The First Order
  • लेखक
    The Speaking Pork Trotter会说话的肘子
  • वैकल्पिक नाम
  • स्रोत
  • स्थिति

The First Order


This is a brand new story.

Survive the darkness, see the light

There is no right or wrong, it just depends on which side you are standing on.

To be a god, or to be a man.

To be good, or to be evil.

Just what is…the highest order of weapon that humanity has?


After a great catastrophe struck, the world was set back many years and humanity started living in anarchy.

With time, society started building up again and people were now living in w... और पढ़ें >>


मुफ्त में ऑनलाइन कहानियां पढ़ें

शीर्ष मुफ्त पठन समुदाय। वेब नॉवेल्स, कल्पना पुस्तकें, ऑनलाइन कहानियां पढ़ें।


दैनिक रूप से अद्यतित नॉवेल पढ़ें

रोज़ाना सभी नवीनतम लाइट नॉवेल अपडेट्स प्राप्त करें।