Absolute Choice
  • 저자
    Pear Lands In The Autumn Spring梨落秋溪
  • 대체 이름
    Jue Dui Xuan Xiang 绝对选项
  • 출처
  • 상태

Absolute Choice


A world filled with heroes with superpowers. A world attacked by calamity fiends. A modern world filled with wonders and dangers.

Shi Xiaobai, a child from normal Earth, walked into such a world, proclaiming to be its king. But at the first signs of danger, he is forced to make a choice, one which he cannot refuse for time would repeat, making him face the choice again.

He is not humble nor is he modest, but neither is he delusional. Yet, the Absolute Choice seems to make fun of h... 더 읽기 >>


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