The Godsfall Chronicles
  • 저자
    Half-Drunk WandererTipsy Wanderer半醉游子
  • 대체 이름
    FGR The Fallen God Records 陨神记
  • 출처
  • 상태

The Godsfall Chronicles

액션미스터리성숙한초자연적인판타지무술과학 소설모험

The nuclear holocaust which caused the collapse of the Old Times on Earth should have wiped out all human life on the planet. Yes, the gods set up their beautiful Elysiums to provide sanctuaries for their chosen, but by all rights everyone outside the elysian lands should’ve perished long ago. Yet somehow, human life still managed to persist, even in the deadly, mutant-infested wastelands.

Cloudhawk was a young scavenger who dreamed of being as free as the hawks in t... 더 읽기 >>


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