Chapter 1121 - Reflection On The Two Paths

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1121: Reflection On The Two Paths

[Demon Dragon Transformation]

These four words seemed to contain some power, as they left Gu Qing Shan shaken for a brief moment.

If he really had power at the same level as the Demon Dragon, he wouldn’t have the need to spend so much effort, worrying about every little factor that could become beneficial in combat.

——I’d be able to go directly toe-to-toe against the Soul Shrieker before anything else.

The information that could be extracted from direct combat was vastly more realistic and valuable compared to any other means.

If he could transform into the Demon Dragon, Gu Qing Shan would feel a lot more self-assured.

At that time, even if I can’t win against the Soul Shrieker, I’d still be able to flee without issues.


Gu Qing Shan clenched his fist tightly, pondering the matter of breaking through.

——the Demon Dragon’s power is so great that I can only fully absorb it by breaking through.

Then, there’s no need to consider returning to the Bramble Bird Kingdom first.

Breaking through right now is the real important issue!

Gu Qing Shan took out a cushion, lit a stick of incense, prepared his pills, and slowly walked around the ship.

He was going through all the cultivation knowledge he had ever learnt in his mind, reconsidering the mysteries hidden within his swordsmanship and cultivation, going through it all in his mind to confirm and compile them all.

The {Yama King} realm does not have a division of early-middle-late stage, it was a single realm with a single stage.

While a {Mahesvara King} realm cultivator far surpassed what a {Yama King} realm cultivator could even imagine.

—–Mahesvara is the realm of freedom, which signifies their capability of traveling the infinite worlds, where they are free to claim themselves as ‘King’ regardless of the place.

Above this realm was the Sumeru Lord realm.

But none of the numerous cultivation worlds within the 900 million World Layers had recorded information related to this realm.

It was only known that the title of ‘Sumeru Lord’ existed among cultivators.

But there was no concrete proof regarding the cultivation realm of ‘Sumeru Lord’ itself.

There were only a few baseless rumors:

[A {Mahesvara King} has 48 Dependants, while a Sumeru Lord has 120 Followers, all of whom are taken through Prayers, they will come without being wished for]

This vague rumor made it very easy for people to make assumptions on what ‘Dependants’ and ‘Followers’ were.

And there was another issue—–

When a female cultivator advances to become a {Mahesvara King} or Sumeru Lord, what would that be like?

This made everyone’s imaginations soar even further, venturing into territories that shouldn’t be mentioned.

By word of mouth among the cultivators, this rumor soon disseminated across the entire 900 million World Layers.

——–even Zhi Luo had to come into contact with Gu Qing Shan early on to reserve a ‘Dependant’ spot for herself.

But no one really knew what exactly would happen at the cultivator realms of {Mahesvara King} and Sumeru Lord.

It was very strange.

Gu Qing Shan actually had a theory about why this was the case.

In the Bygone Era, humanity from another parallel world arrived at the space vortex and created the worlds here.

After there was an issue with the Demon Dragon, they hurriedly left.

The Divine race then took over from them and continued to create more worlds.

Because the Divine race wanted to rule over the Primordial Heaven Realm while they themselves could only reach Paragon realm at most, they had destroyed the knowledge of further advancement.

From that point on, cultivators could only rely on sporadic rumors to base their knowledge on.

For example, the fact that the {Yama King} realm Tribulation was a Tribulation of reward.

Or the fact that a {Mahesvara King} realm cultivator and Sumeru Lord realm cultivator had ‘Dependants’ and ‘Followers’ respectively.

True, usable knowledge was never passed down within the 900 million World Layers of the space vortex.

And thus, the overall power of living beings within the 900 million World Layers had been artificially restrained.

Gu Qing Shan turned his thoughts.


Only those cultivators from the parallel world have the complete inheritance of cultivation knowledge.

Gu Qing Shan continued further down this line of thought.

Cultivators within the 900 million World Layers knew about the existence of the {Yama King} cultivation realm, but no one could ever reach it.

Which meant that the cultivators I saw within the Yama Heavenly realm were not cultivators from the 900 million World Layers or the space vortex.

They came from other parallel worlds.

—–worlds that were naturally created.

Then, how could the living beings of the 900 million World Layers break through the artificial restraints of the Divine race and continue to advance in strength?

The Eternal Abyss is one such method.

But the Eternal Abyss has a very strong isolated property that will kill any living being who can’t adapt to the power of the Abyss.

When Lin and her comrades performed reconnaissance in the Abyss in the distant past, other than Lin who was able to adapt to this power and survive, all of her comrades had died.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head.

—–the Abyss isn’t a proper way to advance.

Did the Bygone Era humans leave any knowledge inheritance?

Other than Lin, the only person who passed on anything from the Bygone Era was the strongest Combatant who taught me a Dance.

According to him, this Dance was the greatest discovery they made within the space vortex.

This means that the Living Being Sacrificial Dance isn’t actually a part of their inheritance.

Then, the inheritance of the Bygone Era humans had been cut off as well.

What a headache.

Is there really no way that allows the living beings of the void to become stronger?

Gu Qing Shan began recalling everything he had experienced in the Age of Old.

The Divine race… shouldn’t have the ability to alter or change [Orders].

The Soul Shrieker was wary of [Order], so it had been trying to destroy [Order] since the Age of Old.

But I managed to save Lady Darksea from a fragment of a parallel world.

Only for her to be defeated by the Soul Shrieker again in the battle at the world of the Spire Association.

At that point, she had lost much of her power, even leaving her Card in Calming Soul Country.

From a certain point of view, this shows just how much the Soul Shrieker was wary of her.

Then, saving Lady Darksea and activating [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Human Regiment] would be one proper path for living beings to strengthen themselves.

Other than that, if there’s a way to… travel to any naturally occurring worlds in other Realities to find high-leveled cultivation scriptures, magical tomes, martial arts techniques, etc.; that would also be a solution.

But no one knows how to do that.

Two paths.

Activating [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Human Regiment]

Or to think of a way to procure scriptures from parallel worlds.

While thinking, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but find himself a bit fortunate.

I have the power of the Demon Dragon, so I can directly skip both of these paths and breakthrough first.

But the issue is that I’ve offended the Wraith realm.

Heaven’s Tribulation has always been a troublesome matter, so if the wraiths were to arrive at this point to exact their vengeance, things would become even more dangerous.

——-but I can’t delay my breakthrough just because I’m afraid of running into the wraiths either.

The more I delay, the more well-prepared they would be.

If I take this chance to break through right now, the Wraith realm might not have enough time to react.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan could feel his body finally adjusting to his peak.

He then sat down on the cushion, placed the pill into his mouth, and began breaking through.

Clearing the mind, forgoing breathing, inner sight melting into the void, ignoring life and death, entering a state of perfect emptiness.

A black mass of air began to manifest around Gu Qing Shan, quickly spreading into every nook and cranny of the ship.

The power of the Demon Dragon.

It first manifested as black air but gradually transformed itself into overflowing power.

The essence of the Demon Dragon’s power circulated within this overflowing power, slowly but surely being converted into a source of power, constantly strengthening Gu Qing Shan’s body, soul, and spirit.

——–for the Demon Dragon’s immense power, this conversion was extremely slow and insignificant.

But on the contrary, Gu Qing Shan felt that the speed of his improvement was too rapid——-

It felt as if he was riding a wild horse who had lost its rein, galloping uncontrollably at full speed towards the road to heaven.

Before he knew it, one hour had passed.

Gu Qing Shan could feel his advancement slowing down.

This wasn’t because he had expanded too much of the Demon Dragon’s power, but because too much power had gathered at a certain bottleneck, preventing him from further advancement.


This was the peak of {Yama King} realm.

After this step, it would be the {Mahesvara King} realm Tribulation.

Gu Qing Shan recomposed himself, held his breath, and broke through at full speed.

The abrupt leap of power immediately triggered the Laws of Reality that constantly existed within the void.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Your strength has reached the highest peak of {Yama King} realm, and is continuously improving]

[You are currently breaking through to the {Mahesvara King} realm]

[Special attention, the UI shall give you information that had never existed in the 900 million World Layers:]

[The {Mahesvara King} realm Tribulation is a joint Tribulation with the Sumeru Lord realm Tribulation]

[This Tribulation will bypasses the limits of space and time, occurring in unison with cultivators from other realities, the danger involved would far surpasses anything you’ve seen in the past]

[Keep in mind]

[Take care of yourself, do not let your guard down]

Gu Qing Shan’s heart jumped from reading that.

What does that mean?

I’m facing the {Mahesvara King} realm Tribulation, what does that have to do with the Sumeru Lord realm Tribulation?

But Heaven’s Tribulation did not give him time to think.

[In five seconds, the {Mahesvara King} realm Tribulation will begin]






[The {Mahesvara King} realm Tribulation has officially begun]

An invisible Law appeared from the void of space and attached itself to Gu Qing Shan.

Immediately, Gu Qing Shan vanished from the ship.