Chapter 1347 - Initial impressions

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1347: Initial impressions

TN: The name of one of the Wraith Lords in the chapter “Mountain Climbing Competition” has been changed from “Hundred Grudges” to Bai Yuan, the previous translation was due to a misunderstanding from the translator.


Gu Qing Shan and Crow were led by a ceremonial official.

As they walked along the luxurious carpet towards the end of the hallway, six western palace maids were waiting for them.

The ceremonial official glanced at the six maids, then gave Gu Qing Shan a profound look.


Gu Qing Shan didn’t really understand, so he just stared back towards the official.

At this point, the maids bowed towards them and spoke in unison: “The Count’s official garbs have been prepared, you may return, sir”

“Good” the official replied, then turned to leave.

He didn’t respond to Gu Qing Shan’s stare.

The six maids led Gu Qing Shan and Crow along several flights of stairs, slowly ascending the palace until they reached a certain room.

Another maid was waiting there for them.

The six maids arrived in front of her, bowing together: “Head maid, the Count has arrived”

The girl had an average appearance, but a natural aura of leadership.

She spoke: “I wish you well, Count Rhode, his majesty has ordered me and my subordinating maids to arrange for your official garb, your trip, an introduction to your bestowed land, as well as other aristocratic accessories—— do not worry, they are completely safe, although you do not fear such things in the first place. Furthermore, you have been granted a place of accommodation within the Holy Crown city with the appropriate personnel prepared”

“I’m grateful, thank you very much” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The girl further explained:

“Count Rhode, as you and your knight have yet to visit our Roland empire before, both of your garbs were urgently woven in the fastest possible time; please try it on to see if there are any issues so that we may adjust them”

“I’ve troubled you, then I shall try it on right away” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

Crow also nodded to greet them.

——-their original identities were minor aristocrats of a Duchy under the rule of the Frost empire, so now that the Frost empire had been fully taken over by the wraiths, no one here had ever seen them, so naturally no one knew their sizes.

Very quickly, a suit representing the Count’s official garb was placed in front of Gu Qing Shan.

A top hat, vest, a short cane adorned appropriately for a Count, pants and shoes. Everything was black, only the inner lining of the clothing was white.

Crow, on the other hand, had a suit of solemn and mature female military uniform, also completely black.

According to the rules of the Roland empire, a knight must wear a military uniform on non-combative official occasions in order to express their status.

———the aristocratic clothing of the Roland empire was mostly black, believing that this color represented officiality, solemnity, and dignity.

The head maid signaled to the maids with her eye, saying: “Go, help the Count with his clothi——-”

“No need!”

Gu Qing Shan quickly stopped her, saying: “Let me wear it myself”

Crow also said: “That’s right, we can do it ourselves, no need for any help”

The girl paused a bit, then realized what was happening.

Count Rhode is only 15 years old, so it was natural for him to feel embarrassed.

As for his knight—-

Being such a beautiful woman, she was most likely not just his knight, perhaps she might be the one helping the Count with his clothes later on.

The girl maintained her graceful and gentle expression, then stood with the maids: “Then we shall wait outside the door, please go ahead and try out your clothing inside”

“Very well” Gu Qing Shan and Crow both responded.

The maids stood aside.

They closed the door.

The two of them began to take off their clothes.

“Crow, go to that side, there’s another changing room over there” Gu Qing Shan told Crow.

Crow looked down at herself, then left with the entire set of clothes.

The duck plushie followed behind her.

After changing, Gu Qing Shan held the cane and stood in front of the mirror.

Quite decent, I feel a bit more dignified in these clothes.

Crow also quickly finished changing into her military uniform and came out.

“Fits quite well” Crow commented.

“Hm, we can call the maids in now” Gu Qing Shan replied.


Crow suddenly took out a flying bird medal, closed her eyes, and sensed it for a while: “On the entire battlefield between the Roland empire and Frost empire, there have been both victories and losses. The small city we were in previously was called Weitz, the battle situation on that side had entered a desperate stalemate”

Gu Qing Shan checked the medal in her hand, then asked: “Can you see who currently has the upper hand?”

Crow scowled: “I can barely make out that the wraiths have the advantage; because that city belonged to them, they’ve managed to set up many traps, causing the Roland empire’s army huge losses… they’re going to have to retreat soon!”

“Let’s get on the battlefield then?” Gu Qing Shan suggested.

Crow agreed: “Let’s go!”

White fog enveloped the room, taking them away.

As soon as they left, the door swung open.

The girl from before walked in with the six maids behind her.

At this point, the aura she gave off was significantly different from before, exuding even more superiority and dignity.

The six maids also appeared considerably more careful.

The girl snorted, complaining: “He’s two years younger than I am and Father still wants me to take a look at him, Father is clearly getting old”

After saying so, she made a gesture with her hand.

One of the maids appeared troubled and said: “Your Highness, Count Rhode was changing his clothes”

“He was changing his clothes in my palace” the girl casually replied.

The maid had no choice but to take off a book from the wall, then chanted an incantation.

Light manifested from the book to form a hologram.

The scene of what occurred in this room earlier slowly showed itself to them.

Gu Qing Shan had Crow change her clothes in another room.

The two of them changed separately.

The maids quickly lowered their heads.

But the girl continued to stare closely.

A few moments later, Crow returned and started talking about the frontlines.

The two of them disappeared into the white fog.

The hologram stopped.

“Weitz city?” the girl muttered, then ordered: “Show me the live feed from Weitz city, I want to observe the war situation”


The white fog scattered.

Gu Qing Shan and Crow reappeared on the street where they were before.

The street was filled with blood and corpses.

The sound of explosions echoed across the sky.

The fluctuations from the spells were comparable to that of a continuous earthquake.

The two of them were in no hurry to enter the fray and first entered a house.

Crow drew her rapier, asking: “How are we doing this?”

“After the wraiths take over these people, it seems that they can’t use their Guise Hexes and Life Talismans from before” Gu Qing Shan pondered.

“But they also held the various powers of this world, which are not any weaker compared to the Roland army” Crow followed up.

“This proves a certain fact: this world’s Deities hadn’t been present in this world since the very beginning, otherwise they would only need to strip these people of their power for the war to become meaningless” Gu Qing Shan muttered in thought.

“Let’s simply charge in. But since this is a large-scale war, we need armor”

Crow took out a set of armor.

This was her Titled Hitman armor when she was still male, so it was now a bit loose, but with the extra layer of military uniform, she was barely able to fit inside.

Gu Qing Shan also took out a suit of silver armor inlaid with golden runes, with a light tap, he caused it to split into its components and quickly attached to his body.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Armor of Condemnation (primary)]

[Sturdy, Magic resistant]

This was a very simple description.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but recall the Cherub armor from before.

That was a real Divine Armament——

But it seemed to have been made to look like a bikini, and with a pair of little wings on the back as well…

Forget it.

Gu Qing Shan drew his black bow, sending his voice: “Crow, my current identity is that of an archer, so I can’t expose my swordsmanship, but [Snowdrift] isn’t suitable for close combat, and my other Archery techniques aren’t sufficient to deal with these enemies either. However, this bow has an ability to reduce an arrow’s flight time, and I can infuse my Lightning ability into the arrows to restrain the enemy’s movement”

Crow asked: “How long can you keep them restrained?”

“Five seconds” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Crow’s expression displayed clear surprise: “Sufficient! I’ll act in accordance with your arrows. If anything happens on your side, I’ll simply return to protect you”

“Got it!” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The two of them ran out of the house at the same time.

Gu Qing Shan raised his bow, then abruptly let loose.

Five arrows infused with light-blue Lightning shot forward, drawing unpredictable arcs before hitting the soldiers of the Frost empire.

[Shifting Flurry]!

Lightning Thaumaturgy, [Dreamjolt]!

Gu Qing Shan didn’t stop his hands at all, his hand turning into a shadow that continuously snapped against the bowstring.

Bolts of lightning flew all over the sky.

Crow followed each of the bolts of lightning, thrusting her sword into each of the lightning bolt’s targets and instantly turned them into a charred body.

In just a few dozen seconds, they had cleaned out most of the enemies on this entire street.

Crow landed next to Gu Qing Shan: “They’re all normal soldiers, no sense of challenge at all”

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight and spoke with a scowl: “Be careful, the more enemies we kill off, the easier we’d draw the attention of powerful monsters”

Crow replied indifferently: “It’s fine, with your lightning arrows and my flame explosion rapier, unless the enemy was this world’s Magic Scale Dragon, there wouldn’t——”

She quickly realized something and swiftly shut up.

Gu Qing Shan had already raised his eyebrows.


A black shadow descended from above, landing right in front of the two of them.

It was a dragon with a gigantic body whose length reached almost a hundred meters.

Simply by landing, its large body had already destroyed every single structure on the entire street.

“It actually is… a Magic Scale Dragon”

The duck plushie covered his face and muttered in despair.

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

Magic Scale Dragons had a layer of elemental-resistant scale, combined with their Dragonics magic, as well as their sharp scale and fangs, they were enemies that could only be defeated through physical attacks.

However, defeating a dragon through physical attacks was easier said than done.

The Magic Scale dragon exhaled a long breath.

The intense wind almost caused the duck plushie to be blown away, so Crow quickly caught him and shoved him into her bag.

“This fellow is going to be tough, I’ll go first”

Crow brandished her rapier, summoning a layer of glowing lava on it.

“No, let me—– I’m glad this place is chaotic enough that no one will take notice of us” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Although, it wasn’t an issue even if someone noticed, as dragons were infamous for being scoundrels who liked to hide, preferring not to reveal their true identities.

Gu Qing Shan let go of his bow and took a step backwards, summoning a mass of black fog around his body.

The form of a black dragon manifested.


The Demon Dragon form that had incorporated the power of three dragons suddenly appeared, charging towards the Magic Scale Dragon.

At another location.

The Roland empire.

Holy Crown city, the royal palace.

Within a screen of light, two dragons had just ascended into the sky, both uttering resounding roars.

A girl was silently watching this.

“Not only was he a Condemner, but he was also a dragon? How interesting…”

She lightly muttered.