Chapter 1769 - Found At Last

Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1769 - Found At Last

The wooden door was clearly the way deeper into the ancient ruins.

Considering how the ancient ruins were filled with treasure, it was obvious the loots deeper into the place would be even more shocking.

“Hehe, should we take some of the Dao Weapons before entering the door?”

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor quickly collected his thoughts. He seemed quite excited.

“Good idea!”

Yuanji and Xiu Shenliang nodded in agreement.

They still had some time to spare. They did not have to rush it.

After all, each Dao Weapon was extremely valuable, especially those that were around here. They had existed for quite some time, and were considered ancient Dao Weapons. They were very rare.

They could easily make a fortune if they found one or two Dao Weapons with a special power.

“Go get them, I’ll take a look around.”

Qin Nan was not interested in the Dao Weapons. He weaved through the ancient ruins at a shocking pace and observed the palaces.

He had to take a close look if the two resources he was looking for were here.

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor and the others left him be since the treasures were right in front of them. They discussed among themselves for a while and rushed into the palaces with excitement.

However, in less than two breaths’ time, the smiles on their faces froze.

The lifeless statues wearing incomplete armors suddenly woke up. Their eyes emitted a red flicker as blinding immortal glows burst out of their bodies with icy murderous auras.

They already guessed the statues in each of the palaces were guards, but they did not expect each statue to possess a cultivation of the fifth-layer Heaven Immortal Realm!

“This is a trap…”

Following the screams, a series of explosions took place in the palaces. There were faint cries of agony too.

Qin Nan caught a quick glimpse of them and discovered they were not in any kind of danger despite a little misery. He continued to observe the palaces.

A few moments later, he returned to the initial spot with a frown.

He did not find any natural resources in the palaces, let alone the Eight-Eyed Yin and Yang Flower and the Immortal Repelling Tree.

“Does that mean they are all inside the wooden door?”

Qin Nan placed his attention on the mysterious wooden door.

“Qin…Qin Nan, screw you, why didn’t you come and help us!?”

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor panted heavily after escaping from the palace. He sounded like he was holding a huge grudge.

“Humph, Eight Brilliance, if you weren’t blocking in front of me there, I would have eliminated them all. It’s just the fifth-layer Heaven Immortal Realm. They aren’t posing any threat to me.”

Xiu Shenliang blurted out disdainfully despite having a pale face.

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor’s face immediately darkened like charcoal.

“Enough grumbling, let’s enter the wooden door,” Qin Nan waved his hand and said calmly.

“The wooden door?”

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor, Xiu Shenliang, and Yuanji shrugged subconsciously.

The palaces out here were already so dangerous, let alone heading deeper into the place through the door.

“Damn it, I won’t give up so easily. I would like to see how powerful these ancient ruins are!” the Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor said clenching his teeth.

He was not being stubborn. He was well aware of one thing, where there were risks, there were opportunities. If he was looking for some shocking loots, he would have to take the risk even if it meant going through mountains of daggers and sea of fire.

“Let’s go!” Qin Nan said.

The five arrived before the mysterious wooden door.

From afar, the door looked slightly imperious and mysterious, but as they went closer, they immediately felt a vague pressure.

The Blood-Eye Human Immortal and Xiu Shenliang, in particular, had a strong urge to submit themselves to the door.


The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor suddenly stopped the others. He stared at the eerie patterns on the wooden frame and said doubtfully, “I’ve seen these diagrams before. I believe it’s some kind of restrictions, but I can’t recall what they are exactly…”

Xiu Shenliang cast him a disdainful look, “Eight Brilliance, you’re being a coward now?”

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor snapped, “Little prick, who are you calling a coward? Don’t you know I’m called the most courageous among the cultivators in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm?”

Qin Nan’s lips twisted. He did not have time to waste on these two clowns. He gathered his thoughts and walked into the wooden door. The others followed behind him.

The surroundings did not shift as they had imagined, but a white glowing path had appeared under their feet, leading them to a colorful glow in the distance.

When Qin Nan and the others entered the colorful glow, they felt their bodies lightening as they arrived in a different place.


They subconsciously looked ahead and were astounded.

They found themselves in a spacious creek. Both sides consisted of smooth walls soaring into the sky with no visible ends.

It was a common sight in a mystical realm inside some ancient ruins, but in this creek covering less than a distance of a thousand li, the pure immortal intent it possessed was double the presence of the immortal intent in the ancient ruins.

On top of it, there were mystical herbs in every corner. The flowers and plants were encapsulated by a vague immortal glow and a magnificent immortal force.

“My…My Heavens, are these all Immortal Blessing resources?”

The Eight Brilliance Demon Emperor exclaimed all of a sudden. He could not believe his eyes.

Qin Nan quickly looked around him after hearing the words.

He saw a stalk of flower less than five inches behind a bush of colorful flowers. It had eight petals, each with a symbol like an eye on it, and were split into black and white colors.

Even though it was not emitting any presence of Qi or immortal intent, it was like an emperor among the natural resources.

It was the Immortal Blessing natural resource, the Eight-Eyed Yin and Yang Flower!

Not far away from the flower, the most hidden spot inside the creek stood a huge tree over three zhang tall.

Its trunk was not huge. Its width was around the size of a fist. It had leaves like a willow. It did not stand out in the distance, but when anyone took a close look, they would discover that each of its leaves resembled the character ‘仙’ (immortal) in different shapes!

On top of it, most of its roots were exposed above the surface. The roots were extremely thick with different kinds of runes on them.

These runes were engraved by nature. They would unleash remarkable force once they were activated.

The tree was none other than the Immortal Blessing resource, the Immortal Repelling Tree!

Unlike the Eight-Eyed Yin and Yang Flower, it was even tied to a rumor. It was said that they could find a real Immortal by following the trail of the tree.

“I found them…at last!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Even he could not control the excitement in his heart.

“Hang on, take a look here!”