Chapter 1355 - Orange…

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1355: Orange…

The orange cat swiftly ran forward.

It was charging towards the ice and snow that covered the ground.

The gentle voice hurriedly shouted:

『 Be careful, don’t come here! 』

The orange cat ferociously uttered a ‘meowwww’ in reply.

He didn’t care about anything else.

If you don’t give me that light, I’ll just eat your power.

With so much crystallized energy manifested as white snow on the ground, you think you can hide them from me?

The orange cat stopped at the border of the blanket of snow, then bit off a big chunk.

It’s icy.

It’s cold.

…as well as a pleasant sensation, and something else.

What are these things?

The orange cat only pondered for a single moment before he stopped thinking.

Whatever, as long as I can eat them!

The orange cat happily wolfed everything down without looking up.

The monsters were scared stiff.

Time slowly went by.

The orange cat was getting increasingly aggressive as he ate, gradually eating away a small circle of snow.

『 Are you… alright? 』

The gentle voice was in disbelief.

The orange cat stood up on its two hind legs, then performed a short tap dance.

After it finished dancing, he continued to eat the snow.

This time, his surroundings somehow became even more deathly silent, enough to hear a needle drop.

A few moments later.

The withered trees in the forest began to shake.

A mass of gentle light appeared from inside the forest and attracted all the surrounding snow and ice around it as if it was sucking them up.

The thick blanket of snow was picked up and gathered all around the mass of light.

At the same time, various scenes of destruction erupted out of nowhere, flickering in and out of existence in the void of space at dizzying speeds.

The snow and ice gathered layer by layer, squished together, then compressed until eventually there was only a snowball the size of a thumb remaining.

When this snowball was formed, the snow in the forest had decreased by around 10%.

The light continued to encase the snowball and slowly hovered in front of the orange cat.

Seeing that holy white light, the orange cat happily ‘meow’.

He grabbed the glowing snowball with both paws and ate it in one bite.

A second later.

A layer of frost appeared outside the orange cat’s body, freezing him like an ice sculpture.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

It remained still.

『 No… could I have made a mistake? 』the gentle voice wondered.

Suddenly, the orange cat shivered.


The orange cat loudly burped, then started shaking his body.

The thin layer of ice was shaken off.

Compared to the amount of snow that it ate earlier, this bit of snow was nothing.

At the same time, lines of glowing text were quickly appearing in front of the orange cat’s vision:

[This is an unbelievable coincidence, a stroke of ultimate luck]

[This is the manifestation of a Pillar God’s power!]

[As you have transformed into the Orange Sovereign, which had the ‘Energy Absorption’ ability, you can devour and consume seals made of pure energy]

[You have devoured the unique substance: Endless Vitality Seal of numerous mixed viruses]

[The power you obtain from the seal will be converted into double the normal amount of Soul Points]

[As the viruses are not pure energy, they will cause you a stomachache]

[Attention, you will get a stomachache]

The orange cat completely ignored these notifications.

He was currently in an unconscious state, so he only knew that he was getting to eat to his heart’s content.

“Meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow!”

The orange cat rubbed its belly and rampantly called out with a loud voice.

The gentle voice turned to the monsters and asked: 『 Which one of you understand Cat? 』

“I do”

A green tiger raised its claw.

『 What is he saying? 』the gentle voice asked.

The tiger lowered its head, its ear completely bent backwards, and hesitantly said: “King, I’m a bit afraid of telling you, he is insulting you”

『 That is no matter, quickly tell me 』the gentle voice replied.

The green tiger paused for a bit, then clenched its teeth and translated: “He’s saying—— quickly bring more food for this great one, or this great one is going to trash your shop”


The monsters all inhaled a frightened breath.

The gentle voice didn’t respond.

But within the withered forest, a more radiant mass of light had manifested.

The suction force of this mass of light was more powerful compared to the previous one——

All the snow and ice in the forest were tossed into the air, quickly circling around the mass of light.

They slowly gathered into a ball and continuously shrunk.

A few moments later.

A snowball exactly the same as before appeared.

However, when this snowball manifested, the amount of snow in the forest had decreased by another 30%.

Some of the trees were regaining their luster at a visible speed.

The previously canopies of dead leaves were slowly becoming green again.

The mass of light covered the snowball and brought it in front of the orange cat.


The orange cat delightfully called out, then swallowed it whole again.

——-he didn’t even bother to chew this time.

After a few moments, a thicker layer of ice formed around the orange cat’s body, turning him into an ice sculpture again.

One breath.

Two breaths.

The sound of cracking ice resounded.

Kli klik klak klak!


The orange cat broke out of the ice, then swiftly shook his body again.

He called out delightfully: “Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow”

『 What is he saying? 』the gentle voice asked.

The green tiger’s face was turning a bit red, speaking as if whispering: “He said, it tastes good, give this great one a song, and one more portion”

The gentle voice hesitated: 『 I don’t know how to sing, which one of you can sing? 』

The monsters looked left, looked right, then all shook their heads.

The gentle voice became solemn as it spoke to the monsters: 『 Pay close attention, this is the greatest opportunity we have to fight against the Apocalypse, do not try to hide anything, or the consequences would be unthinkable 』

Hearing such a tone, they understood that King was serious.

“We’re all monsters, who could sing?”

「 That’s right, I’ve never really paid attention to that, or tried to learn 」

“I can fight, eat, and sleep, but I have no idea how to sing”

『 Quickly think, who would——』

The monsters discussed among one another.

Suddenly, one of the monsters called out: 「 I remember green tiger once sang a song during its birthday 」

All the monsters turned to the green tiger.

The green tiger awkwardly said: “I only know a small part, and I don’t even remember it well”

『 I’ll tell you clearly. Since he is currently under the influence of the wicked hex, he will only act on his instincts and leisure. That’s why, for the sake of saving this world, you must make it happy 』the gentle voice ordered it.

“Yes, my King”

The green tiger took a deep breath, stood in front of the frigid wind, then began to sing to the orange cat:

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday you to”

“Happy bird day, happy Bert day!”

“Happy shirt day to you!”

Complete silence, every monster seriously listened.

The orange cat narrowed his eyes and listened as well, then suddenly called out loudly: “Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow”

The green tiger felt like it was struck by a hammer and became speechless.

『 What did he say? 』the gentle voice asked.

The green tiger replied: “He said that I was completely off-tone, but at least I have the right spirit”

『 Then it’s fine, just do as he says and continue to sing 』

The gentle voice said.

Being ordered by King, the green tiger had no choice but to continue singing.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday you to…”

At the same time, another mass of warm holy light manifested in the middle of the withered forest.

All the remaining snow rapidly gathered towards this mass of light.

The gentle voice muttered: 『 I’ve almost escaped from my burden and regain my power… 』

The entire forest now clearly appeared lush and green.

Vitality had returned.

When the green tiger repeated the song for the third time, the snowball enveloped by holy light had arrived in front of the orange cat again.

The orange cat opened his mouth and directly swallowed this mass of mixed pure energy and viruses.

Lines of glowing text quickly appeared:

[After this meal, you’ve obtained a total of 100 million Soul Points]

[Your resistance against viruses had increased]

[All viruses that you’ve eaten, thanks to the tabby immune system, can no longer hurt you in any way]

[Special note:]

[In one minute, you’ll get diarrhea]