gang’s leadership to Sun Ying.

Sun Ying had known Chen Hanlong for more than 20 years, but he had never seen him act like this before. Thus, Sun Ying felt puzzled and angry. After all, Chu Xun appeared like a college student. How could Sun Ying believe that Chu Xun deserved his brother’s respect?

“Big Brother, who is this guy...”

“Shut up!” Chen Hanlong was startled by Sun Ying’s disrespectful tone and reproached him in a hurry. Then he apologized to Chu Xun, bowing his head. “Please forgive him, Sir. He didn’t mean to offend you!”

“Never mind!” Chu Xun said flatly. He would never get angry over such a trifle.

“Hurry up! Come here to apologize to Mr. Chu.” Chen Hanlong yelled at Sun Ying, winking as signals to him at the same time.

“Big Brother, did I say anything wrong? Why do you make me apologize?” Sun Ying said in a muffled tone. Anyhow, he was the head of Dragon Eagle Gang. How could he apologize to a young man without any specific reason?

“How dare you to argue with me about that? You can run the gang by yourself now so that you dared to defy me, right?” Chen Hanlong’s face darkened.

Sun Ying’s eyes bulging, he looked at Chen Hanlong in disbelief. “Big Brother, what happened to you?”

Chen Hanlong took a quick peep at Chu Xun, feeling nervous and uneasy. If Chu Xun didn’t give an oral instruction, he dared not to tell Sun Ying the truth. Thus, Chen Hanlong could only give Sun Ying a surreptitious wink for fear he would say something more disrespectful.

Chu Xun was in too anxious a mood to pay attention to such a little thing, so he frowned a little!

But when Chen Hanlong noticed Chu Xun’s expression, his heart skipped a beat. “It will be terrible if Sun Ying annoys Chu Xun.” Therefore, he turned around to look at Sun Ying and said, “Where is the person that I asked you to find?”

“I have sent some men to catch him. They will soon come back.” Sun Ying said a little sullenly.

Upon hearing Sun Ying’s words, Chen Hanlong nearly jumped up to slap him. On the phone, he exhorted Sun Ying to act quickly again and again. But up until now, he hadn’t yet caught that person.

At this moment, a Jinbei van that was approaching rapidly soon stopped next to them.

The car door opened, and a man covered all over with blood fell off the car.


Sun Ying was greatly surprised and rushed to him.

“Brother Ying, hurry up! Go to save Brother Titan and the others...”

“What happened?” Sun Ying roared with red eyes.

“We...” There was a horrifying knife wound in Black’s chest. It was so deep that even his bone was exposed. He must have lost a lot of blood along the way. It was already a miracle that he could make it back. Before he passed out, he only managed to say one words.

“Step aside!”

Chu Xun went over and squatted down before Black.

“What are you doing?” Sun Ying roared.

Chen Hanlong seized Sun Ying’s arm and whispered, “Don’t worry. I believe Mr. Chu knows how to save him.”

“What bullshit does he know? Is he a doctor? Can he save Black?” With red eyes, Sun Ying yelled out loud. Pointing at Chu Xun, he continued roaring, “You f*cking leave my brother alone, or I’ll chop you to death.”

Chu Xun pressed his palm against the wound in Black’s chest and transferred a surge of True Energy to him. Then, the would in Black’s chest began to heal quickly.

Chu Xun raised his hand. In Black’s chest, the deep wound that exposed the bone actually disappeared. As soon as Sun Ying saw this, he looked utterly shocked as if he were struck by lightning. His eyes protruded like frogs with wonder, and his face was full of disbelief.

Chen Hanlong had always worshipped Chu Xun as a deity, but this scene still surprised him so much that he almost bit down on his tongue.

“Big Brother, he...”

Sun Ying took a hell of a long time to find his tongue, but he could not utter a complete sentence.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Hanlong exerted all his strength to stop himself from kneeling down before Chu Xun. He tried his best to lower his trembling voice and whispered, “Now I guess that you should understand why I did that before. This Sir must be an immortal who descended to our world.”

Greatly agitated, Sun Ying secretly cast a glance at the expressionless Chu Xun. He had only seen this kind of magic tricks in myth theme TV plays. Immediately, he discarded all his pride and dignity. After all, there was no comparison between a gang leader and an immortal. He hurriedly ran up to Chu Xun and knelt down before him. “This god, please spare my life. I failed to recognize you before. For mercy’s sake, don’t blame me, please!”

“Sir, Sun Ying didn’t mean to offend you. Please do not be too hard on him this time!” Chen Hanlong nervously moved forward to intercede with Chu Xun for Sun Ying. After all, he considered Sun Ying as his brother.

“You two can get up and ask him what exactly had happened.”

As Chu Xun was speaking, Black slowly opened his eyes and looked confused. When he saw Sun Ying kneel on the ground, he got up at once. “Brother Ying, what are you doing...”

Before he could finish his words, he was stunned. In a daze, he touched his chest with amazement. With an astonished look on his face, he exclaimed incoherently with surprise. “My wound... Am I dreaming? My wound has healed...”

“What are you waiting for? Mr. Chu here cured your wound. Hurry up to thank Mr. Chu!”

Chen Hanlong called Chu Xun Mr. Chu, and so Sun Ying called Chu Xun the same. Without giving Black any time to react, Sun Ying directly made him kneel on the ground.

Black was initially a little confused. When he heard that Chu Xun had cured his wound, he couldn’t help glancing at Chu Xun a few more times. Besides, he believed that Sun Ying would not lie to him, so he hurriedly said, “Thank you, Sir!”

Chu Xun shook his hand, signaling to the three of them that they could get up.

When they stood up, Chu Xun asked, “What happened?”

Involuntarily, Black looked at Sun Ying to ask for his permission.

“Why are you looking at me? Answer anything that Sir asks!” Sun Ying rebuked angrily.

Then in a hurry, Black told them the whole story!

Gujiang City was famous for the Gujiang River, which was precisely the boundary between the Dragon Eagle Gang located south of the river and the Blood League situated on the north of the river.

As they found that car, they found that it had changed hands several times. The original owner of the car named Wang Song, who was now in a bar called Dream Paradise!

At first, they planned to take Wang Song away quietly from the bar. Though Dream Paradise was in the Blood League’s territory, they thought the Blood League would never turn against them only because of an ordinary guy. However, to their surprise, Wang Song was actually related to someone at the top of the Blood League.

As a result, when they found Wang Song and were about to bring him back, they were besieged by the people from the Blood League. Black escaped at the risk of his life to send the message.