Chapter 1587 - Talking to Apocalypse

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1587: Talking to Apocalypse

A mass of white fog swirled as it manifested deep inside the Doomsday Necropolis.

Gu Qing Shan emerged from the white fog, standing by himself at the previous location he left.

——those Professionists had committed themselves to their mission, using the most time-efficient method to bring him as deep as they could into the Doomsday Necropolis.

This is enough.

What comes next isn’t something they can deal with.

Rather than letting them march to their deaths, it was better to let them live and maintain their strength.

If they one day become reinforced with [Order], they might become a greater force against the Apocalypse.

Gu Qing Shan looked up.

Only to see numerous meteors continuously descending from far above the sky.

They left long trails of light as they fell towards the far South, which gave off sky-high pillars of light.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The continuous sound of impact resounded throughout the land.

——-the meteors were falling in a highly orderly and methodical manner.

The light slowly melded into one piece and turned into a gigantic wall.

A wall of light.

Gu Qing Shan silently observed it for a while before muttering to himself:

“These meteors are falling at a constant rate and distance; the speed and impact are also the same… it seems like something is manipulating them…”

As soon as he said that, rings of light manifested from the ground and began to fly towards the far North.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

These lights…

He hurriedly opened the bone that Safaya had given him and carefully read the contents.

Sure enough.

According to the mercenary corps’ markings, these rings of light were all emerging from areas occupied by Apocalypses.

Or rather, those rings of light were the Apocalypses themselves?

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and spoke: “Go and give it a try”

A sword that gave off a frigid aura manifested from behind his back, gently vibrated, then turned into a streak of light as it vanished.

Thousands of miles away.

The sword almost instant and abruptly slashed the ground.


The ground was broken apart.

The sword hovered in the air and silently waited.

A few moments went by.

Nothing happened at all.

——-there was an Apocalypse that the mercenaries called ‘Betraying Weapons’, any weapons that entered this Apocalypse would immediately exert several dozen attacks in a row to kill its wielder.

The sword returned to Gu Qing Shan’s side and reported: “Gongzi, that Apocalypse has disappeared”

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the sky.

The meteor shower hadn’t ceased.

More and more rings of light were manifesting from the ground and flying towards the North.

This scene was incomparably beautiful, almost like a miraculous creation of a world.

But in reality, all of them were the unusual phenomena created by the Apocalypses.

“It seems like all the forces of the Apocalypse are all migrating North” Gu Qing Shan judged.

The Earth sword’s heavy mountainous voice resounded:

「 Old Gu, are you going to continue heading North? Anyone can tell that something huge is about to happen over there 」

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent for a while.

“Everything will begin within the Doomsday Necropolis. Head straight North, the girl who had sent you here sincerely wishes for you to save that individual—– if that individual survives, you will understand the origin of the secret”

These were the rooster’s words.

And now, I’m not too far away from the edge of the North.

Gu Qing Shan helplessly sighed and replied: “I definitely have to go, but there’s no need to hurry for now. All the Apocalypses on this path are currently heading North, so at least there shouldn’t be any issues during this process”

——-I just hope I’ll make it in time to save that individual.

Gu Qing Shan silently told himself.

“Let’s go!”


He shot into the sky as a streak of light and flew towards the far North.

In the sky.

Gu Qing Shan was flying as fast as he could through the sky while moving straight North.

Occasionally, he would vanish, then reappear a bit further ahead in place.

There weren’t any Apocalypses to stop him on his journey.

Gu Qing Shan’s speed had reached its maximum, so it only took him 15 minutes to reach the very end of his destination through the originally long trek.

He landed and examined the bone map again.

There are no mistakes.

This place is the furthest in the North, the location where all the Apocalypses lay in slumber.

Gu Qing Shan stood still and silently observed what was in front of him.

The Chao Yin sword gave off a faint frightful squeak.

The Earth sword also seemed impressed: 「 I’ve never thought that the Apocalypse would be able to create something like this 」

Luo Bing Li also commented: “I’ve never seen it either”

Shannu added: “This is also the first time in my life that I’ve seen such a thing.

——-Gu Qing Shan was standing immediately in front of an opaque black wall that had sealed away numerous Apocalyptic monsters.

The entire wall seemed to be as high as it was wide, with no ends that could be seen in any direction.

More and more of these Apocalyptic lights were flying here from the distance and being absorbed into the wall.

The wall didn’t react at all to anything, but Gu Qing Shan felt a sense of urgency.


I need to quickly find that person.

Otherwise, it would all be too late!

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight and followed the wall in every direction in an attempt to search for any traces of that individual.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Time slowly went by.

Suddenly, Gu Qing Shan looked up at the sky.

“Pay attention, from this point, we’re going to have to fight with all our strength” he silently sent his voice.

From the void of space, his four swords vibrated with a unified ring.

Gu Qing Shan maintained his up-looking posture, then slowly took a few steps back.

A moment later.

Far above the dark blue sky a blinding ray of light silently descended in front of Gu Qing Shan.

This ray of white light slowly manifested into a form of a skeleton clad inside a white cloak of light.

It stared closely at Gu Qing Shan and spoke: [You are a very unique living being. Very few are capable of travelling through time as you do, and the Chono race very rarely interferes with history]

“But you still found me” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He moved the Bramble Bird ring on his hand.

Dozens of black components flew out from the ring, swirled rapidly around him, then attached themselves onto his body to form a black suit of armor in an instant.

[Armor of One Privileged by the Ancient Tree]

[Divine Artifact]

[No matter the kind of attack, this armor will definitely prevent three strikes, then becomes completely broken]

This was the strongest armor in Laura’s hand, its functions were extremely biased, but it was perfect for the current situation.

The glowing cloaked skeleton glanced at the armor he was wearing and muttered: [No insect had ever been able to rely on a single leaf to go against the grand flow of Reality. All of your efforts are nothing but the fear before death that all living beings share]

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Can’t be helped, your appearance is too terrifying, we usually put scary things like you in a dark room and seal you away”

His expression was unchanged, but his inner sight was still spreading out in an attempt to find that individual.

“So, why did you suddenly show up now? I remember that you weren’t quite this formal the last time” Gu Qing Shan continued.

The glowing cloaked skeleton spoke: [I want to give you an opportunity to pledge your services to the Apocalypse]

“What benefits would I gain from that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

His inner sight had traversed several thousand miles but still couldn’t detect anything.

[Benefits? Being able to serve the Apocalypse is the greatest benefit] the glowing cloaked skeleton replied.

“I’m not going to work for free, that’s a trick used to deceive newcomers to society” Gu Qing Shan refused.

Rays of apocalyptic light descended from the void of space and violently crashed into the glowing cloaked skeleton.

Its presence was rapidly rising.

Gu Qing Shan grasped the twin swords Heaven and Earth from the void of space, wielded them both, then cautiously looked at the other party.

So we’re going to fight after all?

What kind of weaknesses does this guy have?

He quickly tried to think.

The glowing cloaked skeleton didn’t attack right away and simply sighed: [What a laughable individual. Do you not understand that even if you manage to find the Secret Apocalypse’s corpse, you would still not be able to do anything?]

“Why not?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Long ago in the River of Time, I’ve once arrived inside this Reality Gate and defeated it—— so even if you manage to find its corpse again, you’d only cause history to repeat itself, the results would not change, and I would still destroy everything within this void] the glowing cloaked skeleton replied.

Gu Qing Shan briefly paused.

Shroud had indeed been defeated once.


Gu Qing Shan refuted: “The last time you arrived, you did not destroy the void”

The glowing cloaked skeleton froze and didn’t answer him.

Gu Qing Shan grinned.

Perhaps Shroud had hidden the frozen corpse so well that it couldn’t obtain anything from it.

Or perhaps its injuries weren’t quite as simple as it had acted.

The one that caused all of this to happen was the frozen corpse, which was also Shroud at his peak.

In other words, while he didn’t win the previous time, there was still some hope.

The only thing to worry about is whether or not we’d be able to come up with a better solution…

“Now that you’ve found me, what do you want?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The glowing cloaked skeleton casually produced a large axe of light as a ferocious presence radiated from its body into the sky.

It slowly spoke: [Inferior living beings, I give you one last chance—- hand over the clues to the Secret Apocalypse, and you will live; if you still insist on surviving, your outcome will be horrible—— I can guarantee this]

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

His inner sight had finally detected that individual!

They’re lying in a certain location about 10,000 miles away from here.

If I wanted to head over there and escape from the current situation…

——-this skeleton definitely wouldn’t sit still.

But it still hasn’t attacked me yet.

Last time, it wanted to kill me within the River of Time without saying a single word.

So why is it so chatty right now?

Gu Qing Shan silently looked around.

There were no longer any meteors raining from above.

The border of the Doomsday Necropolis in the South had been completely sealed off by the wall of light.

More and more rings of light were flying towards this location, imbuing themselves into the black wall at the North.

Gu Qing Shan’s mind turned quickly while he spoke with a calm expression: “You probably don’t understand. The two of you fought solo against one another last time, but the situation has now changed, other than the Secret Apocalypse, many more people will stand forward to resist you”

The glowing cloaked skeleton said: [Do you still not understand? No matter how many living beings there are, the results would still be the same]

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “In this Reality, there’s a creature called the moth. Even at the cost of its life, it would still attempt to douse the flames in front of its eyes”

The glowing cloaked skeleton scoffed and laughed: [Such is the way of all laughable ignorant living beings]

“These guys who would willingly step into a death trap are certainly ignorant” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

The glowing cloaked skeleton looked at him with a confused expression.

[Then, even when you understand that this is a futile and self-destructive act, you still insist on being that living being called a ‘moth’?] it asked.

Gu Qing Shan appeared surprised.

“No, you misunderstood me”

He waved his hand dismissively and sincerely spoke: “——This time, we’re the flames, and you’re the moth, understand?”