Chapter 1158 - I’ve already killed him

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1158: I’ve already killed him

The River of Time.

This was the stream of both time and history.

With every second, every event in history would occur at the same time interweaving the fate of countless living beings together. Entire eras would slowly unfold themselves in an orderly manner, slowly moving forward.

Everything was as it should be.

But at this very moment, three black dragons were fighting for their lives above the river.

「 Gu Qing Shan, you can’t kill me! 」

While fleeing, the Demon Dragon was shouting.

——-he had assumed that he would triumph against Gu Qing Shan without fail, but never anticipated his sword to be able to exert the exact same power.

He was essentially fighting against two Demon Dragons and two Azure Dragons by himself!

Behind him, two black dragons were pursuing him without giving up.

One of them suddenly stopped.

Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]!

Immediately, this dragon switched places with the Demon Dragon.

The other black dragon had been preparing for a while, so as soon as the Demon Dragon appeared, it instantly unleashed a huge mass of ashen white flame towards the Demon Dragon.

Before the Demon Dragon could react, he was completely engulfed in this ashen white flame and writhed in pain.

The Demon Dragon endured the insidious ashen white flames and rushed towards the River of Time below.

—–he was still trying to flee.

His opponents were a total of four dragons, how was he supposed to win!

Flee! Hurry up and flee!

No matter where to or when to, fleeing first was essential!

——-but matters did not unfold the way he wanted to.

After the first black dragon switched places with him, it immediately turned around and sped up.

Mid-flight, that black dragon’s figure slowly started to overlap with a human-headed snake figure.

As this figure manifested it began to emanate an aura of desolation.

While the Demon Dragon was being burnt by the flame, this black dragon had already rushed straight at him!

Dragon bodies were physically tough, and even more so with an ultimate Soul Artifact like the Demon Dragon, so such a mutual crash wouldn’t have done too much damage.

But this time, the situation was different.

Divine Skill, [Unbreakable Mountain Range]!

As the two dragon-shaped figures clashed———


The Demon Dragon was knocked silly, unable to infer the direction while the other two black dragons completely didn’t care to observe what they had done and activated the same spatial Divine Skill again——–

[Shadow Shift]!

The black dragon who had just charged in at full strength abruptly vanished.

The flame-throwing black dragon replaced it, then transformed back into Shannu in front of the Demon Dragon.

Shannu clenched her fist, circulated her draconic powers, and unleashed a single strike.


Behind Shannu not too far away, the other black dragon turned into Gu Qing Shan, wielding a sword in each hand as he used [Ground Shrink] to appear in front of the disoriented Demon Dragon.

His swords slashed consecutively!

——-Gu Qing Shan and Shannu were perfectly weaving their attacks consecutively like the howling wind and showering rain, not giving the Demon Dragon even a single moment to breath.

The Demon Dragon returned to his human form and shouted: 「 WAI——- 」

A sword swung.

The sound of tens of thousands of minuscule strikes resounded from the Earth sword.

The Chao Yin sword was covered in a layer of frost.

Frost and flames perfectly interweaved to engulf the Demon Dragon.

All of the Demon Dragon’s attacks were sealed, his body also frozen in ice.

The next strike——–

The Asura Deific King’s Skill, [Eclipse of Sun and Moon]!

The current Gu Qing Shan, having perfectly absorbed the duo dragon power as his own, had become overwhelmingly stronger.

Because of this, even before [Eclipse of Sun and Moon] was unleashed, numerous supernatural phenomena had already manifested around him.

A sun and moon manifested in the void of space, overlapping like they both were being eclipsed before being absorbed into Gu Qing Shan’s body, then turning into a boundless sword will that converged as a single Mind Sword within his will.

The Demon Dragon couldn’t move.

——before he could even utilize the power of his mask, he had already been backed into a corner.

He never thought that he would ever be beaten so badly.

Gu Qing Shan also didn’t think that he had grown to this level and caliber.

——–during his long years of cultivation and battle, it was very rare for him to forcefully overpower an opponent.

However, in Heaven Pillar world, he had obtained the most advanced cultivation knowledge of numerous world fragments; then fully refined the power of the two dragons during the battle on Mount Sumeru.

He was also a sword cultivator.

Even if there was still a bit of a difference between his strength and the Demon Dragon, there was nothing for him to be afraid of in actual combat, not to mention he now had the aid of Shannu who had the exact same level of strength he did.

At a glance, the situation had already been decided.

But the final strike, [Eclipse of Sun and Moon], remained in his will, flickering in and out of existence without being unleashed.

Gu Qing Shan sensed that something was wrong.

But now that things have gotten to this degree, could I let the Demon Dragon go?


Shannu flew up, used the Six Paths Great Mountain sword clad in flowing lightning, and struck the Demon Dragon again.


To make sure that nothing unexpected occurred, Shannu had placed another restraint on the Demon Dragon.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became focused.

This is a war of the 900 million World Layers as a whole, and I can’t let the Demon Dragon go at this point.

Regardless of what consequences there might be, I’ll deal with it after I kill him.

The invisible Mind Sword manifested from his will to slash the Demon Dragon’s neck.

The dragon’s neck went flying!

At another location.

Where the Eternal Abyss originally was.

The Reality Gate.

As time passed, the Fate Corrosion here was slowly fading away.

The Wraith realm had already taken over this location.

Cang Wu Zhang’s figure appeared from a teleportation formation.

He had arrived.

A wraith respectfully bowed to him and spoke: “Sir Cang, Commander Yu wished for you to come and see her”

Cang Wu Zhang appeared pondering: “Huh? I’ve only just arrived and she already can’t wait to shame me?”

The other wraith said nothing and simply maintained his bowing posture, silently waiting.

Cang Wu Zhang replied: “Very well, right now she is a Wraith Might, while I’m merely a Wraith General. If I refuse to meet her, she would get to use that as an excuse. Lead the way!”

The wraith then quickly led Cang Wu Zhang through the gazes of numerous other wraiths, traversing across the camp to reach the very center.

The entire military camp was busy with various works, leaving only this place in silence.

Several Wraith Generals who had contributed greatly were sitting with both knees to the ground, completely silent without saying a single word.

Cang Wu Zhang walked in and glanced at the commander seat.

The woman standing there wore a black cloak with her back turned to everyone else, currently reading a scripture.

Cang Wu Zhang’s lips curved into a slight sarcastic smirk before he looked for a place to slowly sit down.

A few moments later.

The woman finally closed the scripture, but still kept her back to them all as she spoke:

“Sir Cang, from your previous position of Wraith Might, how does it feel to be demoted to Wraith General like you are now?”

Cang Wu Zhang clenched his fist and stifled his emotions to reply: “I’ve troubled Commander Yu to ask me yourself, everything is just fine, I’m merely here on the orders of the Wraith Lord to eliminate—–”

The woman cut him off and replied: “You may return”

Cang Wu Zhang froze.

He suddenly stood up with a scoffing grin and clasped his fist to the void of space: “Very well, then I’ll return to report to the Wraith Lord that Might Yu had gone against his intentions”

The other Wraith Generals felt a chill down their backs.

If they hadn’t been following this woman and understood perfectly what she was capable of, they would have stood up and followed Cang Wu Zhang to report her as well.

The will of the Wraith Lord cannot be disobeyed.

Even if this woman was far stronger than anyone here, even if she was the supreme commander of this campaign, she could absolutely still not go against the will of a Wraith Lord!

Anyone who dared to even hint at going against a Wraith Lord would meet a fate thousands of times worse than death.

While Cang Wu Zhang was about to leave, the woman’s voice resounded:

“Who said I’m going against the orders of the Wraith Lord?”

“Cang Wu Zhang, hah, Cang Wu Zhang. Let me tell you exactly what’s going on, that Huang Quan Devil King called Gu Qing Shan had already been killed by my prepared measures”

“How pitiful, you temporarily will not be able to return to the position of Wraith Might, having no choice but to stay under me and become one of my dogs”

Cang Wu Zhang’s expression changed and exclaimed: “That’s impossible!”

The woman didn’t say a single word and simply displayed a mask in her palm for everyone to observe.

As Cang Wu Zhang turned back, he found that the mask depicted a colorful caterpillar clad in a golden glow.

“Thousand Demon Eroding Insect Hex! This is merely one of two masks in a pair, what does it have to do with the Huang Quan Devil King?”

The woman casually replied: “You’ve always been one of many schemes and immense luck, which allowed you to reach the rank of Wraith Might. But today, I’m going to show you that the Huang Quan Devil King that you failed to kill despite everything you did, isn’t even going to hold up against a small trap that I happened to lay”