Chapter 1322 - Examination methods

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1322: Examination methods

Gu Qing Shan paced around the entire tower, constantly walking back and forth.

He began to observe the spatial runes on the walls of the tower.

At this point, he was able to instantly understand the meaning and use of any rune as soon as he saw it.

——as well as how to create and repair them.

By the time he had memorized every last rune, it was already midnight.

“There shouldn’t be any issues now”

Gu Qing Shan whispered, then turned to the other two.

Yu Juan was busily writing something.

Crow’s sleeping bag was completely zipped up without any movements, he was most likely asleep.

Gu Qing Shan walked over and patted the sleeping bag.

“What is it?” Crow’s voice emerged from inside the sleeping bag.

“There’s something” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The sleeping bag opened up.

Crow sat down from inside, cautiously asking: “What did you discover?”

“Nothing, I simply want to deal with your matter once and for all” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Hah, I’ve already told you, when I took the test in Void City, they didn’t discover any precognitive speech abilities, for example——–”

Crow abruptly raised his voice and declared: “I think 900 worlds will immediately fall from the sky and destroy the entire Gloom Galaxy, and it will happen right now!”

Gu Qing Shan stared at him, then released his inner sight outside to observe the countryside and the sky.

Nothing happened.

Crow shrugged: “I’ve already tested this countless times, nothing I say ever comes true, except certain edge cases. For example, when I’m in the middle of a combative job, there are bound to be desperate circumstances—— and if everyone were to always assume the worst, they’d find themselves in the same boat as me”

Gu Qing Shan froze a bit at that, pondering: “Something that can go wrong will always go wrong… and any situations that are in consideration will surely come into fruition…”

Crow slapped his own leg and continued: “That’s right! Hitmen of our level will only be participating in jobs and missions with considerable danger, and anyone else in my shoes would only need to be a bit sensitive to their surroundings to feel naturally worried. These worries originate from subconscious assessments of the combat situation so they would usually be proven to be true”

“That’s why you feel like it isn’t your fault?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Crow asked in return: “If it truly was my issue—— I just declared that 900 worlds will crash into the Gloom Galaxy, did it happen yet?”

Gu Qing Shan’s inner sight continued to be released to observe the deep dark sky.

——still nothing.

Yu Juan joined in:

“What you said is true, there’s a very real possibility of what you said being the truth, and you just subconsciously notice issues before they happen”

He walked up to the two of them and continued: “But I have a colleague in the Void Library that had conducted a misfortune report thesis. He collected the mission data of 300 Titled Combatants of Void City over the past 10 years, discovering that you were the definitively the most unfortunate out of them all, experiencing 791 more isolated misfortune events compared to the one in second place”

Crow froze.

Gu Qing Shan also froze.

The air froze.

Yu Juan apologized: “I’m sorry, but we’re a scientific establishment, every conclusion we draw is based on nothing but pure data”

“But I already went through 63 different examinations, none of them showed that I was under the effects of any curses, nor were there any corresponding abilities!” Crow jumped.

Gu Qing Shan scowled: “Is there really no way to know what his actual situation is?”

“At least, not with the public system of examination tools and processes of Void City” Yu Juan replied full of pride.

Gu Qing Shan blinked a few times.

Crow sighed, appearing a bit lonely.

“Fine, it doesn’t matter what kind of ability it is, I don’t want to know, I’ll just never know!” he turned around and dejectedly said to the wall.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him, then at Yu Juan.

Yu Juan shrugged apologetically.

Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

A few moments later.

He walked up and patted Crow’s shoulder, telling him: “Do you know—— what’s my most powerful ability?”

Crow didn’t turn around, but his curiosity was roused and asked: “What is it?”

Yu Juan also looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “The most powerful ability I have was originally a hip-swaying dance”

“Huh? Hah?” Crow turned around at him doubtfully.

——this fiend.

Swaying his hip?

Even thinking about it feels embarrassing.

How could this Fear Fiend do such a shameful thing willingly?

Gu Qing Shan continued: “That’s right, it really can’t be helped, but I didn’t give up on that ability, instead I gave up on my pride and continued to practice it”

“Then, in the end, you got the girl?” Crow asked.

“No, I got better at hip-swaying and managed to achieve things that many others aren’t capable of doing” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He took out a bottle of strong liquor, gave it to him, and continued: “Crow, you’re powerful, but you’re instinctively avoiding this ability, and I think that’s not necessary at all”

“We need to understand this ability of yours, after all, there are no bad abilities, the important thing is… how to use them”

Crow accepted the bottle, took a big gulp, then muttered: “But I can’t find any other methods to test”

Gu Qing Shan turned his gaze towards Yu Juan: “You guys are the collectors and researchers of the infinite worlds’ knowledge; I assume that your testing measures wouldn’t be any lacking compared to the public services of Void City——- or are you actually inferior to them?”

“How could we be inferior—– we might operate on a low-profile basis, but we’re the real experts!” Yu Juan exclaimed confidently.

He looked at the two of them, then took out a book with a metal cover.

His gaze turned serious and spoke in a whisper: “Considering you’ve saved me; I’ll expend my own accumulated points to use this Grand Library Examination Encyclopedia”

“Is this book precious?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Yu Juan explained: “The Void Grand Library Examination Encyclopedia is, without a doubt, a peerless treasure of knowledge belonging to our Void Library. It is the collection of all the best-kept knowledge in existence, only available to senior members of the library’s caste, and it’s very rarely used for outsiders since we all have countless topics that are waiting to be researched…”

“Thank you so much, if you can really inspect what my ability is, you’ll have my utmost gratitude. If you ever need to kill someone, come straight to me. Even if it’s your head librarian, I’ll make sure to bring his head to you in ribbons and wrapping” Crow said with a stern expression.

Yu Juan nodded, then began to display his delight: “Your ability must be extremely special, otherwise it would have already been discovered before. This is an extreme level of a rare edged case, I’ve only just gotten enough accumulated points for an encyclopedic search, so I think it’s best that I conduct a complete examination, perhaps I’ll find some sort of incredible academic discovery”

“Complete examination?” Crow asked.

“That’s right, I’ll need samples of your blood, hair, urine, as well as some other bodily fluids, all to conduct a thorough research” Yu Juan rubbed his hands full of excitement.

Crow: “…”

Gu Qing Shan: “…”

Crow hung both of his arms: “In consideration of your enthusiasm towards this research, I’ve decided to rescind my offer of helping you kill a person”

Gu Qing Shan patted Crow’s shoulder: “Come on, it’s such a good chance; and if any results come out, everyone will be assured”

Crow nodded.

“Place your hands on the book and I’ll start the examination. The first examination will be to see what methods can be used to make your ability manifest its form characteristics” Yu Juan explained.

“What’s a form characteristic?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“A unique aspect that allows us to clearly determine what it is” Yu Juan replied.

Crow then placed his hands on the metal-cover book.

Yu Juan lifted the book from below, quickly chanting: “Target: Avian, Hitman, Crow”

“Researcher Yu Juan, requesting encyclopedic search through expending all accumulated points, please search for the method to examine target’s form characteristics”

The book began to glow.


A low noise.

Both Yu Juan’s and Crow’s hands were pushed away at the same time.

The metal-cover book opened by itself, then madly flipped through each page until three pages flew out, hovering in mid-air.

Reading these three pages, Yu Juan sighed dejectedly: “Hard! Very hard! Too hard! Hah, fine, seems like there aren’t any methods to examine your ability after all”

“Why not? Didn’t three get mentioned right here?”

Crow pointed at the three hovering pages, unwilling to give up.

Yu Juan bitterly smiled: “There’s no one that has a hold of any of these methods”

Crow was stunned, falling into silence.

Gu Qing Shan looked at how dejected Crow was, then looked at the three pages——- only to see them filled to the brim with letters in a language he didn’t recognize.

Most likely, this is a unique internal language of the Void Library, only their own people can read it.

“Which three methods were they exactly?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Yu Juan sighed and replied: “There’s no harm in telling you, because these are all methods that cannot be applied”

“The first method: The Angel of Condemnation from the Inner Plane has the ultimate Card examination technique, capable of manifesting a person’s ability on a Card and examine it through that”

“Second method: The four Pillar Gods of the void can only use their personal treasures to learn of a living being’s ability, but exactly how they do it is unknown”

“Third method: An ally of the Eternal Abyss can utilize their covenant with it to request the will of the Abyss’ descent, thus helping them examine the ability”

“The Inner Plane had already been destroyed, the whereabouts of the four Pillar Gods are unknown, and the Eternal Abyss has never had an ally, so these three methods are practically impossible”

The more Yu Juan explained, the more dejected Crow became.

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

Wait a minute.

These three methods…

I’m pretty sure I can use all three of them.

But the Eternal Abyss is currently in the middle of a desperate war against the Wraith realm, so it isn’t a good idea to communicate with it right now.

The identity of the Earth God is being protected by the Awaitings of [Order], so it’s best that I don’t arbitrarily reveal it.

Then the only one left is——-

Gu Qing Shan checked his Card UI.

As he thought of examining an ability, a line of text quickly appeared on the UI:

[Cherub of Condemnation, would you like to perform an ability examination on a living being?]

“I do” Gu Qing Shan replied.