Chapter 2790

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2790: Chapter 2779

Translator: 549690339

“Ah!”A female interviewer who was sitting at the back of the table screamed. After all, it was a little scary to see blood flowing out of the Uniform Boy’s mouth.

“Clap Clap…”Jiang Fei stood up and clapped his hands. Then, he asked the three interviewers who were sitting behind the table, “Am I considered to have passed the first round?”

The three interviewers looked at each other. The female interviewers’face was still a little pale. The two male interviewers looked at Jiang Fei with a strange expression, although they were dissatisfied with his behavior of subduing the boy, the guy in front of them was too cruel?

“Boy, What’s Your Name?”Just when the three interviewers were at a loss, a middle-aged man walked over.

“Ralph,”Jiang Fei said the name of the gangster leader that he had replaced.

“Congratulations, you’ve been accepted!”The middle-aged man said.

“Do you have the final say?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Generally speaking, it counts,”the middle-aged man smiled and said.

“Kid, don’t talk nonsense. This is a high-level executive director of our Leviathan Company. This time, he is in charge of the recruitment,”a male interviewers hurriedly ran over and said, there was no lack of flattery toward the middle-aged man.

“Oh! What do I have to do next?”Jiang Fei asked.

“They will bring you back to the company later. When the time comes, you can follow them to complete the entry procedures. Then, you can begin the training,”said the middle-aged man.

“Oh!”Jiang Fei nodded.

“Bring him to complete the entry procedures later. After that, send him to Kirov,”said the middle-aged man to the male interviewer.

“Yes!”The interviewer nodded. Then, the middle-aged man turned around and left.

“Hey, Kid, consider yourself lucky. Let’s go,”the male interviewer said to Jiang Fei. Then, he walked out of the hall while the other two interviewers had already left.

On the other side, Jiang Fei followed the male interviewer out of the hall. Very soon, the other interviewers who were surrounding the place had also dispersed. After all, the people who had been recruited had already left. What were they still doing here?

The uniformed kid, who was finally defeated, lay alone in the empty hall. His eyes were glazed over as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. After an unknown period of time, he completely lost his breath.

Although he was proud of his superiority, the uniformed kid had forgotten that he was still a poor person in the slums. Those rich people who were high and mighty did not care about his life at all. It was a pity that.., he did not understand this until the day he died.

The ghetto had long been used to the death of a person. Soon, a few people from the hospital came and took the kid’s body away. Then, it was as if nothing had happened. A poor man had died, to the gamma space, it was like an ant had died. No one would care about it.


Jiang Fei followed the three interviewers and arrived at the core area of the wealthy district. The Life building here could be said to be the iconic building of the entire city.

“Kid, don’t wander around. Follow Me!”The interviewers led Jiang Fei into the building and then walked towards the personnel department.

“I’m finally here!”Jiang Fei was a little excited. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

“Wait at the door. Don’t wander around!”The interviewer reminded him. Then, he pushed the door open and entered the room.

“Phew… success or failure depends on this!”Jiang Fei was a little nervous. He did not know if his fake identity could be fooled. If he was exposed, he would be in big trouble, not only had his plan to infiltrate the Life Building failed, but he would also have to face the pursuit of the military police. Although he had some newly learned spiritual skills, if he was caught in the endless pursuit.., he would not have the chance to complete his mission.

“Come in.”After a long time, the interviewer opened the door and shouted at Jiang Fei.

“Oh!”Jiang Fei replied and walked in.

The office was quite large. It could accommodate twenty to thirty people working together. The interviewer brought Jiang Fei to a cubicle where a female staff member was working.

“It’s him. Mr. Donner has personally accepted him. Please help him with the entry procedures,”the interviewer said to the female staff member.

“Donner, is this the name of the middle-aged man just now?”Jiang Fei secretly memorized the information.

“What’s Your Name?”The female staff member looked at Jiang Fei and asked.

“Ralph,”Jiang Fei said.

“Roll up your sleeves and reveal your identity number,”the female staff member said to Jiang Fei as she filled out the form.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei nodded and rolled up his sleeves.

“Beep!”The female staff member picked up a device and scanned Jiang Fei’s arm. Then, some data appeared on the projection screen in front of her.

“You people from the slums, why don’t you update your personal information…”the female worker frowned. Ralph did not have much personal information. Other than the basic information about his birth.., it was just a few criminal records left behind by the local police station. However, Ralph was usually convicted of petty crimes such as fighting.

As for the image in the projection, Jiang Fei took a look. Fortunately, Ralph did not update his personal information. Therefore, his profile picture was still a slightly dirty baby. This allowed Jiang Fei to avoid the risk of being exposed.

“Seven Criminal Records? Are you sure you can get in?”However, the following words of the female staff member made Jiang Fei’s heart skip a beat.

“Logically speaking, it should not be possible. However, isn’t this the personal selection of Mr. Dona…”the interviewer shrugged. In order to Curry Dona’s favor, he had to think of a way to get this done, actually, if Dona knew that Jiang Fei had so many criminal records, he would probably just wave his hand and tell Jiang Fei to scram.

However, because Dona could not do such a thing in person, and the interviewer was trying to curry favor with him, the female staff mistakenly thought that Jiang Fei was dona’s trusted aide and did not want to offend the company’s higher-ups, therefore, under all sorts of coincidences, Jiang Fei, who was originally not going to be hired, actually passed the test so easily.

“Sign it.”The female staff handed over a form.

“Oh!”Jiang Fei signed Ralph’s name.

“The work card and identity card will be given to you after your training ends. The basic salary will also be paid next month. You will start your training tomorrow. The basic salary will also be calculated from tomorrow onwards,”the female staff explained briefly to Jiang Fei.

“Okay! Got It!”Jiang Fei nodded. He did not care about the salary. As long as he had a suitable identity, he could move freely in the life building. That was enough.