Chapter 1257 - Your grace!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1257: Your grace!

No matter how long the fun lasts, there must eventually be an end.

Li San Lang faced the apocalyptic monster head-on, rescuing the School of Shan Hai from imminent danger.

The celebration afterward continued for around half a day.

While everyone was drinking and cheering in joy for the appearance of another powerhouse in the School, Li San Lang had silently disappeared among the crowd.

In the city.

A black pagoda tower structure.

—–the Bookkeeping Ward.

All ‘Secrets’ and ‘Mysteries’ collected since the appearance of the great tomb were recorded and kept here.

Li Chun Dao brought Li San Lang towards the highest floor of the Bookkeeping Ward.

“San Lang, be careful during your talk, make sure not to offend the Grand Elder” Li Chun Dao whispered.

Li San Lang curiously asked: “If he’s so powerful, why didn’t he join the Dean on the great tomb expedition? Or tried to act earlier?”

Li Chun Dao lowered his voice: “The Grand Elder is currently injured, so he had been in seclusion all this time. Nevertheless, the Dean had never underestimated him, and even while he was injured, his authority—–”

“He is responsible for appraising every Spirit Linked Combatant who reached the ‘Divine Reflection’ stage, as well as possess the authority to mobilize and halt the majority of our School’s operations”

After explaining, he looked at Li San Lang.

Li San Lang nodded, expressing his understanding of this meeting.

——I didn’t imagine that Shan Hai Qi Xia still had a card hidden away, leaving a Grand Elder that ‘can’t act’ in the School.

This bunch of monsters sure are crafty.

He silently said to himself.

The two of them finally reached the highest floor.

Knock knock knock!

Li Chun Dao knocked on the door, then respectfully spoke: “Grand Elder, I’ve brought him”

After a few moments.

“Come in”

An old voice called out.

Li Chun Dao glanced at Li San Lang again, reminding him again not to offend the Grand Elder.

Li San Lang could only nod again.

Li Chun Dao then pushed the door open.

The room behind the door had almost no walls, only a single layer of transparent glass. Furthermore, since this was the highest room of the tallest structure, anyone could easily observe the scenery of the city and surrounding wilderness from this place.

——in other words, even if the Grand Elder had been in seclusion, my entire battle against the apocalyptic monster could be clearly observed from this room.

An extremely thin and boney old man stood on top of a luxurious carpet closely keeping his eyes on Li San Lang.

His gaze was full of scrutiny.

“I’ve seen your battle earlier, it was certainly excellent, as expected of a Divine Reflection stage Spirit Linked Combatant” the old man praised.

“We greet the Grand Elder”

Li San Lang and Li Chun Dao both bowed to him.

And then.

Their gazes met.

The Grand Elder smiled, then asked first: “Child, have you recalled your previous life? Or perhaps awaken extraordinary wisdom?”

Li San Lang’s expression seemed a bit curious and naïve, answering him with a confused tone: “I don’t know of any past lives, nor have I awoken any wisdom”

—-because this was what he told Zhao Qiong before, if he changed his words now, that would certainly draw his suspicion.

Following this answer, the Grand Elder’s smile seemed to contain a bit of wonder as well.

“Li Chun Dao, you may return first, find some Bone Masters to heal your wounds. I’ll talk to our newborn powerhouse alone, teaching him how to awaken his wisdom” he gently said.

“Understood” Li Chun Dao replied.

He left and closed the door.

The Grand Elder waved his hand, summoning a piece of glass from thin air.

Li Chun Dao’s figure appeared on the piece of glass.

He stood blankly in front of the door for a few moments, later slowly headed down the stairs and left this black pagoda tower.

“An excellent human, but only that much in the end”

Saying so, the Grand Elder put the piece of glass away and observed Li San Lang with a gloomy expression.

“Li San Lang, you said that you hadn’t awoken any wisdom?”

His voice sounded a bit sharp.

At this point, the naivety of Li San Lang’s expression had completely disappeared.

His presence completely changed.

Li San Lang then scoffed towards the ground with an expression of disdain: “Insect, what qualifies you to ask of this great one’s matters?”

The Grand Elder froze.

What’s going on?

He tried probing: “You and I both came from the cycle; it was out of fortune that——”

Half-way through this question, Li San Lang suddenly threw a punch at him from afar.

In an instant, the Grand Elder couldn’t even use any means of retaliation before he felt his mind becoming blank and his thoughts all disappeared.

By the time he regained his senses, he found the young man from before hovering in mid-air, while he was being held at the neck like a stray dog, completely at his mercy.

The young man’s gaze towards him was completely frigid, like that of a deity above the clouds observing mortals on the ground.

“The era of the Samsara Clash For Supremacy is coming, and I am more noble than you could ever imagine, yet you dare accept my bow”

Saying so, the young man slowly raised his fist.

His voice sounded almost like a chant, or a judgement from a high Deity.

“Die, turn to ash, then return to Primal Chaos, this shall be your final end——”

[Ethereal – No Pardon]!

A yellow glow appeared over his fist.

As soon as this strike was readied, countless lights were triggered all over the Grand Elder’s body, but quickly became gloomy.

The Grand Elder’s heart was already trembling, how could he not realize that he was literally standing at death’s door?

Before, it was [Inch Desolation], which I observed from afar.

[Inch Desolation] could only destroy all defenses, but now that this terrifying entity had awoken, he was able to utilize that strike to destroy the apocalyptic monster itself!

Such power…

I won’t even have the slightest room to resist.

It had been a very long time since I saw such power.

Exactly what level of entity would hold such power?

He spoke of the Samsara Clash For Supremacy, which means that he knows the entire truth.

Could it be, he is——–

The Grand Elder suddenly realized, then madly begged: “Sir! Please spare my life, sir! I beg you!”

The young man coldly looked at him, then suddenly smirked.

An entirely different sensation of cruelty could be seen from his smirk.

“A piece of garbage like you, even if you found another body and escaped from the Apocalypse, you’d be merely prolonging your last breaths. You’re completely useless in the Samsara Clash For Supremacy of the new era” the young man calmly stated.

His fist was raised higher, his voice slowly became filled with overwhelming killing intent:

“For me right now, you have absolutely no value…”

As his fist was about to fall——-

The Grand Elder shouted in panic: “Sir! Your grace! Your grace had only just arrived in this world, there is still a lot your grace isn’t clear about, your grace will need me to explain it all!”

“Ah? What exactly do I need to know?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“The substitution method——- the substitution method that allowed us to escape from the Apocalypse! Your grace shouldn’t know just who it was that spread it in the great tomb!”

“And also, we discovered the corpse of a wraith from the previous era on the outside of the great tomb! It is the only entity who managed to escape the shattering of the Samsara!”

“And also also, your grace must have noticed, your grace’s strength had been greatly weakened, unable to perform your complete fist technique”

Gu Qing Shan scowled, raising his voice: “Hm? Was there such a thing?”

He changed his fist stance.

Sure enough, [Myriad Shadows] and [Null Tribulation] could not be fully performed with the power of the Samsara.

If I truly wanted to unleash them, it wasn’t impossible, but their power would be greatly reduced.

How strange.

Why can the two first strikes be used, but the two stronger latter strikes cannot fully resonate with and be filled with the Samsara derivative power?

This time, Gu Qing Shan truly had no clue.

The Grand Elder observed his gaze, then slightly relaxed himself.

The chance for survival is right here!

The Grand Elder spilled everything like a broken dam: “Your grace, the Samsara had been completely shattered, its derivative powers also greatly weakened. Your grace was also affected by this, which resulted in the current situation, all of us were the same”

Gu Qing Shan relaxed his fist, then said with an unchanged expression: “Continue”

The Grand Elder then flashed a flattering smile, explaining: “Your grace, we both know that one hand cannot make a clap——– naturally, your grace doesn’t have such an issue, but your grace will need a few subordinates to help your grace collect information, resolve minor issues, and perhaps even collect fragments of the Samsara”

Gu Qing Shan observed him, slowly released his grip on his neck, then lightly patted his face, chuckling: “A mere thing like yourself is disillusioned with becoming my subordinate?”

The Grand Elder continued: “Your grace, this humble one is useless, but I do have a crucial matter to report to your grace”


“Outside the great tomb, a change had occurred with that wraith’s corpse. It might awaken at any moment, and no one could predict what would occur, this humble one believes your grace would like to examine it yourself”

“…Hm, this certainly is quite interesting indeed” Gu Qing Shan pondered.

He glanced at the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder immediately volunteered: “Your grace, I will take you there!”