So Pure, So Flirtatious
  • 저자
    Fishman The Second鱼人二代
  • 대체 이름
    SPSF Very Pure Very Vague VPVV 很纯很暧昧
  • 출처
    Gravity Tales
  • 상태

So Pure, So Flirtatious

학교 생활액션성숙한하렘에치로맨스무술드라마

Yang Ming is an underachiever in high school. He skips class to shoot pool, cheats on his exams and gets into fights. However, by a twist and turn of fate and luck, he obtains some high-tech contact lenses that give him superpowers and dramatically change his life.

As his journey unfolds, he battles against society’s big guns and attempts to bring justice into an unjust world. Along the way, he has many interesting and romantic encounters with the ladies who are charmed by his c... 더 읽기 >>


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