Chapter 2534

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2534: Chapter 2525, Apostle 7

Translator: 549690339

For two consecutive months, Jiang Fei felt as if he was in a dream. He shuttled back and forth between the five directions and Skoda Star. All day long, he lingered in the fragrance of women and lived as if he was in heaven.

On this day, Jiang Fei came out of the five directions. This time, he went to the five directions. Apart from accompanying the Phoenix Spirit, he also brought Ariel and the others. Ariel and the others said that they missed the phoenix spirit and wanted to accompany her.

Therefore, when he came out of the Five Directions Heaven and earth, Jiang Fei came back alone. Ariel and the other four or five girls stayed inside.

After coming out of the Five Directions Heaven and Earth, Jiang Fei originally planned to look for Aurelia. However, he did not expect to be stopped by an orderly when he was near the command center.

“Grand Marshal, someone is looking for you!”The orderly said to Jiang Fei.

“Oh? Who Is It?”Jiang Fei asked.

“You will know when you come over,”the orderly said.

“What is this? Why are you being so mysterious?”Jiang Fei frowned. Then, he saw the orderly winking at him.

“Vinylon?”Jiang Fei asked tentatively.

“Come!”Vinylon nodded and walked to a remote place.

“True Night Owls come to the house for no reason!”Jiang Fei muttered with a face full of annoyance. Then, he followed Vinylon to a corner.

“What is it? Tell me,”Jiang Fei asked impatiently.

“The development team has given you a new quest,”Vinylon said.

“I knew that nothing good would come from your arrival,”Jiang Fei said.

“Hehe, you have wronged me. I am helping you!”Vinylon said.

“Tsk…”Jiang Fei laughed coldly.

“Think about it. If the development team gave you a quest to kill the apostles, they would be somewhere else. If you were to take the initiative to kill the Apostles, those cheaters would come to your door. If you could choose, which would you choose?”Vinylon asked.

“Sigh! If I could choose, of course, I would want those guys to stay away from my family.”Jiang Fei sighed.

“Then that’s it!”Vinylon smiled.

“Alright, let’s get down to business.”Jiang Fei did not want to waste time with vinylon. He and Vinylon were just using each other.

“Alright!”Vinylon nodded. Then, he said to Jiang Fei, “This time, the target is the seventh apostle. His name is Peter.”

“HMM!”Jiang Fei nodded.

“His ability is currently unknown. However, the approximate location has been determined. He is in the five directions of Heaven and earth!”Vinylon said.

“F * ck! What did you say? !”Jiang Fei was shocked, the five directions of Heaven and earth had always been his backyard. Other than when the “Players”had entered the place in the beginning, the other times, the place had never been touched by the “Players”, however, there were traces of apostles in the land of the five directions!

“HMM, he is in the star of the five directions,”said vinylon.

“Alright, you can continue,”said Jiang Fei after taking a deep breath.

“I can no longer determine his exact location. After entering the land of the five directions, he is no longer under my supervision,”said Vinylon.

“What do you mean? There’s no help at all?”Jiang Fei said.

“No, no, no. This time, the development team has specially provided you with a tool!”Vinylon said as he took out something that looked like a jade pendant.

“What is this?”Jiang Fei asked.

“This is a detector,”said vinylon.

“Detector? Didn’t you give me one before?”Jiang Fei asked. Previously, Vinylon had given him a pocket watch.

“These two are used together. The previous pocket watch can determine the approximate location of the Apostle. It is suitable for a large-scale search. This jade pendant will only be useful when you meet him. He can help you identify which apostle is which!”Vinlon said.

“I see!”Jiang Fei nodded. For example, the sixth apostle, Philip, could transform into someone else’s appearance. Moreover, he could hide the “Player”mark on his head, if this guy had not transformed into Jiang Fei’s appearance, it would not have been easy to find him.

However, with this pair of combination, these apostles could no longer hide. Jiang Fei could easily find them through these two things.

“Alright. This time, the development team has given you a time limit. You have to complete it as soon as possible!”Said Vinylon.

“Time limit?”Jiang Fei was stunned.

“Yes. If you exceed the time limit, your family might be in danger,”said vinylon.

“Damn it!”Jiang Fei immediately became angry.

“Stop cursing. It’s useless. You better hurry up now,”said Vinylon.

“How long is the time limit?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Ten days!”Said Vinylon.

“Is it the time of the Outer Universe?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes!”Vinylon nodded.

“That’s not bad.”Jiang Fei nodded. If it was the time of the outer universe, then there would be 120 days available in the five directions.

“Time is limited. You have to hurry up,”said vinylon.

“HMM, do you have anything else to tell me?”Jiang Fei asked.

“No!”Vinlon waved his hand and left. Only the attendant who looked at Jiang Fei with a blank face did not know what to say.

“Aurelia, help me tell Bella and the others that Vinlon has given me a quest. I have to go to the five directions.”Jiang Fei rushed into the command center and found Aurelia.

“Yes! Okay!”Aurelia nodded and said that he would pass on Jiang Fei’s message to Bella and the others.

“This is a time-limited quest. I don’t have time to explain. I have to go. I’ll be back in ten days.”Jiang Fei immediately had little nine send him into the five directions heaven and earth.


After entering the five directions heaven and earth, Jiang Fei took out the pocket watch-shaped tracker. There was indeed a small red dot blinking on it.

“Time Star?”Jiang Fei quickly determined the location. Then, he did not bother to go to the teleportation portal. With little nine, it was much more convenient for him to travel through the world of the five directions.

“Little Nine, send me to time star!”Jiang Fei said.

“Okay, brother!”Little nine replied. Then, she sent Jiang Fei to time star in the world of ice and snow.

“The ten thousand beasts gathering?”Jiang Fei looked at the information on the tracking device again and confirmed the latest location of Peter.

“Clang!”The chengying sword flew out and enlarged. Jiang Fei leaped up and rode his sword straight towards the ten thousand beasts gathering.

The ten thousand beasts gathering in the past had long been abandoned. Ever since the Dragon Race retired, the ten thousand beasts gathering had gradually declined. This time, although the Dragon Race had reappeared, it was no longer as glorious as before, therefore, the beast gathering had been abandoned.

However, although the beast gathering was no longer there, the ruins were still intact. According to the signal on the tracker, that Peter was nearby!