Chapter 398: The Central Peak

Spirit Vessel

The cultivators at the Seventh Hall were alarmed. Several hundred disciples in black flew down like birds from the peak. Wind-breaking noises filled the air.

They were elites with a ferocious aura and were ready to suppress the rebelling Feng children.

“Bang!” Feng Feiyun slashed the sky open. A dragon wave flew out and engulfed the sky. More than ten heretical disciples were killed with blood pouring down from the sky. Their body slammed into the mountain.

Meanwhile, the Feng members were filled with hatred. All of them unleashed their techniques; more than ten thousand beams of light flew up and blasted the group of elites into smithereens.

The first clan master leisurely followed Feng Feiyun and didn’t say a single thing from start to finish. He stared at Feng Feiyun’s back while slightly nodding his head with an approving smile.

Once they made it to the waist of the mountain, some real experts from the Seventh Hall finally showed up. They were three old men dressed in black robe tinged with gold. Their hair was gray with many wrinkles on their face.

They have cultivated for more than 400 years and were at first-level Heaven’s Mandate. This was the elder level of the Seventh Hall.

Heaven’s Mandate had nine levels. Once reaching the first, one would have five hundred years of life.

It was exceedingly difficult to break through each level. More than half of cultivators became stuck at the first level due to a lack of talents. They would eventually die from old age at this level.

For example, if the Jin Dynasty had one hundred billion citizens, only a very sad amount could reach Heaven’s Mandate, around one million. In other words, only one out of one million would be able to do so.

Alas, among this group, more than half would stop at the first level even if they were to cultivate for four hundred more years. Of course, with all of the training and accumulation through the centuries, they were much stronger than ordinary first-level Heaven’s Mandates.

This was a cruel elimination process. The higher the level, the higher the chance for elimination. For example, only one out of ten half-step Giants would be able to reach the Giant level. Fifth-level Heaven’s Mandate cultivators only had a ten percent chance of reaching the half-step level as well.

Always only a few people could stand at the apex.

There was a great disparity of power for each of the level. It became harder to surpass levels and win. After all, the top members could reach the upper levels must all have relatively decent talents after a natural filtering process. Because of this, grand historical geniuses could no longer kill someone three levels higher. Even just fighting someone two levels above was relatively difficult; it could even result in defeat.

“Feng Feiyun, release our lord and we won’t desecrate your corpse.” The skinny one among the three pointed at Feng Feiyun and demanded.

Feiyun carried his saber over towards them and smiled: “Release my family and get the hell out of the Celestial Paradise then I’ll hand her over.”

“Such impudence! You think you are qualified to negotiate with us?” The skinny old man knew Feng Feiyun was no slouch. He immediately took out his soulbound artifact. His dantian lit up and a bronze vessel flew out just like a blue lightning bolt.

Feiyun didn’t want to fight against them since his goal was to rescue people, not kill. Killing was the business of real masters.

He grabbed Wan Xiangcen and propped his saber by her neck, resembling a meat-seller uncle at the street market getting ready to kill a swan.

Xiangcen was his swan at this moment. He said in an unyielding manner: “Which motherfuckers dare to come over here? You think I won’t chop off her head?”

His face was still pale without any pink like an ailing youth. He didn’t want others to know that he had cured the poisonous blood. If the big shots from the last generation were to find out, he would never be able to sleep and eat well. They would view him as a thorn and always try to kill him. Thus, he has to keep on pretending to be dying.

Xiangcen’s slender fingers were cracking from her clenching them too hard out of anger. This damned Feng Feiyun actually grabbed her head and pushed her down to the ground before inching his blade on her neck. How could she ever look at anyone after this?

Feiyun indeed scared the three old men back. They were worried that he would panic and do something stupid. If Xiangcen were to be hurt at all, the three of them would disappear from the cultivation world.

Everyone knew that Feiyun didn’t have long to live so he wasn’t afraid of death. That’s why no one wanted to gamble against him.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!” Xiangcen’s four female guards also landed from the peak. They had a black cloak and a ponytail. A yellow belt accentuated their slender neck.

All four were at second-level Heaven’s Mandate; they were heaven-defying geniuses. Their thick aura showed that their battle capabilities couldn’t be that much weaker than Feiyun.

An older one among the four escorted a middle-aged man along and said coldly: “Feiyun, do you recognize him?”

His skin was slightly black but it didn’t deter his scholarly and gallant presence. His flashing eyes stared angrily at the female guard.

“Second Uncle!” Feiyun’s eyes turned gentle. His uncle had grown older after these last several years.

Feiyun’s grandfather had three sons. His father was Feng Wanpeng, the third son.

This middle-aged man was Feng Wanli, his father’s second older brother.

“Feiyun!” Wanli stared emotionally at Feiyun and couldn’t help tears from coming out. He sighed and said: “You shouldn’t have come here!”

If Feiyun only had the soul of the phoenix clan master, he simply wouldn’t care for familial ties and this human.

However, though he had a phoenix soul, his body was still a human body. The real master soul was the human one from the young master.

Meanwhile, the phoenix soul was more of a gigantic sphere of memories. To a certain extent, it could affect the young master’s emotions and decision-making ability but it was not in charge.

Alas, the hatred towards Shui Yueting had been carved deep into the soul. Even after a reincarnation of sorts, it didn’t diminish at all.

Because of this, Feng Feiyun was kind towards his family and treated him as seniors. Otherwise, he wouldn’t care for this mess.

He smiled wryly: “Second Uncle, don’t worry. Since I dare to come here, I’m completely confident about saving everyone.”

Feng Wanli closed his eyes and shook his head. The Seventh Hall was too strong for a junior to handle. In order to avoid troubling his nephew, he was ready to kill himself

There was still one more thing he was worried about. He opened his eyes and asked: “Jianxue left with you, is she still alive?”

Wanli was Jianxue’s foster father. He didn’t know that Feng Jianxue was a spy sent by Monk Jiu Rou in order to find the Feng Clan’s cemeteries. Her real name was Nalan Xuejian.

Feiyun slightly paused and said: “She’s… doing well and have met a wise monk, virtuous and good at everything. No one can bully her now.”

“Good, good. That girl is really lucky then, you need to take good care of her later!” Wanli was finally at peace with his last worry one. He could finally die now.

Feiyun naturally noticed that he was setting up for death. When he wanted to stop Wanli, a fierce lightning bolt shattered the air and aimed for his head.

“Boom!” A top expert wanted to kill Feng Feiyun in one blow with a sneak attack in order to save Wan Xiangcen.

The first clan master standing by his side had a flashing evil glint in his eyes. He wanted to take action but then noticed something in the far horizon. He recalled his aura and stood quietly again.

A majestic and heroic voice came like a heroic bell. It made others feel pain in their eardrums: “Hmph! A half-step Giant ambushing a junior? Have you no shame?”

A second later, the voice was already very close. A stick came from the crowd and destroyed the lightning bolt.

The half-step Giant from the Seventh Hall landed from the peak and stared at the crowd: “Who the hell just did that? Daring to mess with our business? How bold, come out here!”

The voice of this half-step Giant was sonorous as well and caused more than ten kids from the Feng Clan to bleed from their ears.

A hunchback old man with gray hair came out from the crowd. He had a walking stick and a red trouser on top of a broad blade used for chopping. He lost half of his teeth already but was still nibbling on a pear.