The Great Ruler
  • 저자
    Heavenly Silkworm PotatoTian Can Tu Dou天蚕土豆
  • 대체 이름
    Da Zhu Zai The Great Dictator Đại Chúa Tể 大主宰
  • 출처
    Wuxiaworld, Webnovel
  • 상태

The Great Ruler

학교 생활액션판타지코미디로맨스무술휴안화모험

The Great Thousand World. It is a place where numerous planes intersect, a place where many clans live and a place where a group of lords assemble. The Heavenly Sovereigns appear one by one from the Lower Planes and they will all display a legend that others would desire as they pursue the road of being a ruler in this boundless world.

In the Endless Fire Territory that the Flame Emperor controls, thousands of fire blazes through the heavens.

Inside the Martial Realm, the power of... 더 읽기 >>


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