Chapter 1487 1487: Taking everything

Rise of the Demon God

Chapter 1487 1487: Taking everything

  ”That’s why you shouldn’t go after him right now. Go after what he told dear instead,” the Immortal Queen said, smiling. 

”Even though I would much prefer to go straight to him, taking everything from him doesn’t sound so bad,” The man smiled. “After all, he is the one who took everything from me first! I had all the memories up to the moment we separated! That family is also mine, but he trapped me in that godforsaken world as he left. I should collect what I’m owed!”

He licked his lips as he looked towards the sky, where the sun had started dimming as clouds started taking over the sun. 

”So, where is the family?” he asked the Immortal Queen. 

The Immortal Queen shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea.”

The man looked weirdly at her, surprised at her answers. She had created this whole plan, and she didn’t even know where they were?

”How do you plan to take me there then?” The man asked. 

”I won’t take you to his family. You will take me to his family instead,” the woman responded. 

”How? I don’t know where they are? I’m as clueless as you are! Stop joking and tell me where they are?!”

”I am not joking,” the Immortal Queen let out. “It’s not a joke that you will lead us to them. As for how that’s simple as well.”

”You don’t know where they are yet, but did you forget? Even if you’re a different person now, your soul is still connected to his soul, no matter how distant!”

”So?” The man inquired. “What of it?”

”Soul is more special than you think. And so is this connection that you possess. That’s why you are so special,” the Immortal Queen stated. “This is the connection we will use.”

”When you were separated from him, you received all his memories up to that point, but it’s after that when you stopped receiving any new memories. We will use your connection to sync all his new memories to you as if today is the day you separated from him. Then, not only will you know all the secrets he does, but you’ll also know where he is and where his family is,” she added. 

”But we can’t spend too much time with the connection, or he might sense you. That’s why we must do it as fast as possible. That’s why I didn’t have you go through it at the start. Now that you are stronger and have more soul power, it’ll be easier for you.”

”I am ready! It’s time I get my life back!” The man nodded. “What do I have to do? Tell me the process!”

The Immortal Queen placed her fingers on the forehead of the young man. “I’m imparting you the information. Comprehend it well and prepare. After we are done, we shall leave!”

The man sat on the ground, closing his eyes as he started going through the skill he had received. 


Back at the White Tiger realm, Long Chen had entered the mysterious tomb, going down the stairs. The opening on the ground that was created closed on its own, leaving no trace of ever being opened. 

As the opening in the back closed, everything turned dark. Despite his night vision, Long Chen couldn’t see anything in the darkness. He couldn’t even see the stairs. 

He raised his right hand. A sphere of light appeared in his hand, which finally spread some light in the surroundings. 

Long Chen was finally able to see the stairs again. However, there was something else as well. He could see some strange spirit lines on the wall and on the stairs that he wasn’t able to see before. The spirit lines only started shining in the presence of Long Chen’s Qi which was emanating from the Sphere of Light. 

”Xun, Long Tian, do any of you understand the meaning of these Lines?” Long Chen asked. Since both of them were related to Bloodline Temple and had ancient knowledge, there was a good chance that one of them was going to know what was the meaning of it. 

”These are Spirit Lines. They are the source of energy for this place. It is because of these Spirit Lines that the entrance was opened after sending your blood,” Long Tian explained first. Xun repeated almost the same a few seconds later.  

”That means these Spirit Lines are connected to the Core of this place. If I keep following them, I should be able to get to the core,” Long Chen muttered, rubbing his chin. 

”It’s not as easy as it seems,” Xun shook her head. 

”Why?” Long Chen inquired. 

As they ended at the end of the stairs in a hallway, the spirit lines spread into thousands of lines, all spreading everywhere. 

”Because these Spirit Lines go everywhere,” Xun answered. “It’s impossible to find where they start and where they end since there is not a single part in this place where you won’t find these Spirit Lines.”

”I think we should not depend on them. We’ll just waste time going in Circles,” she continued. “It would be better to take a random guess.”

The hallway seemed to be going in two directions, and the two of them stood in the middle. 

Long Chen glanced at the left before glancing at the right. Both directions looked the same, and he couldn’t feel anything special from any direction. 

”You are right. I can only guess at this point,” he let out as he selected a direction. Selecting the right, Long Chen started advancing. 

Barely five minutes after Long Chen had entered the place, another group landed at the same place. 

The group contained the White Tiger King and some of his most trusted men. Amongst the group, there was only one oddity that stood up. It was a silver-haired woman who seemed to be the youngest in the group. The woman seemed to be in her early twenties, dressed in a beautiful white dress. 

Her sparkly eyes observed the symbol on the ground. “There it is.”

She ran to the symbol on the ground. “Strange. Why is there a blood drop here?”

She noticed the blood mark on the symbol, which made her slightly surprised. “The last time I was here, I’m sure this wasn’t here.”

The White Tiger King observed the ground. “It looks like someone else came here before us.”

He could see the fresh footprints on the ground. It was as if someone had only recently walked here. 

”If I’m not wrong, this must be the intruder who had arrived here. I was right. They were after this place! I don’t know how they found out about this place, but they are here. And there’s a good chance they are inside by now!” The King declared.