Chapter 939 - : Completely Different

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 939: Completely Different

The space vortex where the endless chaotic wind blew.

The Bramble Tree ship was sailing through a secret void current, making its way tirelessly through the space vortex.

“We’ve been traveling for two days straight already, how much more until we reach the Bramble Bird Kingdom?” Lin asked.

“We’ll arrive in 5 days” Laura answered.

“That long!? Why aren’t you using super-distance teleportation?” Lin asked in confusion.

“I also had to travel from world to world when I found you two. Even long-distance teleportation is unusable now”

While saying so, Laura pointed outside the wooden ship.

Lin turned around to see increasingly more strange and unusual creatures appearing in the space vortex.

The space vortex was the underside void of the worlds, the hidden space behind each world, an endless and boundless area without a beginning or end.

But right now, the only way the space vortex could be described was ‘overcrowded’.

Obviously, the unusual movements of the Eternal Abyss had drawn the attention and caution of many mysterious lifeforms.

All living beings understood that the 900 million World Layers were undergoing a great change, thus they cautiously observed how the situation would turn out.

Naturally, more of them decided that it was best to run away.

——through the space vortex, they were running away to places that they assumed were safe.

Unfortunately, they didn’t understand that there was already no such thing as a safe place in the 900 million World Layers.

Laura heavily sighed and continued: “According to spatial technique experts, the tide of the Eternal Abyss is continually eroding the 900 million World Layers, while also leaving large numbers of unknown lifeforms within the space tunnels, causing all long-distance teleportation methods to become chaotic. At this point, no one should be able to use any warp techniques any longer”

“Unknown lifeforms that can survive and live within space tunnels?”

“Indeed, none of the picture books from the 900 million World Layers have depicted those creatures, so they are assumed to be Abyssal lifeforms for now”

Lin fell into thought.

For the last few days, Gu Qing Shan had been busy breaking through his cultivation realm.

If the 900 million World Layers is indeed changing, he would probably want to know the secrets regarding this.

If that’s the case…

Lin told Laura: “Do you have a way to let me see those unknown creatures?”

“What is there to see about them?” Laura doubtfully asked.

Lin explained: “Your big brother is very impressive, but he’s currently in seclusion, so we will need to do some espionage for him for now. That way, when his seclusion ends, it would be beneficial to decide what to do next”

Laura was instantly convinced.

“It’s very simple to catch them, but I heard that there are some unknown lifeforms that can hurt people” Laura said.

“Don’t worry, I’m here” Lin told her.

“Alright, then I’ll catch one of those monsters”

Laura pulled out a fishing rod, tied a metal hook to the end of it, and cast the line outside the Bramble Tree ship.

Miraculously, the hook and line vanished somewhere into the void of space.

Laura sat down on the ship’s railings, holding tightly to the fishing rod, and waited.

It could be seen that the fishing rod was some kind of unique treasure.

Lin sat down by Laura and silently protected her.

A few moments later.

Laura suddenly pulled the fishing rod.

An unusual torso was caught from the void of space.

But the torso briefly struggled and quickly escaped from the fishing rod.

“Argh, just a bit more” Laura angrily complained.

“It’s ok, continue” Lin told her.

Laura cast the line again, still fuming.

She resumed fishing.

Perhaps to balance out the irritation in her heart, Laura reached her hand out into the void of space, searching for something.

——from the looks of it, she looked like she was pulling a raffle.

“Ah? From my experience, this time seems to be something quite good”

Laura said with surprise.

She pulled her hand back out.

A ring engraved with a violet gem was grasped in her hand.

This engraved ring was giving off a beautiful vision of space that extended infinitely far.

“The Heart of the Stars” Lin muttered in a dry voice.

“Big sis, you know of this?”

“I do. This ring is associated with a sorrowful love story and is definitely a Divine Armament. It is said that the wearer of the ring can immediately revive themselves from among the stars after their death”

“Looks like it really is a good item—– big sis, I’ll give it to you”

Laura gave the ring to Lin without hesitation.

Lin hurriedly refused: “That’s too precious, even in the age eons ago, this was still an extremely precious item, you should use it for yourself”

“Eheh, I’ve been really concerned about my own safety, so I already carry a lot of life-saving items with me” Laura didn’t say anything else and put the ring on Lin’s hand herself.

“Big sis Lin, I don’t really understand much about fighting, but you give me the same impression as a friend of mine. Both of you are fighters who isn’t afraid to risk your lives, so you must have a way to protect it”

“Your friend?”

“Yes, she’s a blade user that I find very impressive, after we return to the Bramble Bird Kingdom, you’ll be able to meet her” Laura smiled mysteriously.

Lin looked at the ring on her hand and sighed.

Since I’m already wearing it, taking it off would make me seem insincere, and this little girl doesn’t seem to lack a ring like this one.

“Laura… the way you were searching the void of space just now… was that the manifestation of an ability?” Lin asked.

“Yes, it was. I can directly catch any items from the void that doesn’t have an owner——- whenever I feel down, I would always use it to play around a bit”

As soon as Laura said so, she abruptly pulled on her fishing rod.

“Caught one!” she loudly shouted.

A mass of flames was caught on the hook, constantly struggling to escape while also heading straight towards the Bramble Tree ship.

Laura screamed: “Big sis, save me——”

When they took a closer look, it was actually a flaming skull that was caught on the hook.

The skull looked at Laura and Lin, they said something incomprehensible.

Lin had already leapt forward, caught the skull in one hand while heavily striking it with her other hand.


The skull immediately exploded.

The burning flames were swiftly extinguished.

Lin returned to the ship.

“It’s fine, I’ve dealt with it” she quickly consoled Laura.

“Hah—– I’m glad big sis is here, it looked so scary” Laura said.

She then asked: “I think it said something just now—— but I couldn’t understand at all”

“That was Abyssal tongue” Lin slowly explained, “It said that I was a traitor of the Abyss for intermingling with living beings”

“What happened?” Gu Qing Shan’s voice came from behind them.

“Aren’t you in seclusion to get ready for breaking through? Why did you come out?” Lin asked in return.

“I just finished, then I sensed some fighting, so I came out to check” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Lin then told him what happened just now.

“What flaming skull was a kind of Abyssal monster?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“That’s right, but it was only a servant, its master is called the Shadow Bonestealer, an Eternal monster”

“Shadow Bonestealer… is it strong?”

“Very strong. Although most Abyssal creatures can’t die, the Shadow Bonestealer is able to take advantage of other monsters when they’re asleep to enslave their bodies. This way, even if they resurrect, they wouldn’t be able to escape its control”

“Can you defeat it?”

“If I still had my Abyssal form, I might be able to put up a fight”

Gu Qing Shan nodded and understood Lin’s implication.

——she had no way to deal with the Shadow Bonestealer right now.

Lin continued: “The key point is that the Shadow Bonestealer has begun to send its subordinate all over the space tunnels of the 900 million World Layers, so it must be planning something”

“I agree, it must be planning something big” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

“Since we found out about this, to avoid further trouble, we need to quickly leave this place” Lin sighed.

“I’ll speed up the ship!” Laura quickly said.

She then jumped down from the ship’s railing and scurried down below deck.

Only Gu Qing Shan and Lin remained on the deck of the ship.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly said: “I’ve just noticed something—– the only one within the entire 900 million World Layers right now who can recognize these monsters and infer their intentions is you”

“So, you’re hoping that I could move into the space tunnel and look for more information?” Lin asked.

For some reason, her heart was beating a bit faster.

“No, you misunderstand. I just hope that you won’t try to look for their secrets again” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Lin froze, then asked doubtfully: “But if I don’t do that, you wouldn’t be able to find out anything”

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “I hope that you’ll understand a certain thing——— you have currently lost your Abyssal form and are in a very dangerous situation, you can’t be doing something as dangerous as gather information”

Lin froze again.

Gu Qing Shan smiled and continued: “Not to mention if I really needed any information, I have my own ways to look for them, there’s no need for you to risk your life over such a thing”

Gu Qing Shan then nodded to Lin, turned around, and quickly walked forward.

Within his vision where he was heading, space itself was receding to slowly reveal a world in front of his eyes.

Lin continued staring at him.


Why this completely different attitude?

“Wait a minute, this is the world you created with your eye technique? What are you trying to do?” Lin loudly asked him from behind.

“To face my Measure Tribulation”

“Are you confident?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t die from this”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan stepped into that world.

Gu Qing Shan’s world swiftly faded away and vanished from Lin’s eyes.