48 Hours a Day
  • 저자
    Little Bleary Zhao
  • 대체 이름
    IH48HD 我的一天有48小时
  • 출처
  • 상태

48 Hours a Day

학교 생활액션미스터리초자연적인판타지무술과학 소설모험역사적

Growing up with eccentric materialist parents who left him in the care of his grandfather for a job overseas, Zhang Heng had learned to adapt and be unfettered by the oddities and challenges in life. But he would soon learn the baffling truth about the world he thought he knew when one day at midnight time froze and he found himself in a world so quiet and still it was deafening. That night, he discovered that he had 24 hours more than everybody else and thus, marked the beginning of hi... 더 읽기 >>


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