Chapter 879 - Awkward For A Teacher To Assist A Student

Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 879: Awkward For A Teacher To Assist A Student

Jiang Mingyue pursed her lips and said in a stifled tone, “Then what should I do? It is due by November end.”

Qi Hui contemplated before he said, “I will get Mr. Liu to help you.”

“Is this a good idea? After all, he is a teacher.” Jiang Mingyue spoke particularly softly. It felt a little awkward for a teacher to help a student.

Qi Hui waved his hand. He walked over to the third laboratory and entered the password as he said mildly, “It’s perfectly fine. In research, students and teachers are equal.”

Jiang Mingyue stopped objecting. After all, Liu Qian was the best data analyst in Bioinformatics, so she did not want to pass up on the opportunity.


Huo Yao only had two classes in the afternoon. After her classes were over, she went straight to Liu Qian’s office.

Liu Qian retrieved a manila envelope from his drawer and handed it to Huo Yao. “It’s all here. After you are done reading it, you can return it to me. Even though some of the research was done seven to eight years ago, some of its contents are highly confidential, so I hope you can keep it to yourself.”

Huo Yao took the manila envelope and nodded. “Got it.”

Although Huo Yao was just a first year student, Liu Qian had a pretty good impression of her. He could tell she was a trustworthy person, so he did not mind showing her the information.

“Read it carefully. Who knows? You might get inspired and end up giving me a little surprise,” said Liu Qian encouragingly.

Huo Yao raised her brow before she nodded. She could not make any promises about a little surprise. However, she might end up becoming the best data analyst in the industry.

Since these words might cause her to get struck by lightning, she was careful not to say them out loud to Liu Qian.

Meanwhile, someone could be heard knocking on the door. Liu Qian composed himself before he raised his head and looked over to see that it was Mr. Qi.

He recalled Qi Hui asking to see him earlier in the afternoon, so he said to Huo Yao, “Why don’t you go ahead?”

“Uh huh.” Huo Yao nodded. She headed out of the office with the manila envelope.

The moment she saw Qi Hui, Huo Yao nodded at him mildly before she left.

Qi Hui glanced at the faded manila envelope in her hands. It seemed to be the same set of documents that Liu Qian was holding earlier in the afternoon.

Liu Qian had already walked up in front of him. “Sorry, Mr. Qi. I was held up a little.”

Qi Hui snapped out of his thoughts the moment he heard Liu Qian’s voice. He shook his head and got straight to the point without asking about the manila envelope. “Let’s talk in my office.”


Before long, Liu Qian followed Qi Hui to his office.

Qi Hui walked up to the water dispenser and poured a cup of water and placed it on the coffee table for Liu Qian. He took a seat on the couch and pondered briefly before he said, “Do you remember the student who was with me earlier? She is Jiang Mingyue. You see, she wants to submit a thesis about Genomics for the International Journal of Biochemistry, so I need someone from your division to help conduct a comparative test.”

Liu Qian was very surprised to hear this.

He knew about Jiang Mingyue. She was selected as part of a research team when she was in the second semester of her first year. Two of her theses were published in international journals. She was a talented girl and she was Mr. Qi’s best student.

“Sure. I will get Dai Jie to help her,” agreed Liu Qian with almost no hesitation.

Since the division barely conducted research, it was a great opportunity for the students to help with research teams from other divisions.

Qi Hui cleared his throat and said, “The test results are very important, so I would prefer it if it was someone other than Dai Jie.”