Chapter 1480 1480: Worth a try

Rise of the Demon God

Chapter 1480 1480: Worth a try

  Flying as far as he could, Long Chen kept moving farther and farther from the forest, trying to get away from any soldiers if possible. 

He didn’t want to be overconfident and take on a battle with the soldiers of this world if he could avoid it. However, he also wasn’t stupid enough to surrender himself to them as a friendly gesture in hopes of getting answers. The best way he could find was by leaving this place. 

Instead of directly dealing with the soldiers, it was much better to deal with the common people of this world and get answers from them even though he couldn’t understand their language. 

He didn’t realize that the direction he was flying in wasn’t much different than the direction where he was being taken by the villagers. 

He advanced straight towards the Capital of the White Tiger Realm, unaware. 

Fortunately, before the heavily guarded Capital, there was another city. The city acted as an obstruction for him where he could stay and get answers which was a blessing in disguise for him. 

Noticing the city in the distance, he sent the Blood Dragon back to the Beast Mountain and landed on the ground. Since it wasn’t the Dragon Realm, he couldn’t let a Dragon be seen here, or they could be in trouble.  

”If the characteristics you told me are true, then we’re in the white tiger realm. They’ll be scared of us if they see us, so better disguise,” Xun reminded Lucifer, who was just about to walk straight to the town. 

”She’s right, you know,” Long Tian agreed with her. “You better disguise.”

Long Chen pulled out a long cloak that covered him from top to bottom, including half his face.  The cloak was also such that his hands could stay inside it. As long as he didn’t bring his hand out, he could keep them out of everyone’s sight. 

”That’s the best I can do,” Long Chen told Xun. “I can’t transform my hands to claws like them.”

”You don’t need to have claws to be a White Tiger. The White Tiger Royal Clan members have normal hands. It’s only the commoners and weaker members that can’t transform their hands back to human form,” Xun explained. 

”That’s why the Royal Clan treats having human hands as evidence of being a Royal Blood, above ordinary ones.” she further added.  “However it’s good if you keep your hands hidden so as to not attract too much attention. Because if you attract too much attention, it might get troublesome for you really fast.”

”Your hands might not give you away, but your eyes and other features will definitely expose you. So staying under the radar is a better option.”

Long Chen nodded before giving another cloak to Xun. “Here, wear one as well since you’ll be accompanying me. I don’t understand a single word of their language. You’ll come in handy in that.”

Xun took the cloak and started wearing it. 

”Any for me?” Long Tian asked, reaching out his hand toward Long Chen. 

”Can you even wear one?” Long Chen asked, smiling. 

”I’m joking,” Long Tian smiled. “It feels so good to be able to talk to people again whenever I wish, even though I can only talk to you.”

”What is he saying?” Xun asked Long Chen, seeing him talk to thin air. 

”Nothing. He’s just saying that he feels happy he can talk to people again,” Long Chen explained. 

”I can understand him since I was in a similar situation,” Xun responded, sighing. “The Darkness and the loneliness all these years can take a real toll on you. I was so happy when I was finally able to talk to you and come out of the ring.”

”I don’t know what it feels like, but even I can understand that. That’s why I’m telling him to accept my offer. But he keeps refusing,” Long Chen said, walking towards the city. 

”What offer?” Xun asked. “What did you offer him?”

”Don’t tell her…” Long Tian chimed in, noticing Long Chen about to answer. 

”Why not?” Long Chen asked, frowning. Why was he trying to keep it a secret?

”If you tell her your offer, you’ll have to explain to her why I’m saying no. If she knows the reason, she’ll start feeling she could’ve helped you more as a ring Spirit as well. It’s better to not create any regret in her mind over her decision.”

”I guess you’re right.” Long Chen nodded. He turned to Xun. “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you my deal to him.”

”Did you offer him your body?” Xun’s eyes squinted. “Because if you did, I swear to God…”

”Nope. That’s not the offer,” Long Chen intervened before Xun could even finish her sentence. “I didn’t offer him this body if that’s what you’re worried about. The offer was different. However, I can’t tell you that.”

”As long as it wasn’t an offer to give away your body, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care whatever you offer,” Xun muttered, lowering her gaze. “But I’m still curious what the offer was?”

”Can we talk about that later? It’s not that big an offer. I offered him a very small thing that doesn’t take even the smallest effort. Maybe I’ll tell you in the future, but first, we need to focus on the important elements first. We need to find a way to heal my Martial Soul without giving away our identity.”

”And this city will play an important role in that, so stay careful.” 

After explaining, Long Chen held the hands of Xun and started flying towards the city, staying close to the ground. 

Within a few minutes, he reached the entrance of the city. 

Two Young Men stood at the entrance of the city. Everyone who entered the city was seen giving a coin to the men. 

”Entrance tax?” Long Chen muttered, frowning. 

”I don’t know about this, but it looks like we won’t be allowed entry without a coin. But there’s no way to collect a coin at this point,” Xun commented. 

”How about I sneak inside?” Long Chen suggested. “I’ll have to send you back though for a minute.”

”Sneaking inside is risky. I think there’s a better option,” Xun muttered. “Alright, forget everything I told you before about keeping your hands hidden. Make sure your hands are visible. If you’re a Royal, they won’t take a coin. But make sure they don’t see more than your hands.”

”Worth a try,” Long Chen shrugged. He walked to the two men calmly. 

The men blocked his path, speaking something in a language he couldn’t understand. 

In response, Long Chen snuck his hand out of the cloak. 

Seeing the hand, the response wasn’t like Xun had expected to receive. Instead of letting Long Chen pass, the men looked more like they weren’t going to move.