Chapter 973 - Chatting With A Head

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 973: Chatting With A Head

A spear that gave off blinding crimson light appeared in Gu Qing Shan’s hand.

[Dreamjolt] will only last for 5 seconds.

Gu Qing Shan activated it while he was talking.

He wielded and cut the Abyssal Demon Dragon into pieces as soon as he finished talking, only two seconds had passed.

The Demon Dragon’s two arms, two legs, tail, torso, and head were separated from each other and laid on the platform.

Lin reminded him: “That’s not enough, his power is still too much”

Gu Qing Shan looked at her wounds and said: “I’ll leave it to you”

Four seconds.


Lin glared at Gu Qing Shan but still smirked.

She understood what Gu Qing Shan was saying.


It’s still a bit irritating to recall that time.

Fine, at least this time he’s doing it to let me release some steam…

Five seconds.

[Dreamjolt] ended.

Lin’s figure flashed and appeared next to Gu Qing Shan.

With a single punch, she knocked all of the Demon Dragon’s body parts into the air.

Followed by a barrage of attacks.

In a split second, the Demon Dragon’s arms, legs, tail, and torso were all sent flying.

They were attacks that contained Lin’s full power as well as anger.

The Demon Dragon’s body parts were sent flying, crossing the world barrier towards different directions.

Only the Demon Dragon’s head remained.

——–as it was now a true Abyssal monster, it didn’t die right away.

Compared to Lin who was fully awake to see herself being cut apart, the Abyssal Demon Dragon had obviously not been killed this way before.

So he was very confused.

How did——-


Why did—–

——how am I suddenly on the ground?

No matter how much it wracked its head, the Demon Dragon couldn’t figure it out.

Lin stood in front to shield Gu Qing Shan and told him: “Even though only its head remained, it still contains the power of the Abyss so it won’t die right away. It’s best that you maintain caution”

“You’re right”

Gu Qing Shan nodded in agreement and sent his voice to Laura who’s been hiding in a secret location: “Do you have items that can seal supernatural power away?”

“Yes, I’ll give them to you now” Laura searched her backpack and answered right away.

Several emerald green leaves appeared out of thin air and fluttered around Gu Qing Shan.

The leaves disappeared, each turning into a different sealing artifact.

——-since they were things from Laura’s personal collection that she took out right away, they were surely not any ordinary items.

Since Laura understood the situation, she had immediately sent Gu Qing Shan the strongest sealing artifacts she had.

Gu Qing Shan glanced over them.

Firstly, he took the two talismans, activated them with spirit energy, and sent them out.

The two talismans fell onto the Demon Dragon’s two horns and started glowing.

They were both high-leveled Cultivation-type sealing talismans. Gu Qing Shan instantly recognized the power they contained with a swift glance of his inner sight.

Following that, Gu Qing Shan found and threw almost a dozen kinds of different Magic-type hexes of absolute sealing onto the Demon Dragon’s big face.

Various strange and unusual patterns appeared on the Demon Dragon’s face.

Followed by numerous accessories with sealing effects——- usually, things like these were made to be small and beautiful trinkets that made it convenient to wear (put) on your (other people’s) body.

With some thought, Gu Qing Shan used his spirit energy to braid the Demon Dragon’s hair into locks and tied a sealing accessory onto each one.

But there were too many sealing items and not enough of the Demon Dragon’s hair.

Lin spoke up:

“That’s enough, you’ve already used to many sealing artifacts”

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “It’s best to make absolutely sure”

He looked at the Demon Dragon’s long and thick black beard——

Yes, I can tie things to this as well.

The remaining accessories flew over and were tied onto the Demon Dragon’s beard.

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the air.

Only one sealing artifact remained.

This was the strongest one among all the sealing artifacts.

It was a pointy hat that gave off a clear emerald glow as if it was created from one of the Bramble Great Tree’s leaves.

Gu Qing Shan sent the emerald hat so that it perfectly fit over the Demon Dragon’s head.

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief and asked: “There, all finished. Can you check if the head’s power has been sealed or not?”

“Let me check”

Lin looked down at the Demon Dragon’s head and silently sighed emotionally.

I only reminded him just in case there might be some sort of unseen change.

Who knew he would be this cruel…

—–the Demon Dragon’s face was now filled with Magic-type runes and patterns, his two horns were wrapped by two pieces of paper (talisman), his hair and beard were tied full of tiny accessories of various sizes, and was wearing an emerald green hat on top.

Even a powerful Abyssal would be greatly limited in what kind of secret technique and power they were able to utilize if all they had left was a severed head.

And now that the Demon Dragon’s head was practically filled to the brim with sealing artifacts, he couldn’t even dream of unleashing any power.

———how did a terrifying monster that was supposed to be undefeatable within the 900 million World Layers fall to this sad state?

Lin shook her head and said:

“It probably won’t be able to unleash any sort of power now”

“That’s good to hear”

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief and approached it.

This time, Lin didn’t stop him.

Gu Qing Shan crouched down, grabbed the Demon Dragon’s long horns, and lifted his head to face him.

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t want to kill you”

Gu Qing Shan said apologetically.

‘Equipped’ with so many artifacts around as well as a ridiculous green hat on his head, the Demon Dragon was staring a hole into Gu Qing Shan.

If a gaze could kill, Gu Qing Shan would’ve already died in the most horrible way possible.

Gu Qing Shan cleared his throat and continued: “Truthfully, your strength is known far and wide to be feared, but I didn’t know much about you, so I was afraid and had to take measures to protect myself”

The Demon Dragon remained silent.

Gu Qing Shan went on: “I’ll be honest, I actually want to talk business with you”


Everyone who heard this went completely speechless.

——are you seriously trying to strike a business deal after turning the other party into that state?

The onlookers all had the same thought.

While Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li silently exchanged glances.

The same old Gu Qing Shan.

But Laura was thinking of something else entirely.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest with a nostalgic look in her eyes.

For some reason, she was recalling their journey in Triste’s collection world, when Gu Qing Shan made the countless demonized people willingly remove the [Order] from themselves on top of the snow mountain.

Hearing Gu Qing Shan’s words, Lin couldn’t help but blink her eyes at him.

——she just noticed that she hadn’t made this expression for a very long time.

——sure enough, even the Demon Dragon himself couldn’t help but react when he heard Gu Qing Shan.

「 You want to talk business with me? What do you mean? 」he asked.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I want you to tell me the location of a certain person—— she might actually be with you right now”

The Demon Dragon’s expression turned dull and emphasized every word: 「 Regardless of who that person is, I will never tell you 」

Gu Qing Shan sincerely told him: “If you still want to exist, you will tell me”

The Demon Dragon laughed: 「 Do you know what kind of entity you’re threatening? 」

His laugh was so resounding that the trinkets all over his head shook with it.

The two talismans on his horns fluttered like a couple of loose bandages.

The green hat on top of the dragon head was shaken by the laugh and almost fell down.

Lin scowled.

Although it isn’t my place to say such a thing, this dragon head looks so bad right now that it’s actually bringing shame to the Eternal Abyss.

Gu Qing Shan helped the Demon Dragon wear his hat again in a friendly manner and gently told him: “I know what you’re trying to say, and since you’re only a head right now, you can fall into slumber at any moment——- so we’re going to have a nice and sincere talk without any falsehood”

「 Don’t even think about it. Talking business with someone like you? Do you really take me for a fool? 」the Demon Dragon mocked him.

“I suggest that you think about it carefully” Gu Qing Shan’s tone slowed down: “There are many dangers that come with traveling the infinite worlds since you’ve always been treated as a god, most likely no one had ever helped you understand this fact”

“But now that we’ve had the chance to become acquainted, I’m more than willing to help reintroduce you to this world”

「 What can you actually do? An ant who doesn’t even have control over his own life and death is trying to threaten me? 」the Demon Dragon mocked him again.

Gu Qing Shan slowly replied: “Then, let us take a guess, what would happen if I bring this jagged head of yours and put it near the Reality Gate?”

The Demon Dragon’s heart sank.

An entity with the eternal characteristic was unkillable and couldn’t die, as they would simply reawaken after a dormant period.

Except for one particular situation.

In the vicinity of the Reality Gate, that overwhelmingly powerful parallel world was still wrestling against its own Apocalypse.

The struggle between the parallel world and the Apocalypse created an ever-expanding Fate Corrosion.

This was a terrifying occurrence as it was able to directly overwrite an individual’s Fate and cause anything that came into contact with it to be thoroughly destroyed.

「 Ridiculous, with your meager self, can you even muster the courage to head to the Reality Gate? 」

The Demon Dragon scoffed.

“I can” Gu Qing Shan seriously nodded.

「 You will surely die 」

“I probably will, but before that, I’ll guarantee that this head of yours is going to disappear first”

「 You don’t even know how to head to the Reality Gate. Even within the Abyss, this is a secret among secrets 」

“The one standing right next to me is Lin, can you guess why she and I allied with each other?”

「 That place isn’t a joke, with just you alone——-」

“We will make it there; I can guarantee that”

A man and a dragon head stood facing one another for a long while.

The Demon Dragon suddenly remembered something.

That’s right.

For countless years, everything Lin had done had been for the sake of going through the Reality Gate.

This was her obsession.

Which means, they will truly go there.