Chapter 1046 - Secret Ownership of The Water God Card

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1046: Secret Ownership of The Water God Card

Under the power of the four rings, the holy presence of the four fake Gods completely vanished.

They regained their original appearances.


——they were nothing but normal Demis.

“The lost Ring of Sovereign, and the three Rings of Guardians——- that’s impossible!”

“Who exactly are you!?”

The four fake Gods couldn’t help themselves prostrating to the ground.

Their minds desperately worked, trying to come up with a way to fight against the four rings.

Unfortunately, this was an order issued from an oath with their Deity that had been carved into their souls.

Furthermore, Gu Qing Shan didn’t give them any chance.

——–this was a crucial part of their plan, in order to prevent any mishaps, Gu Qing Shan had completely given up on taking this chance to attack them and focused himself on controlling the rings.

The four fake Gods prostrated to the ground.

But they didn’t stop attempting to resist and began to chant a phrase in unison:

“”””Great Godmother, I call upon you——-“”””

Gu Qing Shan was startled and shouted: “Don’t let them summon that monster!”

He fully utilized the power of the rings to seize control of the fake four Gods, forcing them to lay flat to the ground, but he couldn’t prevent them from chanting with their mouths.

Boss acted.

“Dream on!”

He wielded the black trident and threw it towards Wind God.

As the black trident stabbed through Wind God’s chest, it turned into a black tide that quickly washed over his body.

“No, hurry and save—–”

Wind God gave up on his chant and loudly called out for help.

But the black tide had completely swallowed him up and stifled his voice.

The other three fake Gods’ expressions changed.

They could sense that Wind God’s flesh and blood were being devoured by this weapon.

A split second later.

Wind God had completely vanished, leaving only a black trident stabbed into the ground.

Jet-black tides still swirled around the black trident, gradually flowing down the weapon before ending up as black pulp on the ground.

That was the Wind God’s corpse.

The other three fake Gods hurriedly sped up their chant with frightful looks on their faces:

“””Godmother, you are the Inner eternal, and we are your subjects. We hereby report to you, our lives are being threat——”

Boss didn’t say anything and sped up his attacks as well.

Right as he tossed the black trident, he had already taken the Book of Prophesized Destiny and finished his preparations as fast as possible.

A burning page of the book was clutched between his fingers as he threw it towards two of the fake Gods.

Flames of Nihility!

The grey flames erupted and swallowed the two fake Gods.

They were unable to even scream in despair before they were burnt to ashes.

The grey flames swiftly imploded into a small grey dot.

Soon enough, even the small grey dot vanished without a trace.

Two more fake Gods died!

In a single breath’s worth of time, three out of four fake Gods had been killed!

The only one who managed to avoid being burnt by the Flames of Nihility was Fire God, who stood the furthest away from the battlefield.

He desperately chanted the song of praise, finally reaching the last verse.

“Godmother, please descend upon this place, for me—–#@%”

Fire God’s jaw shifted and suddenly messed up the final words of his chant.

At the same time, from the distant void of space, an abrupt sound of a gunshot was heard.


A bullet squarely hit Fire God’s chin and crushed his lower jaw.

That was why his chant was interrupted.

Taking this chance, Boss leapt forward and caught the black trident on the ground.


Boss shouted.

The black trident carried the howling black tides as it was thrust towards Fire God.

The trident was just a bit away from taking Fire God’s life, when suddenly——–


A loud metallic clash.

The black trident was stopped by a sword.

Gu Qing Shan had blocked Boss’ attack.

“Why stop me?” Boss questioned.

“Something isn’t right” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He scowled and looked towards where the other three fake Gods died.

——-no Cards.

The Water God Card fragments did not appear.

Boss also realized this and pulled the trident black, muttering in surprise: “It truly isn’t right, a Card manifested by an [Order] would definitely not vanish because of their deaths, but we haven’t found any of them”

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

——-they lured the God of Life away, trapped the Previous Kings, and even used the four rings to restrain the four fake Gods and almost defeated all four of them in a mere breath’s worth of time.

But the Card was nowhere to be seen.

Gu Qing Shan clenched his fist tightly.

But it isn’t time to be thinking about that right now.

The God of Life can detect the death of anyone and everyone in this world!

She must have noticed the deaths of the three fake Gods just now.

We need to flee right now!

But the Card is still missing.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly told everyone: “Xuan Ya, take your son; Fei Li, flay their souls, don’t allow those three souls to reveal anything about us!”

As he was speaking, Xuan Ya appeared out of nowhere and carried her son away.

A khopesh appeared and flew around the battle zone once, taking three wandering souls with it before vanishing into the void of space.

“Boss, take this guy”

“Got it”

Boss tilted the head of the trident a bit and stabbed it into Fire God’s chest.

All of Fire God’s powers were instantly sealed away.

This sealing power was one of the black trident’s hidden powers.

“Umbrella, transport!”

Gu Qing Shan said again.

——-he wasn’t standing idly either, as he put a jade tag into a black box and threw it on the ground.

Laura came closer to him with her umbrella fully opened.

Xuan Ya activated her [Fearless Transmission].


The group vanished from the royal palace.

Although it seemed long, from the moment that Gu Qing Shan and Boss appeared, the four fake Gods showed themselves, got themselves captured, killed, and the entire group transported away, it only took a measly seven breaths’ worth of time.

Seven breaths.

Everything was already over.

The eighth breath——


The solid foundation of the royal palace broke apart.

Countless black tentacles erupted from the crack.

A half-figure could be seen where all the tentacles originated from.

It was an old lady.

—–the God of Life.

She managed to discover the deaths of her subordinates and swiftly returned.

『 Despicable! Who was it! Who dared to kill my ser—— 』

Her words were cut short.

Because she noticed that the final bloodline of the royal family had vanished.

In front of her, a single black box silently sat there.

The old lady immediately realized the identity of this black box.

It was broken with a single point of her finger.

A white piece of jade laid inside activated with the destruction of the box.

The white jade piece hovered in the air, giving off an array of light that manifested into the Soul Shrieker’s appearance.

A threatening voice sounded:

[Surrender, or die]

[You do not have much more time to consider, come, kneel in front of me——-]


The white jade piece was crushed.

The old lady displayed a mad expression on her face as she muttered with a malicious, harrowing voice:

『 You are nothing but a new Deity, truly… do you wish to be devoured so desperately? 』

At another location.

A secluded corner of the city.

Xuan Ya’s original home.

After a slight fluctuation, space returned to normal.

Everyone reappeared.

Boss raised his black trident and pinned Fire God on the wall.

Gu Qing Shan walked forward: “Let’s make this short, we’re going to have a transaction. I’ll let you live; you tell me where you hid the Water God Card”

Fire God breathed heavily as he glared at Gu Qing Shan.

He then broke out into insane laughter.

“So your aim was to obtain the [Order] Card”

“Ahahaha, give up on that dream, the [Order] Card has already fused with Godmother, no one will be able to take that Card from her!”