Master of the Stars
  • 저자
    Weight Loss Expert减肥专家
  • 대체 이름
    The Lord of the Stars 星辰之主
  • 출처
    Gravity Tales
  • 상태

Master of the Stars

액션미스터리초자연적인심리학적판타지세인무술휴안화과학 소설

It is the turn of the century and humanity has ignorantly stepped into the starry space to lay themselves bare to the eyes of gods. The young man Luo Nan bears the sins of his forefathers. He walks out of a laboratory and is seen holding burning notes up high, his feet treading on the bones of gods. A myriad of living beings are formatted in writing. Universes are added and deleted in the star records.

All living beings are made for me. Believe with certainty… For my mind is the univers... 더 읽기 >>


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