Chapter 440 - Hidden agenda

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 440: Hidden agenda

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

When Gu Qing Shan spoke about killing Wang Hong Dao once again, Zhao Wu Chui didn’t become angry.

Zhao Wu Chui didn’t even react, all the excitement and fury he showed on his face disappeared, not a single bit of originally boiling emotions were left.

He was looking at Gu Qing Shan with a grim look.

——as if he turned into someone else entirely.

“Ying Mei, what do you think we should do?” Zhao Wu Chui asked in a low voice.

Ye Ying Mei smiled bitterly.

“Now that it’s come to this, you and I probably won’t be able to wait until the day he draws his last breath” she said.

“Then we can consider letting Qi Yan join us” Zhao Wu Chui said.

“Yes, since he has the new world”

“Then you go first”


After the two of them finished discussing, they both looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan scowled, not knowing what the two of them were planning.

Ye Ying Mei spoke hesitantly: “Qi Yan…”

She lightly pushed her dress collar to one side, revealing her shoulder.

On her jade white skin, parts of it were bruised purple and blue.

But this wasn’t the main point.

The outside of Ye Ying Mei’s skin was crawling with black runes.

The runes were moving and writhing, looking as if they were alive.

The runes stuck together and formed clear glowing shackles on the outside of her skin.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed.

“Such intense lock seals… No that can’t be right, you’re a Virtualized realm cultivator, who could possibly put lock seals on you?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Ye Ying Mei replied in a hoarse voice: “Who do you think?”

Gu Qing Shan went silent for a few seconds.

“So that’s it”

He sighed deeply.

The soft expression that Ye Ying Mei always wore disappeared.

She silently sat there, frighteningly calm.

“Very early on, back when I was still at Golden Core realm, master had already began to place lock seals on me, whenever I disobey his will, he would put me in a state incapable of dying while being cursed yet alive”

“Throughout the years, whenever I break through, Wang Hong Dao would increase the strength of the lock seals on my body”

“As you can see, I’ve already lost my freedom since Golden Core realm, having to bend to his every will”

Saying so, Ye Ying Mei slowly fixed her clothes.

She spoke in a low voice: “I simply don’t have a way to retaliate against Wang Hong Dao”

Silently listening, Gu Qing Shan felt a bit irritated.

Having been through so many battles in his two lives, Gu Qing Shan had seen countless types of varying enemies.

But he very rarely sees an enemy as disgusting as Wang Hong Dao.

“Alright then, Ying Mei sis, then you don’t need to attack him”

Gu Qing Shan looked over at Zhao Wu Chui and said: “That leaves the two of us—-”

Zhao Wu Chui also shook his head: “I have 81 demon insects in my body, as soon as I hold the slightest bit of malice towards him, he can kill me with a single thought”

Zhao Wu Chui appeared sorrowful: “I’m now only a Virtualized realm zombie, his most loyal dog”

“Is that so” Gu Qing Shan nodded to both of them, expressing his understanding of their situations.

At this time, he finally understood why the two Virtualized realm cultivators were so willing to cooperate with him.

Because as soon as they get to a new world, Wang Hong Dao wouldn’t be able to control them even if he wanted to.

The Laws of each world are different and they have their own protective world barrier.

When they are in two different worlds, Wang Hong Dao simply can’t sense Ye Ying Mei’s lock seals, nor can he control Zhao Wu Chui’s demon insects.

This was similar to the soul lanterns that most sects have.

Once a cultivator leaves the world, the lanterns will blow out by themselves as if that cultivator was already dead.

Soul lanterns aren’t able to sense what the cultivator’s situation is when they’re in a different world.

Which was why the new world was Ye Ying Mei and Zhao Wu Chui’s only hope of escaping from Wang Hong Dao’s control.

Otherwise, these two Virtualized realm cultivators wouldn’t have been that easy to convince.

But they can’t attack him at all.

How should he deal with the current situation?

Gu Qing Shan picked up his cup of tea and took another sip.

The paper-thin Rakshasa’s Daughter mask was still on the table.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the mask.

This mask was created from the purest top-grade spirit jade.

Using inner sight, you’ll be able to see every last intricate detail of the face and the jade material.

This really is just a mask.

When the white fox gave him the mask, both Ye Ying Mei and Zhao Wu Chui scanned through it with their inner sights.

I also checked it carefully using inner sight.

The mask is completely normal, it hasn’t been tampered with at all.

But then why did Rakshasa’s Daughter give me this mask?

Gu Qing Shan stared straight at the mask.

Rakshasa’s Daughter’s alluring smile remained on the mask, her captivating appearance depicted on it was animated as if it were real.

Alright, it’s not time to be thinking about these things.

Gu Qing Shan cut off his thoughts and began to consider his current situation.

Although there still wasn’t much intelligence, Gu Qing Shan could a bit for now.

At least, he managed to make himself a path of retreat.

Gu Qing Shan diverted his gaze from the mask, glancing over the War God UI to check the lines of glowing text on it.

[You’ve killed Sainted realm early stage cultivator Wu San]

[Soul Points received: 400]

[Current Soul Points: 1603/300]

[Special Quest: Wu San must die (completed)]

[Quest objective: Before the secret of the two worlds is found out by anyone, deal with the only person who knows this]

[Quest reward: You may select one Quest and immediately complete it]

[Note: You may receive this Quest’s reward right away]

Gu Qing Shan looked at the dark space in the center of the War God UI.

“System, I can directly choose to finish the Sainted realm Thaumaturgy Quest?”

He silently asked.


The System chimed.

[You must advance to Sainted realm before beginning the Sainted realm Thaumaturgy Quest, this is the natural Law of cultivation as well as the Quest’s prerequisite]

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit regretful.

But that’s also common sense, I haven’t gotten to Sainted realm yet, how would I be able to use the knowledge and power of Sainted realm to sense the Laws of this world and draw a thaumaturgy?

Seems like I’ll need to breakthrough soon.

Gu Qing Shan silently thought.

“Qi Yan, what do you think we should do now?”

Zhao Wu Chui saw how long he went silent contemplating and tried asking.

Gu Qing Shan muses: “Since you can’t attack him openly, how about we all think of a way to make a trap that’ll be able to kill Wang Hong Dao”

Casually, he asked a seemingly extra question: “Wang Hong Dao is probably not in the sect right now, is he?”

The two Hallmasters silently nodded.

The three of them all understood what that meant, but didn’t directly expose the truth.

This was a very crucial problem.

—–Wang Hong Dao wouldn’t just stand and wait for Qi Ruo Ya to successfully breakthrough.

He was definitely somewhere in the space vortex, interfering with Qi Ruo Ya’s tribulation.

The two Hallmasters looked at Gu Qing Shan’s calmness with some suspicion.

“Qi Yan, why aren’t you quickly going to contact your father?” Ye Ying Mei asked.

“Or did he already know that Wang Hong Dao would come?” Zhao Wu Chui also asked.

Gu Qing Shan only smiled.

“Who cares about them” he casually answered.

“What do you mean?” Zhao Wu Chui asked.

“Two days ago, my father went to face his tribulation”

“The Cryptic realm tribulation takes about one day at most, so he should’ve already returned”

“But after I returned to this world, he still can’t be contacted and Wang Hong Dao is still nowhere to be seen, that already tells me enough”

“A wounded Cryptic realm cultivator and a Virtualized realm facing his tribulation, after 1 day and night, the result of the battle should’ve already been decided, nothing I do now will make it in time” he commented.

The two Hallmasters rubbed their chins.

It truly was as Qi Yan said.

Under such a dangerous situation, no matter if it was the attacker or the one being attacked, they both have to use their strongest attacks, so victory should be determined very quickly.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “If both he and Wang Hong Dao haven’t returned, then there could only be one of three situations”

“One, my father won, but he’s busy healing his wounds. This would be the best situation as the two of you can just work under my father from now on”

“But it’s highly improbable, Wang Hong Dao has been waiting for this day for so many years that he probably made a careful plan that’s prepared for everything”

“Then comes the second situation, Wang Hong Dao won, but he couldn’t return yet because his wounds were severe enough that he can’t afford to”

“The third, both of them are dead and neither will return”

Gu Qing Shan looked at the two Hallmasters and smiled: “I don’t need to care if it’s the 1st or 3rd situation”

“But if the result is the 2nd situation, then I’ll have to be very careful”

Seeing how calmly he was analyzing everything, the two Hallmasters couldn’t help but feel respect.

Because one of the sides fighting for their lives was his own father!

The other side can arbitrarily decide Qi Yan’s life and death!

The two Hallmasters don’t think that they’ll be able to be that calm when placed in the same situation as his.

“Both me and Ying Mei won’t be able to attack…” Zhao Wu Chui hesitantly spoke.

“No matter, we only need to plan this out carefully to make sure that you’ll be able to attack and kill him instantly” Gu Qing Shan answered.

Zhao Wu Chui shook his head: “There is no such thing as a trap or method that can kill a Cryptic realm cultivator right away”

Ye Ying Mei also commented: “Even if we set up a powerful trap, even if he falls for it and becomes wounded, there would still be a need for someone to face and kill him directly”

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent for a bit.

“I’ll do it”

And finally declared so…