Chapter 973 The Tiger Duellis

The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Chapter 973 The Tiger Duellis

Hu Yang Rong did not fully comprehend the implication of this dungeon supplier turning out to really be a Clan Head of the Royal Zodiac Panda Clan. After all, it was a mythical clan that supposedly had perished because of various reasons.

While there were no official records withstanding, some nasty rumours claimed it was because the Jade Emperor had betrayed them. Others stated that the Panda Clan had chosen to split from the Royal Zodiacs to live on their own and over the years had simply declined into non-existence. There were also many similar rumours pointing in that direction, accusing the Panda Clan of going under as a result of inner strife at some point after the defeat of the Banned Emperor, although the exact date varied wildly.

No one was able to learn the exact truth with the exception of the oldest person in each clan as one of the secrets that needed to be passed. Even so, the 'truth' had been distorted quite a number of times throughout the centuries to the point that it had become a myth.

Not to mention, the System's time-reversal had also destroyed certain elements of the Panda Clan's presence in this timeline. Only extraordinary existences like the Royal Zodiac Archivist who had the Dragon Ley Lines to keep her safe from the time manipulation had been exempt from it.

The pressure of a supposedly skewed fight suddenly turning into a serious fight for territory had seemingly overwhelmed the elder brother, yet Yang Rong was less fazed. What mattered to him was that this haughty dungeon supplier had been crazy enough to act as if he owned the place and thereby injured his sponsor, the Roaring Tigers.

"Intermediate Fist Arts, Flying Tiger Burn Strike!" Yang Rong shouted as he came straight for Jin with his fist burning with chi and to a certain extent, passion.

Passion to kill this Panda Young Master in order to keep his property intact. His fist was enveloped in the shape of a Tiger Head moving forth with its open maw, ready to get a bite out of that juicy target.

Still, Jin was not moving a single inch, seemingly prepared to take the hit straight on and thus Yang Rong was readying himself for the next move. That seemingly straightforward punch was just a combo starter where the subsequent hits would be even harder, leading to Advanced and Epic Arts.

It had been the downfall of many who had underestimated the simplicity of the Flying Tiger Burn Strike, only to get destroyed in one fell swoop by the full Arts Combo earning him the nickname of Tiger Duellist.

"Heh, this guy won't even know what hit him." Hao Pai thought as he knew that Jin was not prepared to even block the attack. However, the dungeon supplier did ultimately step backwards. The only problem was that when Jin did, it seemed as if he tripped on to something and fell back, which surprised the Tiger Duellist. As a trained martial artist, he was able to keep sufficient momentum as he tilted his punch downwards before he missed the striking point of his punch. While the strength of the attack would be weakened, it still should not pose too much of a difficulty in maintaining the combo starter.

Suddenly he felt a sharp jab at his nether regions even though there was no visible movement or attack intent coming from Jin. Still, that sharp jab was enough to throw him off balance, and the punch failed to connect. With a wide open opportunity available to him, Jin shamelessly took the chance to summon a gun out and shoot at the Tiger Duellist. Who says that he had to fight on equal terms with a martial arts artist? All the Godly Representative said was to fight until one surrendered or killed. Besides, the Tiger Brothers were the ones who provoked Jin to bring out whatever he had. (Which obviously, he didn't. Why bother risking showing his enemies all his trump cards when he could hide them?)

Yang Rong could not believe the shrewdness and trickery of the Panda Young Master when he felt the sharp pain through his nether regions. Yet, he barely managed to swirl to the right to avoid getting shot in his head. He then enveloped his body with chi as every other advanced chi Duellist would do when fighting against ranged projectiles.

Yang Hui decided to accept the harsh reality of the current fight and moved into action when he saw Jin continue to fire his pistol nonchalantly at his brother. The dungeon supplier had noticed his efforts and promptly changed his target to Yang Hui instead, giving Yang Rong the respite needed to charge forward again.

The knowledge that Jin was a gun user, made things easy for the Tiger Brothers as they knew most ranged users' offensive powers relied on their weapon and its accuracy. All they had to do was cripple the user before the killing bullets could reach them.

Yang Hui was also a close-quarter combatant, but he used katars to simulate the sweeping strikes of a tiger granting him better reach and more devastating killing power. Using an Advanced Royal Zodiac Tiger Technique, he boosted the strength in his legs for an increase in agility and speed so that the gunshots would not be an issue while moving towards Jin.

With two close combat cultivators closing in on him, Jin merely brought out a second pistol, one that was smaller in size but still packed a punch and continued to shoot to distract the two brothers. For those who were in the know, they could clearly identify the two pistols he was holding as transformations of Bam and Boo. It was only a matter of time until he transformed those two back into swords to fight against them in a close quarters fight.

"Take this, you scumbag!" Yang Rong shouted as he switched his starting attack into a version of the Intermediate Fist Arts, Flying Tiger Burn Strike that utilised his legs. The Tiger Duellist jumped and the chi he possessed turned into Tiger Head now enveloping his right leg. This time Yang Hui was coming in from the side with his own Katar Arts activated too.

"Advanced Katar Arts, Bloody Tiger Fangs!" Yang Hui shouted, and his katars turned into red hot blades going straight for Jin's vital organs. He utilised the way his brother attacked since a person could only evade his kick in a limited amount of ways.

Not to mention, Jin had been cornered into the erected barrier set by the Godly Representative, and there was not much space to run away. Even Yuan Ba could not see any way how Jin could get out of that situation unless he had some way to teleport himself.

However, the Panda Young Master continued to shatter their expectations.

This time around, he did not evade Yang Rong and the kick impacted against his chest. Similarly, Yang Hui managed to pierce his katars into Jin's chest. Yang Rong was so baffled that he did not even continue with his subsequent Arts Combo… until the silhouette of Jin disappeared.

The real Jin was right behind the silhouette they stabbed, and both of them found a gun aiming at their foreheads. With a quick smirk, Jin pulled the trigger on both guns.